Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~

Hearing the subtle sound of breaking air behind his ears, Qingming's mouth curled up slightly and sneered: "Hehe~"

How could such a cautious person make such a big mistake and expose his vulnerable back to the enemy?

All this was just to let the two men take the initiative.

Facts have proved that the two men did not withstand such temptation and decisively took action.

And what about Qingming?

Almost the next moment after the other party took action, he turned around and looked over.

In an instant, the three magatama in his pupils rotated rapidly, and it only took a moment to lock the flight trajectory of all the incoming shurikens.

Then, without any hesitation, he kicked the ground with his feet, and the whole person rushed out like a cannonball.

On the way, his figure flashed one after another, just avoiding all the shurikens.

The perfect blockade that the other party thought was full of flaws under his Sharingan and active attack.

Qingming also seized the opportunity well, dodged all attacks, and came in front of the two Rock Ninjas in an instant, and then swung the short sword in his hand.

The whole process can be said to be done in one go, without any hesitation or pause in the middle, and finally achieved Qingming's goal of striking back.

Yes, it is striking back.

Qingming took such a big detour to lure the enemy to take the first shot, the purpose is to strike back, grab an offensive rhythm, and start the group first.

Qingming does not want to confront the enemy here. The Rock Ninjas are already numerous and powerful. Who knows if they continue to delay, how many people will come from the other side.

Therefore, it is very necessary to start the group first.

In this case, before joining the battle, other people will consider whether doing so will disrupt the rhythm of their companions, and thus hesitate.

And this is Qingming's opportunity.

As long as he takes the opportunity to get rid of one or two enemies, it will reduce the pressure for the subsequent battle.

Yes, Qingming is sure that the enemies he will face later will definitely be more than the two in front of him, so it is necessary to plan in advance.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qingming collected his mind, ignored them for the time being, and focused on dealing with the two people in front of him.

Ding Ding Ding~

A series of kunai and short sword collisions sounded.

Qingming kept drawing his sword, and the two kept blocking.

For a moment, it was hard to tell who was better or worse.

However, this was just an appearance.

Although the two people in front of him joined forces, they could not be afraid of his Sharingan illusion to a certain extent, making it difficult for him to use his vision blocking tactics.

But the lv5-close to lv6 "swordsmanship" is not as simple as just blocking vision.

If he used all his strength, even in a head-on battle, Qingming would have the confidence to kill the two.

But in that case, it would take some effort.

Qingming didn't want to waste that effort, nor did he want to waste that time, so he "showed weakness to the enemy" and temporarily maintained a balance with the opponent.

In this way, as long as he seized the opportunity, he could easily complete the kill.


Time passed by every second.

At a certain moment, Qingming leaned back violently, avoiding the slash that the Iwagakure jonin in front of him aimed at his throat.

Then, he slightly exerted force on his left foot and leaned to the right, avoiding the blow that another Iwagakure jonin behind him stabbed him in the heart.

Seeing the positions and movements of the two, Qingming secretly said, "Good opportunity!"

Then, with a thought, the Sharingan that had evolved to the limit of three magatama was fully activated, and instantly hypnotized the Iwagakure jonin in front of him.

But the two people in the field were always wary of his Sharingan.

So, the moment he hypnotized the Iwagakure jonin in front of him, the Iwagakure jonin behind him found something wrong, and then without any hesitation, he launched a continuous attack on him at the first time.

As for its purpose.

It's very simple, one is to force him to give up the opportunity to finish off, and the other is to buy time for his companions to break free from the illusion.

The opportunity that Qingming was waiting for was not now, so after a fight, he gave up the opportunity to finish off.

Seeing this, the Iwagakure jonin behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the Iwagakure jonin who was hypnotized by Qingming woke up, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Qingming.

And Qingming also happened to look over, and the moment he looked into his eyes with his Sharingan, the Iwagakure jonin instinctively looked away.

And this was the opportunity Qingming had been waiting for.

Almost at the moment when the other party looked away, Qingming used all his strength to activate his Sharingan and released the hypnosis again.

However, this time the target was not him, but the Iwagakure jonin who was fighting in front of him.

In an instant, the man froze in place.

At the same time, the Iwagakure jonin who had just looked away not far away also realized that he had made a stupid mistake, so he quickly refocused his eyes on Qingming and threw the kunai in his hand.

But it was too late.

Just before he looked back, Qingming finished the finishing blow.


The sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh sounded.

The short sword in Qingming's hand pierced the chest of the Iwagakure jonin in front of him and reached his back.

After this severe blow, the Iwagakure jonin in front of him woke up directly from hypnosis.

He looked down at the dagger piercing his chest, and then looked up at his companion not far away, his eyes full of confusion.

He wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Qingming flashed, avoiding the blood and drawing the dagger.

Without the support of the short sword, the Rock Hidden Ninja staggered two steps, and finally fell to the ground, completely dead.

To be honest, if it was a normal battle, the opponent would not die so easily under his sword.

But the problem is that the opponent's attack just now was too radical in order to buy time for his companions, and it can be said that he was completely defenseless.

If it was just like this, it would be fine. As long as his companions woke up and helped him in time, they would not be afraid of Qingming's counterattack.

What was the result?

His companions woke up, but did not help him at the first time, but looked away.

So, to some extent, it was the coordination error of the two opponents that gave Qingming this opportunity.

However, Qingming had expected such a mistake.

There was no other reason, because it was caused by him.

As early as in the previous "back and forth" battle, Qingming was silently observing the reactions of the two Rock Hidden Ninjas to various situations and their fighting habits through the Sharingan.

Then, he keenly noticed that one of the Iwagakure jonin was particularly afraid of his Sharingan and often unconsciously wanted to look away.

So, he took advantage of this, looked for an opportunity, and set up a trap.

That is what just happened.

Qingming dodged the attacks of the two people one after another. After confirming that this was the opportunity he was looking for, he decisively used the power of the Sharingan and released hypnosis.

In an instant, he hypnotized the Iwagakure jonin who was very afraid of him in his heart, making him feel the power of the Sharingan more deeply.

In this way, his fear of the Sharingan was further deepened.

Then, when he woke up, he appeared in the right position again, using his fear to put pressure on the other party.

As expected, under the pressure, he made an instinctive choice, that is, to look away and save himself.

And this put his companions who were waiting for his support into danger.

Although he reacted in time and made up for it, he missed it.

Qing Ming seized the opportunity decisively and attacked with all his strength. In an instant, he killed one person and achieved his set goal.

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