Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 169: Individual preparations

"We can't go to Hushan Camp."

One person spoke in silence.

His voice was dull, as if his mouth was covered by something.

This was indeed the case. The person who spoke was tall, with a red hat on his head, red armor on his body, and a red mask on his mouth.

It was this mask that made his voice sound unusually dull.

And this person was not someone else. He was the leader of this seven-man team, the elite jonin of the Hidden Rock Village, the Five-Tails Jinchuriki with the name of "Steam Ninja" - Han.

Hearing Han's words, one of the team echoed: "It is true that we can't go to Hushan Camp.

Not to mention that it has been occupied by Konoha Ninjas. If we go there, it will be easy to expose our whereabouts and cause unnecessary trouble. This destination alone was guessed by the people in the command center.

What if this group of Konoha Ninjas did not go there, then wouldn't we be wasting our time in vain?"

"In that case, let's go directly to block them on the road. Anyway, their direction of travel has been confirmed, and we can take a shortcut and stop them in advance." Another person said.

After hearing this, several people thought about it, and finally nodded to show their agreement.

"In addition."

However, one person added: "We must immediately notify the search teams and ask them to quickly approach us. We can't stop everyone with just a few of us."

Hearing his words, the rock ninja who checked the intelligence before nodded and said: "Yamae, you are right, we must let them come as soon as possible!"

As he said that, he took out a small piece of paper from his arms, quickly wrote a long string of numbers on it, and then rolled it up and stuffed it into the letter box on the leg of the messenger eagle.

After that, he touched the feathers on the back of the messenger eagle, raised his arm, and said: "Go!"

Hearing this, the messenger eagle flapped its wings, like a sharp arrow, and rushed straight into the sky.

It circled above twice, made a loud eagle cry, and flew away.

After that, several rock ninjas discussed some details of the action, and then adjusted the direction and continued to rush forward.


On the other side

Qingming and Hinata Linghuo separated, and walked quickly. After a while, they returned to the main group and met Nara Sishui.

"Qingming, what happened?"

Seeing Qingming rushing back, Nara Sishui asked hurriedly.

"Not yet."

Hearing this, Qingming shook his head and said.

However, after hearing his words, Nara Sishui not only did not relax, but became more serious.

"What do you mean by not yet? Have you found anything?"

He looked at Qingming and asked.


Qingming nodded, and then told him his premonition and the occasional prying eyes he had noticed in the past two days.

Hearing this, Nara Sishui fell into deep thought, and he did not ignore it just because it was Qingming's feeling.

You know, this kind of sixth sense is very mysterious, and sometimes it will make people skip the process and see the result directly.

Moreover, the more masters, the more accurate this feeling is.

Is Qingming a master?

The answer is yes.

Thinking of his three-magatama Sharingan, Nara Sishui did not think that this was Qingming's illusion.

If the spying he sensed was real, it meant that their whereabouts were always under the control of an unknown enemy.

If this person was a ninja from another ninja village, it would be fine, at most it would increase some risks.

But if it was a ninja from the Hidden Rock Village, then the problem would be big.

You know, in the past two days, they were not surrounded by any large forces.

At first glance, this seemed to prove that there was something wrong with Qingming's perception, and there was no hidden enemy at all.

But on the other hand, the reason why the enemy did not surround them accurately and let them break through the layers of blockades was perhaps to paralyze them and then give them a fatal blow.

In this case, it means that the enemy can attack them at any time after they are ready.

And two days are enough for the Hidden Rock Village to complete its preparations.

In other words, today is likely to be the time for the Hidden Rock Village to take action.

And this also matches Qingming's premonition.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and in an instant, Nara Sishui thought a lot.

How to say it?

As expected of a ninja from the Nara clan, he roughly guessed the whole picture of the matter with just the little information provided by Qingming.

After thinking about this, Nara Sishui was frightened and broke into a cold sweat, and then immediately called a few senior ninjas with decision-making power to hold a meeting.

After everyone arrived, he didn't waste any words and immediately told Qingming's premonition and his perception of the unknown enemy, as well as his own speculation.

Several senior ninjas frowned when they heard it.

It's not that they don't believe in Qingming. There are too many strange ninjutsu and summoned beasts in the ninja world. It's not impossible to hide nearby without being discovered by them.

The key is that if Qingming's perception is correct and Nara Sishui's speculation is also correct, it means that their situation is not optimistic and changes must be made.

And this is the reason why they frowned.

Finally, a jonin spoke first: "What should we do now? Stop moving forward and search for the enemy hiding in the dark?"



Before he finished speaking, he was rejected by the other two jonin of Konoha.

Only one of them said: "After Qingming Jōnin discovered the abnormality, he should have investigated it specifically, right?"


Qing Ming nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes, after I sensed someone peeping, I investigated several times, but found nothing."

Hearing this, the man continued: "You also know the abilities of Qingming Jōnin, and coupled with the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, we have not found any problems. It is probably a waste of time for us to continue investigating."

"Perhaps Aoyama-nin can give it a try."

Suddenly, someone interrupted.

Hearing this, Hinata Aoyama shook his head and denied: "No, if this enemy really exists and can hide nearby for such a long time without being discovered, then there is a high probability that he knows the ability of our clan's Byakugan.

In this way, it may only approach us briefly at specific times to collect intelligence.

And we can't stay here forever, waiting for each other's arrival, so even I have no way to find each other. "

"Then let's change the route and go somewhere else instead of going to Hushan Camp?" someone else suggested.


One person shook his head and said: "If we are really being monitored, it will be the same no matter where we go. As long as Iwagakure Village is ready, they will attack us. We cannot mess up our position."

"Then what should we do next? Continue to Hushan Camp?"


Everyone talked to each other and discussed the next action.

Finally, everyone unanimously decided to continue to Hushan Camp.

However, the speed must be accelerated, and more manpower must be sent to explore the surroundings to guard against the sudden encirclement of the Iwa Ninja.

In addition, they also notified the friendly forces in the Hushan Camp, asking them to take the initiative to move closer here and strive to complete the meeting earlier.

Of course, they have not given up looking for the secret enemy, and Hinata Aoyama is specifically responsible for this.

He took several ninjas from the Hyuga clan and wandered around the team, opening his Byakugan from time to time to observe and look for possible enemies.

At the same time, as various orders were issued, Qing Ming could clearly feel that the spirit of the ninjas in the team had changed.

At this time, they were no longer as relaxed as before, and everyone became extremely vigilant.

This made Qing Ming very satisfied.

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