Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 207 Evacuation

Three days later.

It was the beginning of February.

After more than half a month of strengthening, Qingming could already clearly feel the changes in his body.

At this time, there seemed to be a hidden force in his body, which was constantly pushing his body to evolve slowly towards a more perfect direction.

Qingming knew that this was a sign that his "physique" was about to improve.

According to this accumulation rate, Qingming estimated that his "physique" attribute would be improved in at most one week.

By then, both the chakra upper limit and the chakra recovery speed would usher in a big improvement.

At the same time, the narrowing of the gap between the "physique" attribute and the "spiritual" attribute would also bring him one step closer to safely opening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Just when Qingming thought he would wait safely until the day when his "physique" attribute was improved, a piece of news suddenly disrupted his practice plan.


Early morning.

The center of the base.

In the meeting room.

Nara Sishui had just finished reading the order issued by the headquarters, and someone couldn't wait to speak: "Captain Nara, what happened? Why did the headquarters suddenly issue an order to retreat?"

Yes, the headquarters just sent an order to them to withdraw from this stronghold immediately and return to Fengliu Town stronghold in the shortest time to assist the garrison there and defend against possible attacks.

The key is that Fengliu Town stronghold is behind them. If there is a possibility of attack there, then they are more dangerous here.

But there has been nothing unusual these days?

Everyone was puzzled and waiting for Nara Sishui to give an answer.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Nara Sishui said seriously: "The news just received is that several strongholds near us have been breached."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

You know, these strongholds basically inform each other of their respective situations every day in order to share information.

And just yesterday, several nearby strongholds were still normal. Except for some small daily fights, there was nothing big.

But it was only one night, how could it be breached suddenly?

And it was breached all at once?

This seemed impossible no matter how you thought about it.

But Nara Sishui couldn't joke with them about such a serious matter, so someone asked: "What exactly happened?"

"According to the news from the headquarters, the raid on the Hidden Rock Village last night seemed to have sent out the Four-Tails Jinchuriki and the Five-Tails Jinchuriki at the same time, and there were also elite assistance from the blasting corps."

Nara Sishui replied.


"Four-Tails and Five-Tails?"

"Blasting corps?"


Several different voices rang out almost in order, which showed the surprise in the hearts of these people.

Yes, whether it is the Four-Tails Jinchuriki, the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, or the blasting corps of the Hidden Rock Village, if they are picked out alone, they are all troublesome characters, let alone if they are dispatched together.

It is normal for everyone to be surprised.

It's just that

'Is the Hidden Rock Village planning a full-scale counterattack? So many elite troops were dispatched! ’

Originally, because they were being chased by the Hidden Rock Village, the base they occupied was closest to the rear, and it was a recessed part of the entire defense line, so it was relatively safe.

But now, several nearby bases have been breached, so they have become a salient here, and it is no wonder that the headquarters asked them to retreat immediately!

If they don’t leave now, they may not be able to leave even if the Hidden Rock Ninja Army surrounds them.

Realizing this, everyone stopped talking nonsense, immediately formulated a retreat route and plan, and then left the meeting room and went down to prepare.

Qingming didn’t have much to do. This time he was still assigned to the combat group, so he seemed a little leisurely among the busy senior ninjas.

However, this was just an appearance, and he was actually about to curse in his heart.

It seemed that his ‘physique’ attribute was about to be improved, and suddenly he was given such a thing.

There is no doubt that the prisoners in the secret base cannot be kept.

And this means that he has to lose more than 40,000 chakra points every day.

Although not all of these chakras were used by him to perform the ‘Palm Immortal Technique’ to strengthen his body.


Without these chakras, even if he used all the chakras he could recover every day to strengthen his body, the time for his ‘physique’ attribute to improve would be delayed by two to three days.

‘Should I do this? ’

Qingming hesitated.

If he did so, it would mean that his other skills would basically be stagnant in the next ten days or so.

Qingming opened the panel, glanced at these skills, thought about it, and finally decided to suspend the practice of these skills.

There was no other reason. The several skills he was practicing at this stage, whether it was ‘Wind Style: Wind Blade’, ‘Rasengan’, or ‘Shadow Clone Technique’, were not skills that needed to be improved urgently.

Their current levels were enough, and there was no need to compete with the ‘Palm Immortal Technique’ for chakra.

On the contrary, the improvement of the ‘physique’ attribute was related to his foundation. In the case of insufficient chakra, it should still be the main focus.

After thinking about this clearly, Qingming no longer hesitated.

‘Then, the next step is to deal with the head and tail of the secret base.’

Although there is a shadow clone staying there, he cannot notify them, and at this time, he cannot leave the base.

‘In this case, I can only create another shadow clone.’

Thinking this way, Qingming walked to an empty corner. After making sure that no one was paying attention to this side, he formed seals with his hands and performed the "Shadow Clone Technique".


A cloud of chakra smoke exploded, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Without Qingming's instructions, he knew what he was going to do.

After nodding to Qingming, the shadow clone left this place, quietly sneaked out of the base, and rushed to the secret base.


One and a half hours later.

Southwest side of the base.

Qingming was running fast in the forest, and suddenly his steps stopped.

At this time, he had two more chakras in his body and two more memories in his mind.

Qingming quickly browsed through them. They were the memories of the shadow clone who stayed at the secret base and the shadow clone he had sent to deal with the head and tail not long ago.

Next to him, another ninja from the combat team saw Qingming suddenly stop and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? What did you find?"

While speaking, he also looked around vigilantly, as if looking for hidden enemies.

Seeing this, Qingming was about to say "It's okay".

But at this moment, a subtle sound of breaking through the air reached his ears.

Qingming's face changed slightly, and he immediately looked up in the direction of the sound.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful!"

As he said that, he rushed towards the dense forest next to him.

The Konoha ninja who was traveling with him saw his reaction and did not waste any words. He immediately followed his footsteps and flashed to the jungle next to him.

Although he did not find anything, he believed in Qingming's judgment. This was the prestige that Qingming had earned again and again.

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