
Ding Ding Ding~

Qing Ming held a short sword and faced the attacks of two Iwagakure jonins without losing the upper hand. He could even fight back occasionally.

The reason why he was targeted by the two people in front of him started more than ten minutes ago.

At that time, Qing Ming had just entered the battlefield and killed the Iwagakure Chunin and Iwagakure Genin on the periphery, and then moved forward.

On the way, he killed all the Iwagakure ninjas he met.

At first, no one noticed him, but after he killed more than 20 Iwagakure Chunin and Genin in succession, he was finally recognized.

Then, his opponent became the two people in front of him.

At this time, they had been fighting for nearly three minutes. Although Qing Ming's left arm was injured, it was only a close combat, which did not affect his "swordsmanship".

Therefore, these two people could not do anything to him.

Not only that, as the battle progressed, he had already initially understood the fighting habits and strengths of the two.

Therefore, Qing Ming did not intend to waste time.

With this thought, Qingming suddenly gave up all unnecessary defenses and began to attack with all his strength.

Moreover, he focused his attack on the weaker of the two special jonins.

That's right, of the two Iwagakure jonins in front of him, only one was a fully developed real jonin, and the other was just a special jonin who was good at assassination.

At this moment, Qingming focused his attention on this special jonin.

The opponent was indeed good at assassination, but now it was a head-on battle, and the powerful insight given by the three-magatama Sharingan allowed Qingming to ignore any deceptive moves of the opponent.

Therefore, he quickly found an opportunity.

Dodging the attack of the Iwagakure jonin on the side, Qingming came in front of the special jonin and stabbed out with the short sword in his hand.

Seeing this, the special jonin's eyes lit up, and he did not retreat but advanced, twisting his body slightly, and avoided Qingming's attack just right.

Then, he swung the kunai in his hand and cut straight to Qingming's throat.

At this time, Qingming was too late to put away his sword to block, so he could only dodge.

And this dodge would inevitably lose the initiative he had just gained.

At that time, the Iwagakure jonin behind him would attack him and suppress him for a short time.

In this way, as long as the special jonin played to his strengths and waited for an opportunity to attack, he could pose a certain threat to Qingming.

In the end, even if he could not be killed, he could be completely suppressed.

I have to admit that the other party's idea was not wrong. If things could really go as he expected, it would indeed cause him a lot of trouble.

But the premise is that this opportunity was actively sought by them, not deliberately provided by Qingming.

Obviously, the answer is not the former.

The reason why the other party had this opportunity to counterattack was that Qingming deliberately did it to lure the other party to attack.

And he dared to do so, so he was naturally not afraid of the other party's calculations.

However, he did not show any abnormality at the first time, but chose to dodge as the other party expected.

He leaned back slightly and avoided the swift attack of the special jonin.

Logically speaking, things went as expected, and Mishima Kazuki should be happy, but the fact is just the opposite.

At this moment, he not only did not feel happy, but felt unprecedented fear.

‘Why? ’

Mishima Kazuki stared at Qingming’s unchanged expression, his brain working rapidly.

Thinking of Qingming’s casual evasion and his unhesitating attitude just now, he felt a sense of disobedience.

In the situation just now, anyone would try to block first, and only choose to dodge after confirming that it could not be blocked.

But what about Qingming?

He did not have any intention of blocking throughout the whole process, and chose to dodge directly.

No matter how strong the insight of the Sharingan is, the human instinct cannot deceive people. At that moment, Qingming did not have any intention of retracting the sword to block.

In other words, the opponent did not intend to block from the beginning.

But this will undoubtedly put him in danger.


Suddenly, Mishima Kazuki seemed to have thought of something, and secretly said "not good", and was about to speak out to remind his teammates.

But at this moment, a sense of crisis came over him.

In the field of vision, Qingming stretched out his left hand and pressed a light blue ball of light on his chest.


The intense pain came, and Mishima Kazuki couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, the whole person was blown away by this "Rasengan".

This is Qingming's plan, actively "mistakes", creating opportunities for the opponent, and then using information asymmetry to counterattack, laying the foundation for victory in one fell swoop.

At the beginning of the battle, he rarely used his left arm, and with the bandage on it, he unknowingly gave the two rock ninjas a false impression that his left arm was seriously injured.

Of course, this alone is not enough. The two opposite are at least senior ninjas, and it is impossible for them to completely relax their vigilance.

The key lies in his "Rasengan". As a no-mark ninjutsu, its concealment is beyond doubt.

In this way, the combination of the two can catch the opponent off guard.

Otherwise, even if Mishima Kazuki was fooled, he could avoid his counterattack, so why would he be severely injured by his attack like now!

Retracting his thoughts, Qingming no longer paid attention to Mishima Kazuki who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, but turned his attention to another Iwagakure jonin.

The other party was not frightened by Mishima Kazuki's miserable condition, but instead attacked him without hesitation in order to save his life.

And the development of the matter was indeed as expected by Mishima and Takashi. Qingming lost the initiative because of his evasive action and was suppressed by the Iwagakure jonin.

Unfortunately, Mishima and Takashi were seriously injured and had no ability to assist in the attack, so this situation did not last too long.

Soon, Qingming found an opportunity to regain the initiative.

Not only that, because the enemy lost one person, Qingming's offensiveness was stronger.

For a while, the Iwagakure jonin could only passively defend.

But if you defend too long, you will lose. After just a few minutes, he had several more scars on his body, and Qingming's attack became more fierce.

Seeing that he was about to collapse, another Iwagakure jonin joined in and joined him to fight Qingming.

Qingming glanced at the whole scene. The number of Iwagakure ninjas was almost two or three times that of Konoha. Although the combat power of the jonin level could not be so different, it was still 1.5 times.

In this way, coupled with the several Konoha jonins that Han had tied up, the number of jonins that the Iwagakure Village could withdraw to support their teammates clearly exceeded that of the Konoha side.

It was precisely because of this that someone came to support them in time.

Qingming's strength was limited now and he could not decide the overall situation, so he could only go with the flow and continue to entangle with the two Iwagakure jonins here.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, another few minutes passed.

Qingming, who was fighting, suddenly noticed some commotion outside the battlefield, as if something had happened.

A moment later, the voice of Shanzhong Tingfeng sounded in his mind.

"Everyone pay attention, our support has arrived, everyone immediately meet up with the jonin nearby and break out to the northwest together."

Hearing this, Qingming suddenly realized that it was the friendly forces of the Hushan camp that had arrived. No wonder there was a commotion outside the battlefield!

In this way, they can try to break out.

With this thought, Qingming no longer entangled with the two Iwagakure jonins, found an opportunity to leave the battle, and headed straight to the northwest.

On the way, the junior ninjas of Konoha saw him and immediately gathered around him, quickly forming a small team and rushing to the northwest together.

Not only him, but the other senior ninjas also did the same, fully playing the leading role, leading teams of Konoha ninjas to move in the direction mentioned in the order.

However, the rock ninjas were not fools.

At first, they were caught off guard by the sudden and uniform actions of the Konoha ninjas.

But it didn't take long for them to understand Konoha's plan, so they immediately organized people and began to block the withdrawal of the large force.

For a while, the battle in the field was more intense than before.

The Konoha ninjas wanted to leave, but the rock ninjas didn't want to. Both sides were fighting desperately, and all kinds of ninja tools and detonating tags were thrown out as if they were free.

Not only that, because the ninjas of both sides were relatively concentrated, the senior ninjas on both sides also began to use some large-scale offensive ninjutsu.

This time, the collision was even more intense.

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