Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 199 Interception


Not far away, although the Iwagakure boy's mentality was a little unstable due to repeated blows, his abilities were still good.

Almost at the moment Qing Ming made his move, he noticed something unusual. He immediately exclaimed, closed his eyes, and stepped back.

Because there was already a distance between the two sides, and the other side retreated, the distance became even further, so Qing Ming failed to hypnotize the other side.

However, this is enough.

Seeing that the opponent closed his eyes, Qing Ming didn't hesitate at all. He took out several shurikens with both hands and shot them quickly towards the opponent.

The shuriken is small and fast, and makes little noise when passing through the air.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it without visual assistance for positioning.

Just like now, when these shurikens were about to arrive, the Iwagakure boy realized the danger.

At the critical moment, he used the 'Substitute Technique'. While his speed surged, he left a stone in place as a cover.

Ding ding ding~

Several shurikens hit the stone, making a few crisp collision sounds, leaving a few small white dots and some scratches.

Obviously, Qing Ming's attack still failed to work.

However, he was not discouraged.

His Sharingan was always locked on the opponent, and he began to form seals almost as soon as he performed the 'substitute technique'.

And after he dodged the shuriken attack and hid, he completed the seal.

‘Fire Release·Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique~’

The next moment, a ball of fire that looked like impatiens seeds spurted out of his mouth, densely packed, fan-shaped, and wrapped around a big tree not far away.

And behind that tree was the hidden young Iwa Ninja.

"So fast!"

Aikawa Suke looked at the large fireballs coming toward him from both sides. Before he could even catch his breath, he rolled on his back and hid in front of him.

Bang bang bang~

The fire ball hit the tree trunk, leaving charred black holes the size of fists.

Seeing this scene, Aikawa Suke's heart felt cold, he quickly stood up, used the 'Instant Body Technique', and ran further away.

Although he had not personally fought Qingming, he had at least seen how Haruto Iwama and Ichiro Fukui were suppressed.

Therefore, he did not dare to fight Qing Ming in close combat.

From the beginning, Qing Ming never stopped approaching, so he had to keep keeping distance to prevent him from catching up.

As for the counterattack, it’s not too late to wait until he is safe!

But Qingming created such a good opportunity in the early stage, how could he let the opponent escape so easily?

After using the 'Instant Technique', the opponent's speed was indeed very fast, but it was still not enough for Qingming's three magatama sharingan eyes that had evolved to the limit.


A shuriken flew out, accurately blocking the opponent's path forward.

Seeing this, Aikawa Suke quickly dodges.

But the next moment, another shuriken was shot. Aikawa Suke dodged twice. Qingming shot again, and he dodged again. Qingming continued to shoot, and he continued to dodge.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, Qingming fired six shurikens in succession, completely blocking Aikawa Suke's path forward.

Aikawa Suke stopped with a gloomy look on his face. Looking at Qing Ming who was approaching quickly, he had no choice but to accept the challenge.

He was seen completing the seal quickly, and then he pulled his palms together, and a beam of light appeared between his palms.

Dazzling white light emitted from it and reflected in Qing Ming's eyes, making him unable to help but close his eyes.

Not only that, his consciousness also briefly fell into chaos.

Obviously, this is also an illusion, but it is different from the auditory illusion like 'Thunder Release and Thunder'. This illusion is triggered by vision.

Originally, Qingming's resistance to visual illusions should be stronger, but this 'Thunder Release·Thunder Light Pillar' has a certain restraining effect on the Sharingan.

Therefore, the time for Qing Ming's consciousness to fall into chaos took longer than expected.

But it's just longer.

This little time was just enough for Aikawa Suke not far away to throw a few shurikens.

So, the moment Qingming got rid of the illusion and opened his eyes, several shurikens appeared in his field of vision.

The magatama in Qingming's pupils rotated rapidly, and with just one glance, he locked the flight path of these shurikens.

Then, he dodged all the attacks with a few ducks.

Not only that, while dodging, he also formed seals with his hands.

Finally, at the moment when his body stopped, he performed the Uchiha clan's signature ninjutsu - Fire Release and Go Fireball Jutsu.

He saw a ball of fire the size of a fist flying out of his mouth, then rapidly spinning and growing in size, and its diameter increased to three meters in a breath.

At this time, the fireball had also arrived in front of Aikawa Suke.

Feeling the scorching heat coming from it, Aikawa Suke did not hesitate at all and immediately dodged to the side.


The fireball passed over his afterimage, hit a big tree behind him, and then exploded.

In just an instant, the big tree was blown to pieces, and the scattered flames wrapped around the broken wood, like a goddess scattering flowers, shooting in all directions.

Because the distance was too close, Aikawa Suke could only dodge one after another.

And with just such a delay, Qing Ming had already arrived in front of him.


The sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed sounded.

Qingming pulled out the short sword from his waist and went straight towards Aikawa Suke.

At this time, Aikawa Suke had no way to retreat, so he had to pull out his kunai and fight Qingming with each other.

But it was obvious that the opponent's melee ability was average. After only a dozen moves, Qing Ming left a scar on his body.

In theory, even if the opponent is not good at close combat, he is still a jonin, and should not show signs of defeat so quickly.

One of the main reasons for this is that Qingming's "swordsmanship" has reached level 6, which is far beyond the opponent.

In this way, coupled with the fact that fighting alone makes it easier for him to use the vision blocking tactic, this is how he can hurt the opponent in such a short time.

Feeling the pain from his forearm, Xiangchuanjie was highly active.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his perception was fully open, alert to any slight movement around him.


Another sword stabbed from the blind spot of vision.

Xiangchuanjie reacted quickly and immediately swung out a kunai to block.


The kunai and the short sword collided, and the two sides separated at the touch, and Qingming disappeared again in Xiangchuanjie's blind spot.

During the whole process, Xiangchuanjie only saw a little corner of Qingming's clothes.

At this time, Xiangchuanjie finally understood why Qingming was called the "ghost sword".

Isn't Qingming's current performance just like a ghost, you can only see its shadow but not its shape, and if you are not careful, you will die on the spot.

Isn't this fighting with a ghost?

'No wonder the village allows the middle and lower ninjas to run away when they encounter each other. With this kind of fighting style, which middle and lower ninja can withstand it? '

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and were quickly thrown behind by Xiangchuanjie. Now is not the time to think about these.

Now, the most important thing is to save his life in Qingming's hands and wait for teammates to support him.

Everything happened too fast and too suddenly just now. No other jonins noticed this, or they had noticed it, but they were just temporarily unable to get away.

But as long as he delays for a while, he believes that someone will definitely come to support him.

So, the most important thing at the moment is to save his life.

With this idea in mind, Xiangchuanjie began to defend with all his strength to delay time.

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