Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 214: Get rid of

Feeling the scorching heat coming from the front, Kari did not hesitate at all and jumped sideways to avoid the fireball attack.

But before he could stand up again, several subtle sounds of breaking through the air were heard.

Although the sound was inaudible in the rain, Hunting, who was highly nervous, was still keenly aware of the threat.

So, he turned back and narrowly avoided the attack.

Several kunai fell to the ground and made a "sizzling" sound.


Hearing this familiar voice, Kari's expression suddenly changed. He glanced forward from the corner of his eye and saw a kunai with a detonating talisman burning violently.

At the critical moment, Kari kicked the ground and shot out like a cannonball.


A violent explosion sounded.

A ball of fire suddenly appeared, and a strong shock wave centered on the explosion and quickly spread to all directions.

In mid-air, Kari was hit by this shock wave, and he moved away faster.

Cough cough cough~

After landing, Kari coughed twice, and a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, which showed that he was not unscathed just now.

Swish swish~

Several more kunai were shot out.

"Come again?"

Hearing the familiar sound of breaking through the air, Kari snorted, quickly completed the seal with his hands, then slapped it on the ground, and when he pulled it up again, there was already a two-meter-square stone slab in front of him.

Ding ding ding~

The kunai shot on it made a crisp sound, and even if the detonating talisman attached to it exploded, it had no impact on the hunters behind it.

Seeing this, Qing Zhenzhen didn't even think about it. He quickly completed the seal with his hands, opened his mouth, spit out hundreds of fire balls, and performed the 'Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique'.

Qing Ming controlled these fire balls, divided them into two groups, and surrounded Hunting from the left and right sides.

Looking at the fire ball flying in front of him, Hunting jumped back a few times, distanced himself, and dodged the attack.

At the same time, he was not polite at all. On the way to dodge, he quickly formed seals with his hands. The moment he landed, he slapped the ground and performed the ninjutsu - Earth Release and Mire Technique.

In an instant, the earth under Qing Ming's feet that had been wet by rain softened into mud, like a huge mouth of an abyss, trying to swallow Qing Ming in one gulp.

At the critical moment, Qing Ming gathered chakra at the soles of his feet and leaped to the big tree next to him.

Then, he jumped again and reached another big tree before the tree under his feet was swallowed up by the mud.

However, this also gives hunting opportunities.

Before Qing Ming could stand firm, Kari threw out several kunai, directly attacking his vital points.

Fortunately, Qingming's Sharingan was so powerful that it locked all the kunai's flight trajectories in just an instant.

Qing Ming's body twisted for a while, dodging all kunai attacks within the smallest range.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to be quiet.

Qing Ming and Hou, one standing on the tree and the other standing under the tree, more than twenty meters apart, looked at each other in the air, but neither of them made a move.

Time passes minute by minute.

The two continued to confront each other.

At a certain moment, the rain suddenly became heavier and blocked Qing Ming's vision.

'Chance! ’

Seeing this scene, Hunter's heart moved, and his body flashed like a flexible monkey, using the big trees on both sides to rush straight towards Qing Ming.

At a distance of more than twenty meters, even if he rushed from below to above, it didn't take long for Kari to do so.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Qing Ming.

Shou punched out, Qing Ming dodged sideways, Shou's fist hit the tree trunk behind him.


A violent explosion sounded.

The big tree behind Qing Ming broke with a sudden sound, and the scattered pieces of wood hurt his cheeks.

It wasn't over yet. When Kari saw that his punch failed, he immediately swung his left fist without any hesitation, aiming directly at Qingming's lower abdomen.

Feeling the huge explosive chakra condensed on his fist, Qing Ming did not dare to resist at all. He kicked off the branch with his feet and fell to the ground behind him.

Seeing this, Hunting wanted to continue pursuing, but how could Qing Ming let him keep taking the initiative.

Before he landed, he formed a seal with his hands and completed the preparations for the 'Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique'.

Then, just as Shou followed, he opened his mouth and spit out a line of fire, aiming directly at Shou in mid-air.

Seeing this, Kari An said "No", raised his hand to form a seal, and used the 'Substitute Technique' to increase his speed and avoid the fire attack, while leaving a stone as a cover.


The line of fire bombarded the stone and instantly shattered it into pieces.

However, Kari took this opportunity and hid behind a big tree.


Kari gasped for air and thought to himself: "It's so dangerous!"

However, at this moment, a meter-long transparent wind blade suddenly passed through the big tree and fell on him.

In an instant, blood gushed out as if it was free of charge, dyeing a large area of ​​water under his feet red.

It was only then that the pain came over. When Shou looked down, he saw a long blood mark on his chest.

On the other side, seeing this scene, Qing Ming put down his hands, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Although the opponent's movement to dodge the 'Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique' just now was very fast, it was not as fast as his eyes.

A series of actions after he performed the 'substitute technique' were all seen by him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he completed the seal, and then at the moment he stood still, he displayed the 'Wind Release·Wind Blade'.

It was only because the tree was thicker that the power of the wind blade was reduced.

Otherwise, he could definitely cut it in two with his full strength of "Wind Style·Wind Blade".

However, it was almost done now. Although he did not directly cut it in two, he also lost all his fighting power.

Seeing Qingming approaching quickly, Shou used up his last strength, quickly formed a seal, and performed "Earth Style·Earth Dragon Hiding Technique".

"Swish", Qingming appeared behind the tree.

Seeing Shou disappear again, his face was not very good.

This is the second time!

It was the same last time. After he took advantage of the kite-flying tactic, the opponent slipped away under his nose.

This time was even more cruel. He had been severely injured by him, but he still slipped away.

'But there will be no next time...'

Secretly making up his mind, Qingming put his mood in order, drew out the dagger again, and swept around.

In the rain, the battle continued.

The fighting power of the Rock Ninja was obviously good this time. The ninjas of Konoha tried to get rid of the entanglement many times, but failed.

However, these are all in the past. With the joining of Qingming, the balance of the battlefield quickly tilted.

In the Rock Ninja team, except for the hunting whose fighting method was somewhat restrained by him, the others were not his opponents at all.

Even the jonins could not do it, unless they joined forces...

Unfortunately, the other jonins of Konoha did not give them this opportunity at all.

Therefore, Qingming's attack was unscrupulous.

And the result was that in just a few minutes, those middle and lower ninjas of the Rock Ninja were killed by him.

And without the restraint of these middle and lower ninjas, those jonins did not dare to entangle too much.

In the end, Qingming and others successfully broke through the last line of defense and entered the radiation range of the Fengliu Town stronghold.

The road ahead was not absolutely safe, but it was not in danger everywhere.

The only thing that puzzled them was that a day had passed, and their letters for help had not been responded to.

That's right, as early as when they encountered the first wave of enemies, they sent a letter for help to Fengliu Town.

But until now, there has been no response.

This gave Qingming and others a bad feeling.

Today is gone...

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