Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 120 Three Magatama

It was night.

In an underground cave.

In the room opened by the shadow clone.

Qingming sat cross-legged, silently practicing the ‘Genjutsu·Sharingan’.

As for the follow-up of the daytime events, he left it all to the shadow clone.

Now, he just wanted to upgrade the ‘Genjutsu·Sharingan’ to level 5, and then immediately start practicing the ‘Reflection of the Heart Technique’.

His Sharingan had been stuck at the double magatama for several months, and it was time to evolve it to three magatama.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Suddenly, Qingming opened his eyes, raised his hands, and completed the seal in an instant, casting the ‘Genjutsu·Sharingan’.

However, although he was fast, it still took time.


With a sigh, Qingming put down his hands and muttered: “Level 5 is really not the end!”

That’s right, unlike the ‘Magic·Sharingan’, his ‘Genjutsu·Sharingan’ can still be improved after reaching level 5.

Although this is not a bad thing, Qingming is still a little disappointed.

He originally expected that after being promoted to level 5, he could skip the step of making hand seals and reach the level of Uchiha Itachi who could perform the "Genjutsu·Sharingan" with just a wave of his hand.

And this is also the realm that can be achieved in the scroll that the Uchiha jonin gave him.

Now it seems that he still hasn't practiced it to the fullest.

Fortunately, with the proficiency panel, he doesn't have to worry about never reaching that realm. It's just a matter of working harder for a while.

As for today?

Forget it!

Qingming can't wait to practice the "Reflection Heart Technique".

However, before practicing, he still has to replenish the chakra in his body, otherwise it will affect the rhythm if he runs out of chakra in the middle.

With this thought, Qingming walked out of the room and came to the depths of the cave.

At this time, there were eleven sand ninjas imprisoned here.

And among these people, only the two who were recently captured were still in good spirits.

The nine people before were in a bad state because he frequently extracted their spiritual and physical energy.

They were listless and looked extremely weak.

Qingming estimated that it would not be long before these people would be useless.

However, Qingming did not care much about this because he could not stay here for too long.

Not to mention whether the headquarters would allow him to stay in the second line after he awakened the three-magatama Sharingan, just for the sake of fairness, those who stayed in the second line for a long time would be sent to the front line for rotation.

Qingming calculated the time a little bit, at most in half a month, he would have to go to the front line, and then he would not be as comfortable as he is now.

Of course, this comfort is only in his eyes, others would not think so.

Apart from other things, Qingming's own teammates, except for one Kamijou Yoichi who persisted longer, the other two would be replaced every ten days and half a month on average.

Even so, every time he encountered an enemy, the difficult enemy would be dealt with by Qingming.

If it were any other team, they would be wiped out if they were not careful.

If not, why would those Sand Ninjas come here one after another? Isn't it to destroy Konoha's manpower?

It's just that Qingming is too strong, which makes the Sand Ninjas in this area seem to be ineffective.

Overall, Konoha's losses are actually greater.

He shook his head secretly and put these thoughts behind him.

Qingming flashed and came in front of Qianye, and in the other's numb eyes, he performed the "Chakra Absorption Technique".

At first, absorbing chakra was nothing.

But when Qingming began to extract the other's spiritual energy and physical energy to make up for the deficiency, he showed a look of pain.

However, Qingming turned a blind eye to his pain.

It's not that Qingming has no empathy, but that this war will last for about a year, and the battlefield environment will inevitably become more cruel as time goes on.

If Qingming doesn't want to die on the battlefield, he can only be cruel and do everything possible to enhance his own strength. A woman's kindness will only kill himself.

Qingming would not be so unwise.

After a few breaths, Qingming retracted his palm, then came to the second person with an expressionless face and performed the "Chakra Absorption Technique" again.

In this way, Qingming absorbed the chakra of four people in a row and finally replenished the chakra in his body to its peak state.


'It's the liver! '

With this thought, Qingming quickly returned to the room and began to practice the "Reflection of the Heart Technique".

Time passed by minute by minute, Qingming performed the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" over and over again, feeling the nourishment of the special chakra in his brain to the Sharingan.

Finally, two and a half hours later.

When Qingming performed the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" for the 85th time, when the special chakra once again flowed into his eyes, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change.

A black jade, as black as ink, quietly appeared in his blood-red pupils, forming a perfect 120-degree angle with the other two jades.

At this point, his Sharingan successfully evolved into a three-magatama Sharingan.

At this moment, Qingming only felt that the image quality in front of him changed from 4K ultra-high definition to 8K ultra-high definition, and everything in his vision became clearer.

In addition, when he focused his attention, everything in front of him became slower.

In this way, when fighting with others, he would have more time to think and react.

Just this one item, his strength increased by at least 20% to 30%.

That’s it, and we haven’t counted the basic attributes that increased due to the Sharingan’s advancement.

That’s right, this time his Sharingan evolved from two magatama to three magatama, and the ‘spiritual’ attribute and ‘physique’ attribute increased by two points and one point respectively.

If we only look at the numbers, this increase seems to be no different from the previous two times.

But again, the further the attribute points are, the greater the gap between each point.

Therefore, the improvement of the basic attributes this time is far from comparable to the previous two times.

Qingming estimated that this time his chakra limit can be increased by at least 10,000 points, which is twice as much as the last 5,000 points.

When all these potentials are fully tapped, his chakra amount will increase to about 30,000 points, which is the level of three cards.

By then, he can also be called a ‘chajinla’.

However, there is still a certain gap from the target ‘chatonla’.

Even so, it is more than 99% of ninjas.

From this, we can understand why Uchiha ninjas who opened the three magatama Sharingan can get the title of Jonin.

It's not the reputation of the rich family, but the strength can really achieve it.

Others may not improve as much as him, but as long as they awaken the three-magatama Sharingan, the chakra amount will exceed 10,000 points.

With such a chakra amount, plus the ability of the Sharingan, ordinary jonins are simply not their opponents.

Therefore, it is well deserved to get the title of jonin.

Similarly, it won't be long before he will become a jonin.

However, these are all false names. Qingming actually values ​​the improvement of strength.

In addition to the increase in the chakra limit, the improvement of basic attributes this time will also increase his chakra recovery speed.

Qingming estimates that after this time, his daily chakra recovery will increase by about 5,000 points.

In other words, the chakra he can use every day in the future will reach 17,000 points.

In this way, even if he has to give up this stronghold, he won't feel too bad.

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