Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 228 Mission Continues


Qingming drew out the dagger and let Shou's body fall to the ground, and the green light on his body dissipated.

This layer of green light was nothing else but wind escape chakra.

He had mastered this skill of spreading wind escape chakra all over his body after he developed the "Instant Sword Technique".

At that time, it was to integrate himself with the dagger and use the power of wind escape to achieve ultra-high-speed short-distance movement.

But now, the dagger in his hand is of average quality. It was not mixed with expensive chakra-conducting metal when forging, and it was impossible to effectively transfer chakra.

Therefore, he could not perform the "Instant Sword Technique".

The reason why he just spread wind escape chakra all over his body was just to resist the high temperature around him.

Shou thought that he could not get close through the sea of ​​fire, but he did the opposite, using the protection of wind escape to forcibly break through the barrier of the flames.

In this way, Shou was caught off guard.

After approaching, he directly used the ‘Genjutsu Sharingan’ to pull the opponent’s consciousness into the illusion, and finally successfully completed the kill.

It can be said that Shou died because of his own inertial thinking.

However, Qingming was not unscathed.

The wind escape that covered his whole body could indeed block the burning of the flame to a certain extent, but the high temperature air around him still burned his skin.

It can be seen that at this time, a large area of ​​redness and swelling had appeared on the surface of his skin, and some serious places even had bubbles like burns.

In addition, there were also lungs, because of breathing some high-temperature air, and even the trachea was a little stinging.

Fortunately, these were not big problems, and the ‘Palm Immortal Technique’ that had just been promoted to level 7 could completely heal them.

After feeling the injuries on his body a little, Qingming formed seals with both hands and quickly performed the medical ninjutsu - Palm Immortal Technique!

The next moment, a strong Yang escape chakra covered his whole body, and began to treat the injuries according to the severity of the injuries.

Soon, his red and swollen skin began to improve, the bubbles disappeared quickly, and the burning lungs and trachea seemed to have entered a stream of cool water, which was very comfortable.

At this moment, he was like Tsunade who had activated the "creative regeneration" or Senju Hashirama who had the "unprinted self-healing", with amazing recovery ability.

Of course, the actual effect is definitely not as exaggerated as theirs.

However, Qingming estimated that as his "palm fairy technique" and "physique" attributes continued to improve, it would only be a matter of time before he could reach their level.

By then, his self-protection ability will be greatly improved.

Thinking this way in his heart, time passed quickly, and Qingming spent about half a minute to initially complete the healing of his injuries.

At this time, finally a rock ninja approached this side.

Before, there were explosions and flames here, which forced everyone out a long way.

And now, this side has become quiet, and naturally someone will come to scout.

Looking at the three rock ninjas who were approaching carefully, Qingming was not polite at all, and a "flash body technique" appeared directly in front of the three people.

Before they could make a sound, he controlled one person with a hypnotic spell.

Then, he raised his left hand to attract the attention of another person, and took the opportunity to perform the "Genjutsu Sharingan", successfully controlling another person.

As for the third person.


The sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh was heard.

The Iwagakure Chunin looked down and saw a dagger piercing his lower abdomen.

All his strength was quickly lost. He grabbed the dagger and wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, a large mouthful of blood came out.

Seeing this, Qingming frowned slightly, slid back slightly, and avoided the splash of blood while pulling out the dagger.

Then, "Shuashua" two more swords accurately cut the throats of the other two Iwagakure ninjas who were under the illusion.

Everything happened in a flash, and before others could react, he had already dealt with the three Iwagakure ninjas who came to investigate.

Looking forward, Hinata Crimson and others were still fighting fiercely. There were too many Rock Ninjas besieging them, and the terrain was narrow, so they could not move freely. Their situation was not good.

There was also the Nara clan's jonin and the Yamanaka clan's jonin, who were also under siege and in a bad situation.

It was Namikaze Minato, who seemed to be chasing Kuroki Ichiteng and several Rock Ninja guards and leaving the corridor.

There was no need to worry about that side. With the opponent's strength, it should not be a problem to complete the decapitation. The main thing was the battle here.

Those mid-level and low-level ninjas were not mentioned, but there were several jonins who had to be dealt with. They were also the decision-makers of the Rock Ninjas in this war.

The so-called decapitation operation was not just to kill Kuroki Ichiteng. It was true that the other party was the leader and the most important, but others could not be ignored.

In order to completely disintegrate the Rock Ninja's command system, a group of decision-making ninjas must be killed.

Only in this way can the Rock Ninjas fall into chaos in a short period of time, otherwise at most it would be a replacement of a general commander.

With this thought, Qingming no longer wasted time, and used the "Instant Body Technique" to pass through the crowd at an extremely fast speed and came to the battle circle of the Nara clan jonin and the Yamanaka clan jonin.

They were now dealing with more than 20 rock ninjas led by several decision-making jonins.


Qingming's sudden appearance scared several rock jonins, and when they looked further away, they saw Shou's body lying on the ground.

This made them even more afraid of Qingming.

However, after Qingming appeared, he did not attack them first, but set his sights on those middle and lower ninjas.

Although these people did not pose much threat to him, the flies were annoying!

Qingming did not want to be on guard against them when fighting with those Iwagakure jonins later, so he had to get rid of them in advance.

Qingming flashed and rushed into the crowd with a sword, attacking those middle and lower ninjas.

Seeing this, the jonins of the Nara clan and the Yamanaka clan immediately understood his plan and immediately launched a counterattack against several Iwagakure jonins.

Most of these Iwagakure jonins were special jonins, and they did not have a good way to deal with the shadow secrets of the Nara clan and the mind secrets of the Yamanaka clan.

Therefore, they could not stop Qingming from slaughtering their subordinates.

That's right, it was a massacre.

Facing the siege of nearly 20 people, Qingming, with the powerful insight of the Sharingan, performed very well.

The dagger in his hand was like the sickle of the god of death. When he swung it at someone, that person would be killed and wait for death obediently without any resistance.

This scene frightened the middle and lower ninjas of Iwagakure. They tried their best to dodge and fight back, but they could not escape death in the end.

This is the situation of using the "illusion sword technique" to deal with middle and lower ninjas. They can ignore his eyes, but they can't ignore the dagger.

As long as they notice it, Qingming will project the power of the "illusion Sharingan" on it, and then release it with the sword technique.

In this way, they can be trapped in the illusion and wait for death obediently.

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