Da Da Da~

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Led by Hinata Feihong, Qingming and his group of four made many turns in the underground space, getting closer and closer to Minato Namikaze.

Suddenly, Hinata Feihong stopped.

Seeing this, Qingming immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

However, before she could answer, a sense of earth-shaking came, and Qingming gathered chakra under his feet, and then he barely stood firm.

The sound of "crackling" continued to sound, and cracks appeared on the corridor and the dome, and the entire underground space was shaking.

This was not the small-scale vibration caused by their previous battle. It was like a big earthquake, and all places were affected.

In fact, it was almost the same.

When the vibration stopped, Hinata Feihong said quickly: "Someone above used the earth escape ninjutsu to tear the ground apart. Now four groups of enemies are entering this underground space from the cracks."

Speaking of this, she glanced forward and continued: "One of the enemies is just stuck on our way forward."

Hearing this, Qingming frowned slightly and asked: "Can we bypass it?"

Hinata Feihong glanced around, shook her head, and said: "There is no way to bypass it. There are also rock ninjas in other places. The enemy seems to know our location roughly."

"Is that so?"

After a pause, Qingming immediately said: "Then don't worry about it. You lead the way according to the original plan, and leave the enemies to us."


Hinata Feihong responded and continued to run forward. Qingming and the other two followed without any hesitation.

At the same time, the senior ninja of the Yamanaka clan was also sensing the location of Minato Namikaze. Once sensed, they could use the "heart-to-heart technique" to get in touch with the other party.

Unfortunately, the terrain here is too complicated, and he can't feel at ease to perform the spell, so he can only take one step at a time.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, Qingming and others encountered the enemy that Hinata Feihong mentioned.

Seeing these people, Qingming did not say anything nonsense, and immediately formed a seal and performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Dragon Fire Style!

In the narrow corridor, Qingming opened his mouth wide, and a fire dragon was spit out by him, roaring and rushing towards the rock ninja in front.

"Quick! Use water style!"

"No, it's too late"



The screams of pain echoed in the corridor.

Qingming's casting speed was too fast. When the two sides just met, those rock ninjas could not react at all, and they were killed and injured immediately.

This is not over yet. Qingming flipped his hand and took out a kunai from the ninja bag, all of which were wrapped with detonating talismans.

The magatama in his Sharingan rotated rapidly, aiming at the few surviving rock ninjas, and his hands flew, throwing the kunai in his hand in an instant.


Several screams sounded.

Then, there were the sounds of detonating tags exploding one after another.

After these sounds disappeared, the front became dead silent. In the narrow space, the power of the detonating tags was multiplied.

And the kunai thrown by Qingming just surrounded all the rock ninjas that could be seen.

In that situation, it was impossible for anyone to survive.


It seems a bit absolute to say this.

But at least it is not something that these middle and lower ninjas can do.


After destroying these people, Qingming uttered a word lightly.

Hearing this, Hinata Feihong swallowed her saliva, nodded, and immediately ran forward, followed by Qingming and others.

Just now, the people he killed were not all those that Hinata Feihong saw. This was just one of the search teams.

Later, they encountered several waves of such enemies, but they were all dealt with by Qingming and two senior ninjas from the Nara clan and the Yamanaka clan with thunderous means.

Despite this, the enemy has roughly locked their position and is constantly narrowing the encirclement.

However, this is no longer important, because they have contacted Minato Namikaze, and the two sides will soon meet.

Ten seconds later, they turned a corner.

Qingming and his four companions saw Minato Namikaze rushing over. After a big battle, the clothes on the opponent were still clean, just like when they first came here.

It can be seen that Kuroki Yiteng and several Iwagakure ninjas did not pose any threat to him.

The reason why he was able to delay for so long is probably because he was familiar with the terrain here and escaped for so long.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Don’t look at Kuroki Yiteng’s initial performance of righteousness and being the first to attack Minato Namikaze.

In fact, this is just a means for him to mobilize morale.

When the real fight started, he immediately called on several Iwagakure ninjas around him to fight and retreat, and gradually left the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Minato Namikaze’s target was them and his strength was too strong. Even if they joined forces, they couldn’t hurt him, nor could they escape.

In the end, they all died in a corner where no one cared.

After killing these people, Namikaze Minato began to return along the original route, preparing to carry out the last stage of the mission, that is, to lead people away from here.

At first, because he was not sure who would survive, he did not distribute special kunai with the Flying Thunder God technique to several people.

This is not because he was reluctant to give up a few kunai, or that this kind of kunai is rare, on the contrary, he can make this kind of kunai at will.

The reason why he did this was simply to keep it secret.

‘Flying Thunder God Technique’ is not only his core combat skill, but also an absolute forbidden technique recorded in the Sealed Book, which must not be leaked.

Therefore, unless necessary, he would not easily hand over related things to others.

Even after each fight, he would recycle these special kunai one by one.

Although he did not think that anyone could crack the Flying Thunder God Technique, he was afraid of the worst, and the foundation of the five major ninja villages should not be underestimated.

If they got the kunai, even if they could not crack the ‘Flying Thunder God Technique’, as long as they could find some means of restraint, it would be a huge trouble.

Therefore, in this mission, except for the special kunai for him to locate and teleport at the beginning, he did not give kunai to other people.

And that kunai was also recovered by him after he teleported over.

In this way, a result was created, that is, if he wanted to find Qingming and others, he could only use conventional means.

Of course, he could also leave marks on Qingming and others in advance for positioning.

But even if Qingming and the others trusted him, they would never let him do such a thing where his life was controlled by others.

So, Namikaze Minato didn't even mention it.

As for doing it secretly.

Let's not talk about what to do if he was discovered. Just based on Namikaze Minato's own personality, he would not do such a thing secretly.

Fortunately, the result was not too bad. Not long after the battle ended, he was returning along the original route when Qingming and the others came to him.

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