After a few breaths.

The shock wave came from a distance.

In the field, both the Konoha ninja and the Iwagakure ninja raised their hands to cover their faces to block the shock wave.

Even Qingming on the high mountain in the west was affected and squinted his eyes.

The power of this tailed beast jade is really amazing!

From Lao Zi's behavior, it is not difficult to guess that Iwagakure wants to take advantage of the night to catch Konoha off guard and directly flatten Fengliu Town.

Unfortunately, Konoha's vigilance is too high and they failed.

And Lao Zi can't release such an attack for the second time in a short time.

As for the Five-tailed Jinchuriki Han

With the opponent's current control over the tailed beast chakra, it is not enough to release such an attack, unless he completely gives his body to the tailed beast and completely transforms into a tailed beast.

However, in that case, it is equivalent to releasing the five tails.

And the five tails will not care whether you are a Iwagakure ninja or a Konoha ninja, and will only attack indiscriminately after coming out.

Therefore, the Iwagakure Village did not dare to let Lao Zi and Han completely transform into tailed beasts.

They even did not dare to let the two maintain the half-tailed beast state for a long time, for fear that they would be occupied by the tailed beasts by accident, thus causing disasters.

So, Jinchūriki is indeed a powerful weapon, but before it is completely released, it is not enough to completely control the situation.

In terms of strength, it is equivalent to having a few more jonin.

It is precisely for this reason that Konoha dared to confront the Iwagakure Village here, otherwise it would have slipped away long ago, or sent more strong men to fight.



Although the sneak attack did not succeed, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. A figure in the Iwagakure Village team shouted loudly.

Then, the dense Iwagakure ninjas, like ants, split into three groups and rushed towards the Fengliu Town stronghold in a fan shape.

At the same time, the ninjas on the Konoha side also walked out of the building one after another, split into small groups, and faced the Iwagakure ninjas in the form of small teams.

The battle broke out instantly!

In a short while, the field was in chaos.

Under the moonlight, the Rock Ninja and the Konoha Ninja were intertwined, and the sounds of fighting and shouting resounded throughout the battlefield.

On the high mountain in the west, Qingming had planned to wait and see for a while, but soon someone reported: "Captain, there is an enemy approaching us."

"Which direction?"

Qingming asked.


Hearing this, Qingming looked to the southeast.

Then, at the foot of the mountain, more than 200 Rock Ninja were seen approaching rapidly. At most, they would reach the top of the mountain in a quarter of an hour.

Needless to say, their purpose must be to occupy this high ground.

As for what's the use of occupying this place?

You know, the big killer in the ninja world is not only the tailed beasts, not to mention the chakra cannon that the Hidden Cloud Village can attack the moon.

That is a special case, and few villages can make it.

But in addition to it, there is another large-scale lethal weapon that all five major ninja villages have, that is, the 'attack technique'.

The so-called "attack technique" is to engrave various powerful ninjutsu on the scroll in the form of sealing technique.

Then, when necessary, with the help of the power of several or even dozens of people, it can be released to achieve the effect of destroying the city.

Just like the time when Kakashi's Chidori turned into Raikiri, the Hidden Rock Village used a large-scale attack technique.

If the Hidden Rock Village occupied this high ground, they could completely attack Fengliu Town from a high position.

Of course, the above are all his guesses.

Maybe the Hidden Rock Village has other ideas, but no matter what they think, he can't give up this strategic high ground.

So Qingming directly ordered: "Notify everyone and prepare for battle."

"Yes, Captain!"

Below, the Konoha Chunin responded and ran away.

Then, everyone in the rear camp began to disperse and run to various defensive strongholds according to the plan, ready to block the attack of the Hidden Rock Ninja.

On the treetops.

Qingming opened the panel and took a glance - [Chakra: 28506 (36500)]!

After thinking for a while, he began to perform the "Palm Immortal Technique" to consume the chakra in his body.

Once every ten seconds, about a quarter of an hour later, when the chakra in his body dropped to about 20,000 points, he stopped.

Qingming did this not because he had too much chakra and had nowhere to use it, but to make room for the chakra he was about to get.

As for where the chakra came from,

That's right, of course, it came from the rock ninjas at the foot of the mountain.

In Qingming's eyes, these people have become tools specifically for providing him with chakra.

Of course, just in case, he didn't let the chakra in his body drop too much.

20,000 points of chakra are enough to deal with most dangers.

If 20,000 points of chakra are not enough, then even a few thousand more chakras will not be of much use.

Therefore, Qingming plans to maintain the chakra in his body at about 20,000 points for the next period of time, and consume the excess when there is time.

In this way, his "Palm Immortal Technique" should be able to be promoted to level 7 soon.

By then, the effect of strengthening the body will definitely be greatly improved.


Just as Qingming was imagining the future, an explosion suddenly sounded, followed by the "ding ding" sound of ninja tools colliding, and the sound of ninjas shouting.

Qingming looked in the direction of the sound and saw that the battle had already begun!

Without any hesitation, Qingming jumped down from the treetop, then dodged and ran straight to the place where the battle took place.

As soon as they arrived at the battlefield, several kunai were shot at them.

Qing Ming glanced casually and took their flight trajectories into his mind. His body flashed one after another and he easily avoided the attacks.

Qing Ming kept walking and continued to charge towards the Iwa Ninja formation.

More kunai and shurikens were fired at him. Qingming continued to dodge, but when he couldn't dodge, he waved the dagger in his hand to block.

With a "ding ding ding" sound, Qing Ming shot away all the ninja tools that were shot at him.

Then, others passed by the Iwa Ninja's forward team and came directly to their rear.

There are more Iwa ninjas here, and there are basically few Konoha ninjas.

In an instant, Qing Ming was surrounded.

However, Qing Ming didn't panic at all, because this was his purpose.

Only here can he do whatever he wants.

Looking at the genin of Iwagakure rushing towards him, Qingming flew his hands and completed the seal in an instant, then rotated his body, opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of flames.

This is exactly the ‘Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique’!


"Back off! Back off!"



The fire ball was controlled by Qing Ming and hit these Iwagakure genin accurately, instantly disrupting their charging formation.

Some people were even directly hit by the fire and fell to the ground injured on the spot.

Seeing this, Qing Ming's eyes lit up, and he came to them in an instant. He used the 'Chakra Absorption Technique' and caught them.

While using them to resist the Iwa Ninja's attacks, he began to forcibly extract their chakra.

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