Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 176: Times have changed

The wind blew through the woods, making a "rustling" sound.

Qingming and Ohara Hideji were facing each other at a distance of more than ten meters, and a murderous aura permeated the scene.

The insects that gradually chirped again because the other ninjas left also fell into silence again because of the appearance of this murderous aura.

At a certain moment, the two moved, and Ohara Hideji instantly took out several kunai and shot them at Qingming.

The three magatama in Qingming's Sharingan rotated rapidly, and he could see the flight trajectory of these kunai in an instant, and then swung the short sword in his hand.

Then, only a few "ding ding" sounds were heard, and all the kunai were cut off by him.

And the next moment, Ohara Hideji came in front of Qingming, and a kunai was stabbed by him, at an extremely tricky angle, directly into Qingming's neck artery.

At this time, it was too late for Qingming to retract his sword to block.

So he dodged sideways and avoided the attack.

Hideji Ohara was relentless, and with a sudden turn of his wrist, the kunai changed from stabbing to slashing, aiming directly at the area in front of Qingming's collarbone.

Qingming pushed his feet against the ground, took a step back, and avoided the attack again.

Hideji Ohara stepped forward, followed Qingming's footsteps, and once again swung the kunai in his hand, cutting straight at Qingming's throat.

Qingming tilted his head back slightly, avoiding the attack by a hair's breadth, and he could even feel the sharp breath coming from his throat.

Afterwards, Hideji Ohara launched attacks one after another, forcing Qingming to dodge again and again.

At this moment, Qingming felt as if he had returned to the scene when he first fought with the opponent a few months ago.

The opponent's use of kunai was still so simple, efficient and sharp, and he had a deep understanding of the mystery of the 'danger' of short weapons.

But unlike before, he also had his own understanding of the 'strength' of long weapons.

With this thought, Qingming stopped dodging and swung the dagger in his hand to counterattack.

Back then, even if he used all his strength, he could only defend himself under the opponent's attack.

But now, after only a dozen moves, he turned from passive to active and forced Hideji Ohara to start defending.

For a while, the sound of ding-dong rang continuously in the field.

Kunai and daggers collided one after another, making a series of crisp metal collision sounds.

Hideji Ohara looked serious and didn't seem to have much reaction, but in fact, he had already set off a storm in his heart.

The fight two days ago was very short. He only saw the progress of Qingming's ninjutsu and ninja tool throwing, and thought it was because Qingming's Sharingan evolved to three magatama, which was a natural growth.

But now, after a fight, he really felt Qingming's progress.

As for the opponent's current swordsmanship, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and fought in person, he would never believe that this was what the immature kid could do a few months ago.

There is no way, the gap between before and after is too big.

However, after the shock, there is a strong murderous intent.

He has a deep hatred with the Uchiha clan, and he never wants to see a new genius rise in the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, today, no matter what, he must kill the other party here.

Unfortunately, this time Konoha discovered their encirclement in advance, forcing Han and others to leave, otherwise he would have a better chance.

Now, it depends on how well Chica cooperates.

Thinking of this in his heart, Ohara Hideji glanced at the disappeared Chica with his peripheral vision, quietly waiting for the other party's surprise attack.

Qingming's Sharingan has evolved to the limit of three magatama, and his insight ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. The other party's small movements naturally cannot be hidden from his eyes.

Therefore, he noticed the disappearance of the strange insect beast almost at the same time.

Before, he found that the other party seemed to be able to hide his breath, and now it seems that he can.

'In this case, you have to be careful of the other party's sneak attack. '

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming separated a wisp of his mind and paid attention to the surrounding wind and grass.

At the same time, he did not stop the attack.

He knew very well that the Hidden Rock Village was surrounding this area. Once this battlefield was discovered, he would be in big trouble.

So, he had to fight quickly.


Ding Ding Ding~

Another series of kunai and short swords clashed.

But after that, there was a sound of clothes being torn.


Ohara Hideji looked down at the clothes that were torn around his waist, his eyes full of seriousness and fear.

Just now, Qingming made a feint and stabbed out two swords in succession. If he hadn't reacted in time, his kidney would have been pierced.

This put more and more pressure on him.

On the contrary, Qingming felt more and more relaxed.

The reason for this is very simple. As time went on, Ohara Hideji's movements were gradually seen through by him.

In this way, no matter how the opponent dodges, he can find the best attack angle, and it will naturally be easier to fight.

Qingming estimated that if the opponent did not change his tactics quickly, he would be able to defeat him in a few minutes. Now it depends on what the opponent chooses.

Time passed by minute by minute.

As the battle progressed, some scars began to appear on Ohara Hideji's body, and Qingming's attacks became more and more fierce.

Just when he found the right opportunity and was ready to inflict heavy damage on the opponent, there was suddenly some subtle movement under his feet.

If he had not been paying attention to the slightest movement around him, he would not have noticed it so easily.

Almost without any hesitation, Qingming jumped back and left the place.

And the next moment, a scale-covered insect beast quietly emerged from the ground, its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to swallow Qingming directly.

However, Qingming's reaction was faster than it, and it swallowed only a residual image.

However, Ohara Hideji seemed to guess that he could dodge, and actually prepared one step ahead and attacked in time.

He saw his hands forming seals, opened his mouth, and spit out a large piece of vacuum air like a bullet.

The magatama in Qingming's Sharingan rotated rapidly, and even though these vacuum air masses were transparent, he could see them clearly.

So, he saw that his figure flashed and he actually avoided all attacks.

Not only that, he also took the opportunity to take out three shurikens and shot them directly at Ohara Hideji's throat, heart and lower abdomen.

But what surprised Qingming was that these three shurikens were all blocked by the strange insect beast.

It saw that it flicked its tail and swept away three shurikens.

If it was just to block the attack for Hideji Ohara, it would not be worth Qingming's excessive attention. The main reason was that the other party chose a good time.

This shows that its intelligence is not low.

In this way, it cannot be easily ignored in the subsequent battles.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Qingming looked at Hideji Ohara with his eyes, and formed seals with his hands, as if he was going to cast an illusion.

Hideji Ohara did not dare to resist, and quickly avoided his sight.

At this time, Qingming used the same trick again, using the method he used to deal with Han to deal with Hideji Ohara.

He saw that the hand seals of his hands changed, and the "Magic·Jag Hang Technique" that he was about to cast suddenly turned into the "Fire Style·Phoenix Fire Technique".

The next moment, dense fireballs spewed out of his mouth and split into two streams, one third of which hit the insect beast, and two thirds hit Hideji Ohara.

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