Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 250 Transformation

Sunset and sunrise.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

As Qingming expected, after the failure three days ago, the Rock Ninja did not rush to launch a second raid.

Although the surveillance intensity in the vicinity has increased by several levels, he at least has a rare period of peaceful practice time.

Not only that, the arrival of these surveillance personnel also gave him an additional opportunity to replenish chakra, so that his practice efficiency did not fall at all.

So, after three days of strengthening, his body finally came to the edge of transformation.


In the room.

Qingming opened his eyes.

Feeling the vigorous vitality that was almost erupting in his body, he knew that the time had come.

After carefully sensing the surroundings and confirming that there were no outsiders, he began the final sprint.

Qingming formed seals with both hands and skillfully performed the "Palm Immortal Technique".

Then, an extremely pure Yang escape chakra was condensed by him, and then penetrated into the cells and tissues entangled with it through the chakra meridians.

Time passed by every second.

Three minutes later, Qingming opened his eyes and felt his body. The foundation was still not triggered.

"Come again!"

Muttering to himself, Qingming formed a seal again and performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" to continue strengthening his body.

Another three minutes later, the condensed Yang escape chakra was consumed, and Qingming's body still did not undergo major changes.

He was not discouraged and performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" for the third time.

In this way, Qingming performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" over and over again, using the condensed Yang escape chakra to continuously strengthen his body.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Qingming originally thought that he could get it done seven or eight times, but he never thought that the difficulty of this body evolution was much more difficult than he expected.

Now, he has performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" for nearly forty times in a row, consuming a lot of chakra, and condensing a lot of Yang escape chakra, but his body has not undergone any transformation.

However, Qingming did not give up, because he could clearly feel that his body was only one step away from transformation.

After a short rest, Qingming let his body relax, and then performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" again.

This time, he wanted to make a concerted effort to completely break through this bottleneck.

Once, twice, three times.

Half an hour later.

When Qingming performed the "Palm Immortal Technique" for the tenth time, an indescribable and majestic vitality suddenly surged out of his body.

Qingming knew that this was the accumulation of his body's strength accumulated over the past month.

Suddenly, a warm current flowed through his body.

At this moment, Qingming only felt a sense of comfort, and the cells in his body seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy, entering the stage of rapid evolution one after another.

A quarter of an hour later, the evolution ended, this state began to fade, and Qingming finally opened his eyes again.


Without any hesitation, he immediately called out the proficiency panel.

The next moment, the familiar light blue light screen appeared, and Qingming's information was listed in it.

[Name: Uchiha Qingming

Age: 12 years old

Physique: 13→14

Spirit: 15

Chakra: 31500 (36500→42644)

Bloodline: Sharingan·Three Magatama (9999/10000)

Skills: Chakra Refining Technique: lv5 (338/5000)→lv5 (554/5000)

Wind Style·Wind Blade: lv4 (1660/2000)

Shadow Clone Technique: lv3 (340/1 000)

Chakra Absorption Technique: lv5 (1965/5000) → lv5 (2750/5000)

Rasengan: lv4 (1710/2000)

Palm Immortal Technique: lv7 (0/20000) → lv7 (8210/20000)

Chakra Scalpel: lv4 (772/2000) → lv4 (920/2000)

Heart Reflection Technique: lv7 (4885/20000)

Sword Technique: lv6 (2285/10000) → lv6 (5850/10000)

Phantom Sword Technique: lv2 (250/500) → lv3 (15/1000)

Instant Sword Technique: lv1 (162/200)

Chakra Control: lv4 (1965/2000) → lv5 (1450/5000)

Three Body Technique: lv3 (0/0)

Instant Body Technique: lv4 (0/0)

Ninja Tool Throwing: lv5 (0/0 )

Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique: lv5 (0/0)

Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique: lv5 (0/0)

Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique: lv5 (0/0)

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough: lv5 (0/0)

Magic: Shackle Technique: lv5 (0/0)

Illusion: Sharingan: lv7 (0/0)

Healing Technique: lv5 (0/0)]

Without any surprise, as his body transformed, his "physique" attribute increased from 13 points to 14 points.

Affected by this, his potential was further improved, and the theoretical chakra limit increased from the original 56,000 points to 71,000 points.

In addition, the maximum amount of chakra that can be restored per day has also increased from the previous 42,000 points to the current 54,000 points, an increase of 12,000 points.

Among these, 2,000 points are due to the improvement of his physique, which makes his body more able to withstand pressure and can operate the ‘Chakra Refining Technique’ for an extra hour.

The remaining 10,000 points are the amount of recovery that the body naturally increases after the improvement of his physique.

From this, it can also be seen that as his ‘physique’ and ‘spiritual’ attributes continue to improve, gradually, the stage of relying on the active operation of the ‘Chakra Refining Technique’ to restore chakra has passed.

Now he has more or less the signs of gifted ninjas like Naruto and Hashirama - he can restore a large amount of chakra every day without much meditation.

If it weren’t for the development of his physical potential and the need to use the ‘Chakra Refining Technique’ to increase the upper limit of chakra, he would have given up this skill long ago.

The only thing to be thankful for is that with this skill upgraded to level 5, he can already operate it while walking, sitting or lying down, without wasting too much time.

Otherwise, he really doesn’t have the extra time to practice it.

Moving his eyes away from the ‘physique’ attribute, Qingming cast his eyes on the skill column.

It can be seen that because he has devoted all his energy to strengthening his body for nearly a month, he has not invested chakra in other skills.

So, after almost a month, these skills have basically not grown.

Of course, the "Palm Immortal Technique" is an exception. Because of the need to strengthen the body, he has spent more than 8,000 points of proficiency in less than a month.

Now, there is only less than 60% progress left before he can be promoted to Lv8.

Thanks to this, his "Chakra Control" has also increased his proficiency a lot, and the level has directly increased from lv4 (1965/2000) to lv5 (1450/5000), and the chakra saved has also increased from less than 25% to 26.5%.

This means that when practicing various skills in the future, you can gain more proficiency by spending the same amount of chakra.

In addition, there is "Swordsmanship".

Because he often participated in battles in the past month, his proficiency in "Swordsmanship" has also increased a lot.

At present, his proficiency has reached lv6 (5850/10000), and he is only 4,000 points away from lv7.

Qingming estimated that lv7 is the limit of the "swordsmanship" he integrated.

After taking a rough look at the improvement of these skills, Qingming once again focused on the basic attributes.

Now, his "physique" has been improved to 14 points, and the "spiritual" attribute is 15 points, with only a slight difference between the two.

Qingming felt his body and spirit and confirmed that he had basically met the expected conditions.


the next step is to open the Mangekyō Sharingan!

When he thought of this, Qingming couldn't help but get excited. He had been traveling here for nearly a year and a half, and he was finally going to this step.

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