Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 161 Three vs. Three

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~

Qingming had just stood still when three kunai were shot from a distance.

The one who launched this attack was none other than the Iwagakure jonin who used the ‘Earth Style: Earth and Land Return’ to reach his ‘Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique’.

After a few breaths of adjustment, the opponent was no longer as embarrassed as before.

At the same time, he joined the ranks of those who besieged him again.

But Qingming finally took some initiative, how could he fall into the net again?

With a thought, he fully activated the insight of the Sharingan.

In just a moment, he knew the flight trajectory of the three kunai.


Qingming was about to dodge, but suddenly found something wrong. There seemed to be a talisman wrapped around the handshake of the three kunai.

Qingming looked closely and found that those talismans were detonating talismans, and they were faintly glowing with fire, as if they had been activated.

Without any hesitation, Qingming reached into his ninja bag, and three kunai appeared in his palm, and then he threw them out with force.

The kunai flew at an extremely fast speed, and in just a blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the kunai shot by the Rock Ninja, and collided with it with incomparable precision.

Ding Ding Ding~

Three crisp metal collision sounds rang out, sparks appeared, and six kunai spun and flew around separately.

Then, a deafening explosion sounded, and the detonating tags on the three kunai suddenly exploded, turning into three huge fireballs.

The fireballs squeezed the surrounding air, forming a powerful shock wave, which blew Qingming back several steps.

Qingming finally stood firm, but his feet were empty. Looking down, he saw that the ground seemed to soften, making it unstable.

‘Ninjutsu? ’

Qingming thought about it and quickly looked at the other two Rock Ninjas.

I saw that the sickle rock ninja squatted on the ground at some point, and now he was pressing his hands on the ground, obviously performing some kind of ninjutsu.

Without thinking, Qingming immediately jumped to the side.

And at the moment when his feet left the ground, the area with a radius of three meters centered on him quickly turned into a swamp.

It can be imagined that once he stood there, he would be deeply trapped in it. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise there would be trouble.

From this, Qingming could see that these three people not only cooperated well in close combat, but also had long-range attacks, which was quite good.

'I can't be led by them.'

Thinking so in his heart, Qingming dodged several shurikens shot by the rock ninja who had previously performed the 'Earth Escape·Turbo Gun' in the distance.

Then, his eyes stared at the rock ninja who had just tried to use the detonating talisman to stun him.

If he guessed correctly, this gap should be the time for the other party to attack.

Sure enough, when he looked over, the other party was making a seal.

The moment the two looked at each other, Qingming activated the hypnotic ability of the Sharingan, causing him to stop making hand seals.

Although he was quickly awakened by his companions, Qingming had bought time.

Then, he quickly completed the hand seals with both hands, opened his mouth, and performed the ninjutsu - Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique.

The fireballs that looked like Phoenix seeds flew out, and under his control, they were like fire spirits, split into three strands with full spirituality, and hit the three Iwagakure jonins.

Such a gorgeous scene really attracted the attention of many people, including the three Iwagakure jonins who were the targets.

But in their eyes, this was not gorgeous, but dangerous.

In order to completely suppress these three people, Qingming used more than 200 points of chakra this time, and the number of condensed fireballs was close to 150.

It was only because his Sharingan had evolved to the limit of three magatama, otherwise it would be difficult to control so many fireballs.

Looking at the dozens of fireballs coming towards them, the three Iwagakure jonins used their own methods, either dodging directly, performing ninjutsu defense, or fighting head-on.

In short, after a lot of chaos, they still blocked the attack.

However, Qingming did not give them a chance to breathe. He crossed his hands and performed the "Shadow Clone Technique" again.

In an instant, the figure changed from one to three, running towards the three people respectively.


Seeing Qingming perform the "Shadow Clone Technique" so casually, the three Iwagakure jonins were surprised.

They could feel that even if the three of them joined forces, Qingming was not without the power to fight.

In this case, using the "Shadow Clone Technique" that consumes a lot of chakra is obviously not a wise choice.

In a sense, their idea is not wrong.

Using the "Shadow Clone Technique" in battle is indeed a choice that ordinary people would not make unless they had no choice, because it consumes too much chakra.

But Qingming is different, he has the "Chakra Absorption Technique".

As long as he can absorb enough chakra after the battle, the 'Shadow Clone Technique' can be used as a regular combat method.

What's more, his shadow clone mainly relies on 'swordsmanship' and Sharingan to fight the enemy, and rarely uses ninjutsu, so the consumption of chakra is not as exaggerated as others.

Therefore, he dares to use the 'Shadow Clone Technique' so casually.

Now, Qingming and the shadow clones add up to three people. In a three-on-three situation, the Iwagakure ninja cannot form a siege on him, and he can take the opportunity to implement his own tactics.

But it is unlikely to achieve the previous effect.

After all, the three Iwagakure jonins in the field knew that two of the three were his shadow clones, and they would not be as restrained as the enemies they had encountered before.

Therefore, the shadow clones would not be able to last too long.

‘We must kill one before the shadow clones collapse.’

Thinking this way, Qingming and the two shadow clones each met an Iwagakure jonin, and the battle broke out instantly.

The sound of ding-dong-dong rang out in the field, and the one who faced Qingming's body was the Iwagakure jonin named Sugimu Taro.

The opponent waved the sickle in his hand, constantly resisting the attacks from Qingming, and occasionally counterattacked, trying to test Qingming's authenticity.

In response, Qingming reacted calmly, just like the other two shadow clones, not letting any of the opponent's attacks fall on him.

At the same time, they did not engage in a head-on confrontation.

In this way, neither Sugimu Taro nor the other two Iwagakure jonin could determine whose opponent was the real Qingming.

However, this situation cannot last too long. Shadow clones are shadow clones after all, and their ability to withstand injuries is fundamentally different from that of real people.

With the strength of the three Iwagakure jonins in front of them, as long as they are willing to pay some price, they can still cause damage to the shadow clones.

In this way, the real and the fake can be distinguished at a glance.

And what Qingming is waiting for is this opportunity.

As long as he can mislead these Iwagakure ninjas to mistake a shadow clone as the real body, he can take the opportunity to use all his strength and catch Sugimu Taro off guard.

If the opportunity is grasped a little better, it is not difficult to complete a second kill.

As for why not take advantage of the time when the two shadow clones entangle the other two Iwagakure ninjas to forcefully kill Sugimu Taro in front of him?

The reason is very simple. The opponent is now too vigilant and has a certain understanding of his tactics. Even if he kills him by force, it will not take a few minutes.

At that time, the other two Iwagakure ninjas can re-encircle him as long as they pay some price to break the shadow clones.

This is completely not worth the loss!

Therefore, Qingming did not choose to act recklessly.

Of course, if the other party does not attack the shadow clone, then he will not be polite and will definitely kill him.

Now, it depends on what choice the other party makes.

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