
Two huge crashing sounds were heard in succession, and the two long dragons, one water and one fire, hit the earth wall, killing Nozomi Nozomi and smashing the earth wall.

However, most of the middle and lower-level rock ninjas escaped the disaster because of Nozomi Nozomi's early warning. Only a few unlucky ones were affected and suffered some injuries of varying severity.


A low shout came from the Konoha team.

The next moment, hundreds of Konoha ninjas shouted and rushed towards the few rock ninjas.

At this moment, the lake that had gathered in the field because of the obstruction of the earth wall was spreading rapidly with the collapse of the earth wall.

Then, the water level dropped rapidly and the water surface became extremely unstable.

But the Konoha ninjas stepped on it as if they were walking on flat ground, without any shaking.

So, everyone quickly caught up with the rock ninjas.

That's right, they caught up.

The number of those Rock Ninjas was much smaller than theirs, and now the leading jonin was dead, how could they still have the courage to stay where they were?

Therefore, the moment Qingming and others set off, they began to flee in all directions.

But in the end, the huge gap in numbers and strength still caused most of them to die here.

As for the few who escaped sporadically, Qingming and others did not continue to pursue them, but led the team to run forward at a high speed.

They must rush out far enough before the Rock Ninjas react, only in this way can they force the Rock Ninjas to rebuild the encirclement.

In this way, they will have more time to rest and better contain the support forces of the Rock Village.

And as long as they can break through again before the second encirclement of the Rock Village is formed, they can get another period of rest.

This will happen two or three times, and the mission will basically be completed.

By then, the offensive and defensive battles at the front-line strongholds should have a result.

"I just don't know if the plan can go as smoothly as expected."

During the march, Qingming was distracted, paying close attention to the surrounding situation while guessing various possibilities in the future and thinking about countermeasures.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-afternoon.

After making sure that they had broken out of the encirclement, Nara Sishui ordered everyone to rest.

Upon hearing this, a group of Konoha ninjas immediately sat on the ground, and then each took out a soldier's ration pill from the ninja bag and stuffed it into their mouths to chew.

For a while, there was only the sound of "crackling".

After resting for about an hour, everyone set off again and rushed to the second line of defense of the Hidden Rock Village according to the plan.

This time, Nara Sishui did not let everyone march quickly.

There are two reasons. One is that the continuous fighting, fighting and rushing have made everyone exhausted and their physical strength has seriously decreased. In order to maintain combat effectiveness, they must slow down.

The second is to ensure that the ninjas of the Hidden Rock Village can catch up.

You know, their primary goal is not to escape, but to contain the support of the Hidden Rock Village.

If they run too fast, let the Hidden Rock Ninja think there is no hope of catching up, and then give up, then their mission will be considered a failure.

Therefore, they must give the Hidden Rock Village enough time to pursue, let them see hope, only in this way, they will not give up.

But at the same time, in order to ensure their own safety, the distance cannot be too close.

The degree of this needs to be grasped by the commander Nara Sishui.

As a senior ninja from Konoha and even the ninja world recognized as a high IQ family, Qingming still trusts Nara Sishui's ability.

Therefore, there is no finger-pointing on his decision.

Facts have proved that Nara Sishui's ability is indeed good.

In the next day or so, the other party commanded the team to walk or stop, or take a long detour to avoid the Hidden Rock Village's search, or directly break through the checkpoints set up by it.

In short, they were neither caught up by them nor made the Hidden Rock Village give up the pursuit, and the mission went smoothly.


In a flash, time came to the evening of the next day.

Up to now, they have broken through the three blockades of the Hidden Rock Village and arrived at a camp they broke through the night before.

This is a large town. Because of the impact of the war, there are no ordinary people anymore, and the buildings inside are also dilapidated.

Even so, compared to the wild, this place is still much better. At least there are some places to shelter from the wind and rain.

Next, they will rest here for one night.

According to the news from the base camp, the counterattack plan is going very smoothly, and many strongholds on the front line have made considerable progress.

Even some strongholds have broken through the camp on the second line of defense of the Hidden Rock Village.

And their task tomorrow is to meet with a team that is not far away and has already entered the second line of defense of the Hidden Rock Village.

It can be said that at this point, their task of containing the support forces of the Hidden Rock Village is basically completed.

When they meet with the friendly forces tomorrow, their safety will be greatly improved.

According to the latest intelligence, the Hidden Rock Village will have to wait until tomorrow noon to block their way again.

As long as they set out before then, they will not be in danger.

According to their plan, they will leave here early tomorrow morning and quickly head to the location of the friendly forces.

So, in theory, they are safe.

But for some reason, Qingming always has a bad premonition that this time it will not be so smooth.

Thinking about the occasional feeling of being spied on these days, this bad premonition became even stronger.

Unfortunately, he had no evidence, and it was impossible for Nara Sishui to change his action plan just because of his feeling.

"Ah! It seems that I have to be extra careful tomorrow."

With a sigh, Qingming warned himself in his heart, and then he held the dagger and entered the state of practice.

Qingming has long developed a habit. No matter how tired he is, he will practice as long as he has time.

Now, his daily chakra recovery is 21,000 points. If he does not use it, it is a waste, so Qingming cherishes every minute and every second of his time.

Nowadays, the "Reflection Heart Technique" cannot be refreshed, so these days, he will practice "Genjutsu Sharingan" whenever he has nothing to do.

The chakra and time required to practice it are less than the "Reflection Heart Technique", so its proficiency is growing rapidly, and the progress bar is about to pass halfway.

After he is promoted to the perfect state of lv7 (0/0), he can start to develop the "Illusion Sword Technique".

There is also the ‘Healing Technique’.

Because there have been many opportunities to practice in recent days, his proficiency has also increased rapidly.

Now, the progress bar has exceeded 80%, and he only needs to go through one or two more battles to be promoted to the perfect state of lv5 (0/0).

At that time, he can start to learn the ‘Palm Immortal Technique’ and the ‘Chakra Scalpel’.

After that, when his levels are raised, he can try to strengthen his body.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Qingming quickly calmed down and began to practice according to the plan.

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