"Calling all Jonin to a meeting, does it have something to do with Iwa Ninja?"

Qing Ming murmured as he looked at the disappearing figures of Konoha Chuunin outside the door.

As for why the guess is related to Iwa Ninja.

It's very simple. In the current situation, if it weren't for a major event related to the Iwa ninja, it would be impossible for Omura Yuito to call all the Jonin together for a meeting.

Moreover, news has spread in the past few days that the Iwa Ninja seems to be interested in restarting the war.

Qing Ming also discovered from daily patrols and reports from his subordinates that the infiltration team of Tianyan Ninja was indeed a lot more active these days.

All of this shows that Iwagakure Village is likely to prepare to launch another attack.

At this time, Omura Yuito suddenly called all the Jonin for a meeting. Apart from this, Ao Mingmei could not find any other reason.

And this is by no means good news for Qing Ming, because war means chaos, and the stable environment is broken, and his practice will definitely be affected.

Closing his eyes, Qing Ming felt it carefully and estimated that it would take about three or four days for his body to complete the accumulation of foundation and undergo transformation.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Sighing secretly, Qing Ming stopped thinking about it.

He raised his hand to form a seal and skillfully performed the 'Palm Immortal Technique', and the pure Yang Escape Chakra was generated and then flowed in his body.

After several times, Qing Ming felt that time was almost up, so he went out to find Yamanaka Kiku, told him some things, and then went down the mountain to the meeting place.

Arriving at the Fengliu Town stronghold and walking into the conference room, the time was just right. Before long, Yuito Omura came over.

The meeting started soon, and the content of the meeting was similar to Qing Ming's expectation, and was indeed related to the latest changes in the Iwa Ninja.

However, what surprised him was that the opposite Iwa Ninja did not plan to use them as the main target of attack.

Instead, they plan to disperse their forces and launch attacks on several nearby adjacent strongholds.

"Is this news accurate?"

After listening to Omura Yuito's narration, a jounin expressed his doubts, and the others also looked at Omura Yuito.

Seeing this, Omura Yuito nodded affirmatively and said solemnly: "This news is absolutely reliable!"

Although he did not tell the source of the news, the people sitting here were all jounin, and no one was a fool. They immediately realized that there were people on the Iwa Ninja side acting as spies.

Moreover, this person is also very trusted by Omura Yuito or the village's senior officials, so Omura Yuito can say such affirmative words.

In other words, it is almost inevitable for the Iwa Ninja to divide their forces.

‘Then why do they do this? ’

Everyone was confused.

Qing Mingze thought of the answer immediately. It wasn't because he reacted quickly or something, but because this scene was too familiar.

I think the reason why they withdrew from their frontline strongholds in the first place was that the surrounding strongholds were pulled out, causing them to be isolated and then had to retreat.

The current scene is so similar!

Obviously, Iwa Ninja planned to repeat his old tricks. He would first remove the strongholds near Fengliu Town and cause Fengliu Town to be isolated, and then apply pressure.

If they really succeed, given the current situation in Fengliu Town, they may not even have to retreat.

Qingming even began to suspect that the commander who forced them to retreat was the same person as the current commander of the Iwa Ninja.

Otherwise, how could he be so skilled?

However, these are not important. What is important is what to do next?

Although the other Jonin may not necessarily have thought of this before Qingming, they can guess the Iwa Ninja's plan after a little thought.

Therefore, everyone is thinking about countermeasures.

To be honest, the reason why they are so passive is mainly due to the lack of troops.

In the past two years of war, Konoha has suffered very heavy losses, and now all fronts are short of men.

If this were not the case, it would be useless no matter how much the Iwa Ninja divided his troops and put hundreds or even thousands of people into each stronghold.

Unfortunately, there are not that many people in Konoha.

In fact, in the past month, in order to support the Fengliu Town stronghold, several nearby strongholds have deployed a lot of manpower, and now they are in a stage of empty defense.

Therefore, in the end everyone could only come up with a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, which was to divide the troops and try to protect the surrounding strongholds as much as possible.

Only in this way can we ensure that Fengliu Town will not fall into an isolated and helpless situation.

After the meeting, Qingming returned to the Xishan stronghold, where he mobilized some familiar manpower, and then brought some of the manpower assigned to him by Yuito Omura.

A total of almost a hundred people rushed to a stronghold southeast of Fengliu Town, about 20 kilometers away.

That's right, Qing Ming was assigned a task to support other strongholds.

Not only him, but several other relatively strong jounin were given similar tasks.

Obviously, Omura Yuito wanted to use the power of these people to balance the numerical disadvantage of Konoha ninjas.

Qing Ming was noncommittal about this.

He led the support team in a large circle, and finally secretly arrived at the target stronghold under the cover of night.

This stronghold is called Xiaogu Village Stronghold. As the name suggests, it is built in a village called Xiaogu Village.

Xiaogu Village is a medium-sized village that can accommodate up to seven or eight hundred people.

However, with the outbreak of the Ninja World War, there are no villagers here anymore, only more than a hundred and less than two hundred Konoha ninjas are stationed here.

Now, with the addition of Qing Ming's 100 people, it becomes a stronghold of 300 people.

If the Rock Ninjas had not received the news in time, they would have been caught off guard after they split up and launched an attack.

This is the benefit of getting intelligence in advance.


Soon, the time came to the next day.

Qingming and other ninjas from the support forces did not show up, and patrolling, garrisoning and other tasks were still the responsibility of the ninjas in the original base.

From the outside, nothing here has changed.

Now it depends on whether the Rock Ninjas will be fooled.

Time passed by minute by minute, the sun rose and set, and in a blink of an eye, a day passed, and the Rock Ninjas still did not appear.

However, Qingming was not in a hurry.

According to Omura Yuito's intelligence, the Rock Ninjas would launch an attack no later than three days, and he just had to wait patiently.

At the same time, he could also take advantage of this last peaceful time to continue to strengthen his body and increase his foundation.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

Just when everyone thought they had to wait for another day in vain, a sudden explosion at night surprised everyone.

Suddenly, the whole village became noisy.

However, because they were mentally prepared, no one panicked too much.


At the same time.

Outside the village, a special jonin of Iwagakure looked at the body of Konoha Chunin, who was blown beyond recognition by the detonating talisman, with a gloomy look.

His task was to deal with this sentry, and he thought it was a sure thing, but he never thought that there would be a mistake in the end.

The opponent was too alert, and he reacted at the critical moment, so that he could not complete the one-shot kill.

In the end, he even ignited a detonating talisman, trying to die with him.

It was only because of his quick reaction that the opponent did not succeed.

However, when the explosion sounded, their actions were exposed.

Fortunately, they were well prepared this time, with twice as many people as the opponent, and they could completely defeat the opponent with their hard power.

With this thought, the special jonin of Iwagakure immediately ordered everyone in the team to move forward at full speed.

After hearing the explosion, the other Iwagakure teams realized that their actions had been exposed, so without hesitation, they immediately began to move forward at full speed towards Odani Village.

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