Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 163 The plan begins

After killing all three Iwagakure jonin, Qingming looked around the battlefield to observe the situation.

In the last few battles last night, it seemed that because they had received the order to retreat, the upper-level Iwagakure ninjas did not have a strong will to resist.

Without them taking the lead, the middle and lower-level ninjas would naturally not work hard.

In this way, coupled with the fact that their number far exceeds that of the other side, the number of casualties each time is much less than that of the first stronghold battle.

Therefore, even now, they still have more than 400 people.

On the contrary, although Iwagakure Village has gathered a lot of people in this third-line camp, the total number is only about 200.

Therefore, the battle in the field is basically still their side suppressing the other side.

Even on the side of the jonin, except for him, it is one-to-many, and the rest are many-to-one.

Although the Iwagakure ninjas have gathered the elites of the previous camps, they are still a little worse than them.

After all, they have been prepared for a long time, and the elites they have gathered are far from comparable to the temporary patchwork of Iwagakure Village.

If not, the higher-ups would not be confident in letting them carry out the next containment mission. After all, it is clear that the support force coming from the Hidden Rock Village will definitely not be weak.

If they are not strong enough, it is not containment, but sending them to their deaths.

The command center naturally cannot let them die, so the personnel are all oversized.

And this is one of the reasons why the death rate was so low last night.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qingming skipped those jonin, and finally locked his target on those Hidden Rock Chunin with outstanding combat power.

Compared with those jonin who were being besieged, these Chunin were the trouble, because no one could control them.

In just ten minutes, many Konoha ninjas had died in their hands, and Qingming had to slow down this trend.

It's not that he cares about these Konoha ninjas, but they still have a tough battle to fight next, and the team cannot lose too many people.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person, and he still expects these people to attract firepower after the support team from the Hidden Rock Village arrives, so they can't let too many deaths!

With this thought, Qing Ming jumped out and ran straight towards a Chunin of Iwagakure.

"What is that?"

Yamaguchi Ishibashi was fighting with a Chunin of Konoha, and suddenly felt a black shadow passing by him, and instinctively looked over there.

However, the next moment, a sense of extreme danger came from his side, making him shudder.

Almost without any hesitation, he immediately dodged to the side, and then a short sword piercing the air appeared in his peripheral vision.

This made him break out in a cold sweat.

Looking at the position of the short sword, if he had not reacted quickly just now, it would not be the air that was pierced, but his heart.

"Who is it?"

Yamaguchi Ishibashi was suspicious and turned his head to look at the tail of the sword, trying to find the person holding the sword.

However, there was only a corner of his clothes left for him, and the person holding the sword had disappeared long ago.

Yamaguchi Ishibashi was about to continue looking.

The next moment, the familiar sense of crisis came again.

"Not good!"

Yamaguchi Ishibashi was horrified and quickly dodged.


The sword blade slashed across his arm, leaving a wound about an inch deep.


Yamaguchi Ishibashi groaned, endured the severe pain, and stabbed the sword blade with the kunai in his hand, while looking over there.

However, he saw nothing.


Another sword stabbed from behind, even though Yamaguchi Ishibashi tried his best to dodge, he was still injured.

Yamaguchi Ishibashi fought back again, but still no one!

Drops of cold sweat slid down Yamaguchi Ishibashi's forehead. He only felt that this unknown enemy was like a ghost, only seeing its shadow but not its shape.

This frightened him and made him very aggrieved.

If they had fought in a fair fight, he would have accepted it even if he was defeated, but what was going on now? Was he being played like a monkey?

While thinking, Yamaguchi Ishibashi was hit by another sword.

Finally, Yamaguchi Ishibashi broke out. While he shouted loudly, his hands quickly formed seals, as if he was ready to perform some ninjutsu.

However, before he could complete the seal, a short sword had already pierced his back and pierced his heart.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Yamaguchi Ishibashi looked at the tip of the sword that pierced through his body, his face full of unwillingness and disbelief.

Just now, he did not really intend to seal and perform ninjutsu, but to use this method to induce the enemy to attack.

According to the speed of the previous few swords, he had absolute confidence that he could avoid the next attack, and he could take this opportunity to counterattack the enemy.

But he really did not expect that the enemy's speed would be so much faster, and he was caught off guard, and the flaw he deliberately left became a death warrant.

"I am not. Resigned~"

Yamaguchi Ishibashi said these words with difficulty.

Then, as Qingming pulled out the short sword, he fell heavily to the ground and completely lost his life.

Until his death, he did not see Qingming who killed him with his own eyes, no wonder he had such a big grudge!

Qing Ming glanced at the corpse on the ground, and without saying anything, he shook off the blood on the blade and nodded to the dumbfounded Konoha Chunin next to him.

Then he performed the "Flash Body Technique" and ran towards another Iwagakure Chunin.

In this way, Qingming killed more than 20 powerful Iwagakure Chunin in just over ten minutes, greatly reducing the potential casualties of his team.

During this period, there were also Iwagakure Jonin who tried to stop them, but they were all stopped by the Konoha Jonin who were fighting against them.

Although according to the unspoken rules on the battlefield, Qingming, as a Jonin, should not take the initiative to attack low-level ninjas.


Who made the Iwagakure Ninjas so disadvantaged? Even if they saw what Qingming did, they had no way to retaliate in the same way.

In this way, Qingming naturally could not be afraid.

The battle was still going on, and Qingming was still attacking the Iwagakure Chunin. Anyone who performed outstandingly could not escape his poisonous hands.

This made many Iwagakure Chunin dare not expose their strength.

For a time, the battle between the middle and lower ninjas actually showed a one-sided trend.

However, think about it, in terms of numbers, Konoha had an advantage.

Now, those who dared to show up on the Iwagakure side have been dealt with by Qingming, how could the situation not tilt towards Konoha?

A few minutes later, there were less than a hundred surviving Iwagakure ninjas left.

Just as Qingming was about to change his target and attack those Iwagakure jonins, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

No, not just in his mind, all the surviving Konoha ninjas in the field heard this voice.

"Everyone, execute Plan C immediately!"

Qingming recognized this voice, it was the voice of a Yamanaka clan jonin in the team.

At this time, the other party should have used the "heart-to-heart technique" to connect everyone and convey the order of the mission commander, Nara Surabaya.

The so-called Plan C is actually to contain the support of the Iwagakure ninjas to support the full-line counterattack launched by other bases.

'In other words, the support of the Iwagakure Village is coming soon. '

With this thought, Qingming immediately rushed out of the battlefield according to the plan and headed in the direction he came from.

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