One day later.

In the evening.

Somewhere in the forest, two teams from the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village were fighting.

Soon, there were only five people left in the field, including three Iwagakure ninjas and two Kumogakure ninjas. The Iwagakure ninjas were in a slightly worse condition, while the Kumogakure ninjas were in a slightly better condition.

And just as they were confronting each other, three figures suddenly appeared in the field. These people were wearing black robes and masks, and it was impossible to tell which side the ninjas were from.

Suddenly, the Iwagakure ninjas and Kumogakure ninjas present were alert.

But it was useless to be alert. The moment these three people appeared, they attacked the five people in the field without saying a word.

These three people cooperated tacitly, their swordsmanship was sharp, and they relied on their flexible postures. They never fought head-on. It took only a short while to knock down two people.

Seeing this, the three people who were still standing couldn't help but retreat in their hearts.

However, before they could put their plan into practice, they saw the black-robed man who was fighting with them suddenly distanced himself from them, forming seals with his hands, as if he was going to perform some ninjutsu.

The three of them did not dare to be careless, and they immediately had to perform ninjutsu to counterattack.

They were beaten by others just now, and had no chance to perform ninjutsu. Now that the other party took the initiative to distance themselves, it was a good opportunity for them to disrupt the situation.

However, as soon as they raised their arms, they saw that the eyes under the masks of the three black-robed men suddenly turned from black to blood red.

And on the blood-colored pupils, there were three black-as-ink magatama.


The three of them were shocked and wanted to look away immediately, but it was too late.

The next moment, the three of them felt a sharp pain, and their bodies seemed to be pierced by several huge iron nails, unable to move.

Obviously, they were hit by the unique illusion of the Uchiha clan - the magic shackle technique!

"Are you ninjas from the Uchiha clan? Why did you attack us?"

A cloud ninja asked, suppressing the severe pain.

However, the three black-robed men ignored him completely.

After controlling the situation, they flashed and appeared behind the three men, and then knocked them out with a few "bangs".

Not only them, but also the two rock ninjas who were knocked down before were quickly knocked out.

After doing this, the three black-robed men returned to their original appearance, and they were Qingming's shadow clones.

No, not just the three people, there was another shadow clone of Qingming standing quietly on the tree branch.

The opponent had been hiding there from the beginning to the end, with his Sharingan on, observing the every move of the cloud ninjas and rock ninjas on the battlefield, guarding against any possible accidents.


The shadow clone standing on the tree branch used a "flash body technique" and appeared directly in the field.

He looked at the other three Qingming shadow clones and said, "Clean up the battlefield as soon as possible. Someone should have rushed here. We must hurry up."


The three shadow clones didn't say anything, just nodded, and then cleaned up the battlefield quickly.

Their movements were very skillful, and it was obvious that they had done this kind of thing many times.

In fact, it was true. Originally, the task given to them by Qingming was to search for suitable targets, and then he would personally capture them.

But after several captures, the number of captives in his hands increased, the available chakra increased sharply every day, and the time required for training was correspondingly extended.

Gradually, he couldn't spare any time.

So, Qingming let these shadow clones do it themselves.

These shadow clones inherited his memory, and their combat experience and skills were not bad at all.

In addition, he was originally an agile route and rarely fought head-on, so there was no need to worry about the shadow clones' ability to withstand injuries.

In this way, with the cooperation of the four shadow clones, the task went very smoothly.

A few minutes later.

The battlefield was cleaned up.

The four shadow clones wiped out their traces, grabbed the three unconscious rock ninjas and two cloud ninjas on the ground, and quickly left the place.

What they didn't know was that not long after they left, a rock ninja came here. He looked at the familiar "clean" battlefield and frowned slightly.

Qingming's unscrupulous arrest action eventually aroused the suspicion of the Rock Village. This special ninja was specifically here to investigate this matter.

He surveyed the scene and found nothing suspicious.

So, he bit his thumb, then quickly formed the five seals of "Hai-Xu-You-Shen-Wei", slapped the ground, and used blood as a guide to perform the ninjutsu - the summoning technique!

The next moment, dozens of palm-sized mice appeared in the field. They were pitch black, with smooth fur and shiny eyes, and looked extremely spiritual.

The Rock Village Senior Ninja squatted down, picked up one of them, put it in his palm, and said: "Xiao Qi, smell the smell of several people around."

The mouse called Xiao Qi shrugged his nose hard, and then "squeaked" a few times.

The Rock Village Senior Ninja seemed to understand, and glanced at the corpses around, counted them, and said: "Can you smell which direction they went?"


Xiao Qi screamed a few times, stretched out his front paws, and pointed to a direction, which was the direction where the four shadow clones of Qingming left.

Seeing this, the Rock Village Senior Ninja said happily: "Xiao Qi, good job! Here, give it to you"

As he said, he took out a few peanuts from his pocket and handed them to the mouse in his palm.

The mouse was very happy and ate the peanuts in a few bites.

At this time, the Rock Village Senior Ninja said: "Xiao Qi, you lead the way in front, follow those smells, and see if you can find people."


Xiao Qi called a few times, and then led a group of younger brothers to run forward.

The Iwagakure jonin followed them carefully.


At the same time.

In a hidden cave.

Qingming drained the chakra of the last cloud ninja, and after seeing that his own chakra had not yet reached full state, he extracted a part of his spiritual energy and physical energy from him, turned it into chakra, and replenished it in his body.

Only then did Qingming nod with satisfaction, and then began to perform the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" to promote the evolution of the Sharingan.

An hour later.

Qingming stopped performing the technique.

At this time, the chakra in his body had dropped to half of its peak state, and the proficiency of the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" had reached lv6 (9895/10000).

Obviously, after more than a day of hard work, his "Reflection of the Heart Technique" was one step closer to lv7.

Qingming didn't want to waste time. He checked the status of several Cloud Ninjas and Rock Ninjas in the cave. After confirming that they would not wake up in a short time, he got up and left the cave.

Then, he identified the direction and ran towards another hidden cave.

When he was practicing just now, the shadow clone had sent back memories - there, they prepared three Rock Ninjas and two Cloud Ninjas for him.

The reason why they didn't let them send the prisoners over was mainly for safety.

Qingming knew how crazy what he was doing now was. If he was spotted by the top leaders of Rock Ninja and Cloud Ninja, and the prisoners were detained separately, he would not be completely wiped out.

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