Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 261 Confrontation

Soon, with the help of a group of Iwagakure middle and lower ninjas, the four Iwagakure jonins including Kurofu got rid of the entanglement of the opponent Konoha jonins and came to Kurokawa Ichiro.

During this period, the Konoha jonins still wanted to stop them, but at Qingming's signal, they all gave up the pursuit and turned to deal with the Iwagakure middle and lower ninjas in the field.

On Qingming's side, a total of six Iwagakure jonins gathered.

However, among these six people, only Kurokawa Ichiro and Kurofu were real jonins, and the other four were just special jonins.

In general, their strength is stronger than that of Kanhara Nobunaga and others, but not much stronger.

At least, after a fight with the Konoha jonins, their condition was not very good, and some of them even had obvious injuries.

Qingming had enough confidence to deal with these people.

And this is why he asked the Konoha jonins to give up the obstruction.

Previously, he had killed quite a few Iwagakure middle and lower ninjas.

Next, as long as he defeated these people, the morale of the Rock Ninja would immediately collapse.

Then, they could declare victory.

With this thought, Qingming looked at the six people who gradually surrounded him, his eyes changed, and his pair of blood-red Sharingan was full of coldness.

Being stared at by him like this, several Rock Ninja felt a chill in their hearts.

However, after all, they were all strong men who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the six people were not frightened by his murderous eyes.

On the contrary, when Qingming looked at them, the six people launched an attack.

Two of them threw the kunai in their hands and attacked Qingming's vitals.

Another two people joined forces to perform the "Earth Style·Turbo Spear", controlling rock spikes to emerge from the ground, blocking Qingming's range of activities.

And the remaining two people

Kurokawa Ichiro formed seals with both hands and performed an unknown fire style ninjutsu, condensing six fireballs the size of a human head, and smashed them at Qingming in different directions.

Heifeng's body suddenly turned gray-brown, and then he shot towards Qingming like a cannonball, punching him.

However, despite the many attacks, Qingming was not panicked at all.

In his eyes, a pair of Sharingan turned rapidly, and everything in front of him was taken into his field of vision in the blink of an eye, while his brain was working rapidly.

At this moment, his nerve reaction was raised to the limit, and he instantly judged the trajectory of these attacks and possible subsequent changes.

Based on this information, his figure flashed one after another, dodging the attack of kunai and avoiding the sudden attack of underground rock spikes.

The fireball controlled by Kurokawa Ichiro was also blocked and exploded by the dense fireball condensed by the "Fire Style·Phoenix Fairy Fire Technique" he performed on the way.

As for the last Heifeng,

the opponent obviously performed some kind of earth style ninjutsu, which changed the structure and density of his body.

Qingming didn't want to fight him head-on, so he raised his hand and performed the "Illusion·Sharingan" to control him in place.

It all seemed long, but it actually happened in an instant, and in this instant, Qingming resolved the joint attack of six Iwagakure jonin.

After completing this, he did not pause at all, and quickly formed seals with both hands, and skillfully performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style·Wind Blade.

In an instant, a meter-long wind blade flew out, aiming directly at Heifeng who was standing still.

The reason for attacking the opponent was that the opportunity was rare, and secondly, he wanted to test how strong the opponent's earth style defense was.

However, when he saw Kurokawa Ichiro rushing forward and pulling Heifeng to avoid the wind blade attack, he roughly understood that the opponent should not be able to withstand such an attack.

Kurokawa Ichiro had seen the power of his "Wind Style·Wind Blade", and he thought his judgment would not be wrong.

However, in order to prevent the opponent from deliberately misleading, Qingming decided not to use this point before completely confirming this information.

While Kurokawa Ichiro was moving, the other four Iwagakure jonins also moved. Two of them still used ninjutsu to block his evasive space, and the other two launched an attack.

Qingming's Sharingan kept rotating, and he evaded the ninjutsu attack flexibly.

Looking at the two Iwagakure jonins getting closer and closer to him, he suddenly drew his short sword.

Then, he kicked the ground with both feet, and the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow, and arrived in front of the two in the blink of an eye.


Because the two were partners, and there were teammates behind them, they did not avoid Qingming's sight.

Therefore, Qingming easily found an opportunity to perform illusions.

Raising his hand, he performed 'Genjutsu·Sharingan', and an Iwagakure jonin was hit on the spot, and his body froze in place. Another Iwagakure jonin next to him noticed the abnormality and immediately stabbed Qingming with the kunai in his hand.

The angle of this kunai was intended to prevent Qingming from getting close to the hit Iwagakure jonin, and also to force him to return to defense.

Unfortunately, Qingming did not follow his intention at all.

Qingming swung his sword to block the kunai attack, and at the same time, he used the "Illusion Sword Technique", which made the Iwagakure ninja fall into a momentary trance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he condensed a light blue high-density chakra ball in the palm of his left hand, which was the "Rasengan".

Then, he stretched out his left palm, and the "Rasengan" was directly pressed towards the Iwagakure ninja who was controlled in place by his "Illusion Sharingan".


Seeing Qingming's action, the Iwagakure ninja who had just woken up from the "Illusion Sword Technique" had no time to think about it, and immediately swung the kunai in his hand for the second time.

Unfortunately, he was a beat late after all.

Until Qingming pressed the Rasengan on the man, the kunai in his hand barely touched Qingming.

The Rasengan broke apart as soon as it touched him, and Qingming retreated, avoiding most of the damage, but a cut was made on his chest.


Two ninjutsu attacks came.

Qingming tapped the ground with his feet, dodging the attacks in a flash.

The first wave of confrontation between the two sides ended here. Qingming seriously injured a Iwagakure jonin at the cost of his chest being cut open by the kunai.

That's right, seriously injured.

Although his Rasengan only broke apart as soon as it touched him, the rotating and twisting force contained in it had already invaded the opponent's body, causing serious internal injuries to him.

In the next battle, he would most likely not have a chance.

In other words, the Iwagakure ninja side lost one person.

Although Kurokawa Ichiro was not happy with this result, he was not too disappointed.

After all, Qingming was also seriously injured.


Suddenly, his gaze towards Qingming froze.

There was no other reason, but Qingming quickly formed seals with his hands, and after performing some ninjutsu, a ball of green chakra was injected into his body, and the bleeding stopped.

Not only that, the wound on his chest also began to recover. Although the speed was not very fast, it was indeed not slow.

At this rate, it would probably take a few minutes to recover.

This made Kurokawa Ichiro's face completely gloomy.

There was no way, anyone would not be in a good mood when they saw one of their own people seriously injured, while the enemy was alive and kicking.

Today is the fifth update!

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