Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 255: On the brink of collapse

Swish, swish, swish~

Dozens of shurikens shot at him.

Qingming paused slightly, and the three magatama in his pupils spun rapidly, instantly locking onto the flight paths of all the incoming shurikens.

Afterwards, he dodged or blocked, perfectly avoiding all attacks.

However, before he could catch his breath, several more kunai shot at him. With the help of the Sharingan, Qingming clearly saw the detonating tags tied behind them.

Without any hesitation, Qingming dodged a few times and pulled away.

Boom~ Boom~ Boom~

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and fireballs appeared one after another, squeezing the surrounding air, forming several shock waves, blowing Qingming's hair wildly.

Just as he was waiting for the shock wave to pass, a series of sharp whistles of varying lengths sounded in the field.

Suddenly, on the battlefield, the Rock Ninjas seemed to have received some orders and quickly retreated. After a while, they pulled away from the Konoha Ninjas.

That's right, Qingming is now on the battlefield.

At this time, half a month had passed since he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and twelve days had passed since he began to practice.

On the second day after he began to practice, the Rock Ninja completed the preparations and launched an attack on Odani Village again.

This time, because they knew of his existence, the Hidden Rock Village specially dispatched several masters to target him.

For the sake of hiding, he did not reveal all his strength, so he was pinned down.

It was also because of this that the Konoha ninjas in the Odani Village stronghold fought very hard in that battle, and almost lost one-third of their manpower, and only then repelled the Rock Ninjas.

In the next ten days, the Rock Ninjas launched several attacks in succession.

As the battle continued to this day, even though Fengliu Town had sent two waves of support, there were still less than 150 Konoha ninjas surviving in Odani Village.

Moreover, everyone was very tired.

It can be said that this stronghold was on the verge of being lost, and as long as there was a mistake, it would basically end in collapse.

Similar to them, several other strongholds near Fengliu Town were also in a state of imminent collapse.

Despite this, Omura Yuito's strategy was successful to some extent, although only partially successful, but

The separate garrisons of powerful jonins such as Qingming did make up for some of the shortcomings of the Konoha ninjas.

Their presence did slow down the advancement of the Rock Ninjas, so that the Rock Ninjas' attack was still stuck in the outer strongholds until now, and failed to pose a major threat to Fengliu Town.

Unfortunately, this stalemate is not a good thing for the Konoha ninjas below.

It is because of the persistence of jonins such as Qingming that the battles in the middle and lower levels are extremely fierce, which leads to their heavy casualties.

Although this also caused considerable losses to the Rock Ninjas, this continuous exchange is not unacceptable to the Rock Ninjas with a large number of people.

For this reason, Qingming said that Omura Yuito's strategy was only partially successful.

According to the current information, they may be able to hold these strongholds in the short term, but as time goes by, it is only a matter of time before they fall.

Once these outposts were lost, it would only be a matter of time before the Fengliu Town outpost in the center was lost.

‘I just don’t know what Omura Yuito and the headquarters think? ’

Qingming thought in his heart and turned back to the Xiaogu Village outpost.

Looking at the wounded on the ground, Qingming skillfully transformed into a medical ninja and treated them.

Fortunately, most of the injuries on these people were external injuries caused by ninja tools. With his lv7 ‘Palm Immortal Technique’ and lv4 ‘Chakra Scalpel’, it was easy to treat them.

After spending more than an hour and completing the treatment with several other medical ninjas, Qingming told several squad leaders to be alert and returned to his residence.

Perhaps it was because his strength increased greatly after opening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Or perhaps it was because he had long known the result of this Ninja World War. From the result to the cause, it was easy to infer the final result of this Fengliu Town battle.

In short, facing the attack of the Rock Ninja, Qingming was no longer interested.

At this moment, he was just like an outsider, just doing what this character should do according to the established character setting.

He didn't care much about the rest, such as the death of his subordinates, the direction of the war, etc.

Qingming didn't know whether he was cold-blooded or what, but since he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and had the power of self-protection, he has always been in this state of mind.

Qingming didn't know whether this change was good or bad, and he didn't want to think about those complicated things.

Now, he just wanted to practice, continue to improve his strength, and then do whatever he wanted.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of purity!


In a flash, time came to the next day.

After a night of rest, the Rock Ninja couldn't wait to launch an attack again.

And it seems that the opponent is going to take them down in one go this time.

Standing on a roof, Qingming looked at the three hundred Rock Ninjas in front of him, and then looked at his own side - there were less than one hundred and fifty people, and everyone looked tired.

In this state, Qingming felt that if he didn't exert his strength this time, the stronghold might really be lost.

Just as he was thinking about whether to expose part of his strength, four Iwagakure jonin ran out of the team and ran straight towards him.

Seeing these four people, Qingming's face darkened. In the past ten days, he had been disgusted by this kind of sticky fighting style.

Although he also took the opportunity to kill a few people, it was useless. The top leaders of Iwagakure were like a weight on the head. They were determined to entangle him. The more he killed, the more they would kill.

In short, they wanted to prevent him from interfering with other battlefields.

This made him very helpless!

Qingming finally glanced at the determined Konoha ninjas beside him, and then looked at the Iwagakure ninjas who were rushing in from a distance, and said to himself: "Forget it, let you survive this time!"

Thinking of this, Qingming exerted a little force with his feet and performed the "Instant Body Technique".

In just a moment, his figure disappeared on the roof, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of the four Iwagakure jonins.

The four Iwagakure jonins reacted quickly and immediately made an attacking move.

At this moment, Qingming's eyes moved rapidly, and he instantly took the actions of the four people into his field of vision, and also predicted their subsequent changes.

Then, he twisted his body and avoided the attacks of two of them by a hair's breadth, and then "swished" and pulled out the short sword at his waist.


Two crisp metal collision sounds were heard, and the kunai swung by the other two Iwagakure jonin were also accurately blocked by him.

At this moment, the entire battlefield seemed to be still, and everything slowed down countless times in Qingming's eyes.

In an instant, he raised his free left hand, completed the seal at an unprecedented speed, and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!

He saw his chest bulge high, took a deep breath, and then exhaled violently.

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