Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 117 Second Attribute


A sound of flapping wings was heard.

A colorful parrot fell from the sky and landed on the shoulder of a Konoha Chunin, and then whispered something in his ear.

Then, the Konoha Chunin turned to a young ninja next to him, who was about 11 or 12 years old, and said, "Captain, Xiaoba said the enemy is ahead."

The young man was none other than Qingming, and the Konoha Chunin who spoke was not someone else, but his subordinate, Kamijou Yoichi.

As for Xiaoba, he was naturally the parrot.

In addition, there were two other people in the field, one was a Konoha Chunin who was about 16 or 17 years old, and the other was a Konoha Genin who had just graduated from the Ninja School.

That's right, they had just graduated.

Looking back to last year, after their class graduated, they had more than two months of buffer period, and it was not until the end of January that they followed the support troops and rushed to the battlefield of the Rain Country.

And this time.

Qingming calculated the time, and it had been ten days since the last "vacation", and it was almost late October now.

In other words, they came to the battlefield almost as soon as they graduated.

This shows how short Konoha's military strength is.

However, this move of sending newcomers to the battlefield cannot reverse this situation.

Because their strength is too low and their number is too small, they can't affect the overall situation at all. They have no meaning except being cannon fodder.

Just like the guy named Simu Teng in front of him, he only experienced one battle, and the Chunin teacher and two teammates were all killed.

It is precisely because of this that he joined his team alone, or in other words, he was transferred to him by the base camp.

Glancing at the other party's nervous face, Qingming didn't say much, but asked Kamijou Yoichi directly: "What is the number of enemies? Is it four?"

This time, they came here to track a Sand Ninja team.

Just now, the parrot went out to scout the enemy.

Hearing Qingming's inquiry, Kamijou Yoichi immediately looked at the parrot, and the parrot nodded at him.

Seeing this, Qingming stopped talking nonsense and immediately said: "I will lead the way, Kamijou Yoichi, you will be the rear guard, Simu Teng, Chunjing Sheng, you two will be in the middle, pay attention to the movements on both sides."

"Yes, Captain!" ×3

The three people responded in unison.

"Very good, let's go."

After that, Qingming took the lead and ran forward.

Simu Teng and Chunjing Sheng walked side by side, followed closely behind, scanning both sides with sharp eyes, and Kamijou Yoichi walked at the end of the team.

A few minutes later, everyone arrived near the destination. According to Xiao Ba, the four opponents were hiding in the woods ahead.

Qingming asked the team to slow down and approach carefully.

At first, everything went smoothly.

But when they approached within 30 meters of the target, Simu Teng accidentally triggered the trap set by the opponent.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Several kunai shot from the side.

Seeing that Simu Teng was about to die on the spot, Qingming threw three kunai in an instant, using the force to counter the force, and blocked all the flying kunai in the air.

It was not until this time that Simu Teng reacted and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry!"

However, Qingming ignored him and just looked ahead with a serious expression.

In the depths of the forest, through the gaps between the trees, Qingming could vaguely see four Sand Ninjas looking here.

Obviously, they had already noticed the movement here.

Seeing this, Qingming knew that it would be difficult to approach the other party quietly.

So, without hesitation, he quickly raised his hands, completed the seal, and performed the ninjutsu - Wind Style·Great Breakthrough.

That's right, it was Wind Style.

After these days of study, he has developed a second chakra attribute and has upgraded the 'Wind Style·Great Breakthrough' to level 2 (125/500).

As for where the chakra comes from?

It's very simple. In the past ten days, he secretly captured two Sand Style Chunins and obtained an additional supply of 6,000 chakra points.

It was with these chakras that he was able to master the "Wind Style·Great Breakthrough" in just a few days and reached level 2.

Although the level is still a bit low, "Wind Style·Great Breakthrough" is a ninjutsu whose power is strongly related to the amount of chakra injected by the caster.

Therefore, with the huge chakra, Qingming easily made it work amazingly.

He opened his mouth and spit out a whirlwind, and as he continued to move forward, the scope of the impact became wider and wider.

When he arrived at the place where the Sand Ninjas were hiding, everything within a hundred meters had been cleared.

In this way, the traps set by the Sand Ninjas no longer existed.

And this was also one of Qingming's goals.

Judging from Simu Teng's experience, there must be a lot of traps set by the opponent nearby.

Although Qingming was confident that he could avoid these traps, there was really no need to launch an attack on the battlefield set by the opponent.

So, he chose to clear the field.

After a dozen breaths, the dust settled.

In the field, Kamijou Yoichi and others stood behind Qingming, and not far from them were four Sand Ninjas, one man and three women.

However, they looked a little embarrassed now.

The leading Sand Ninja glanced at Kamijou Yoichi and others, and finally fixed his gaze on Qingming, and said with a serious expression: "Uchiha Qingming?"

Qingming was slightly stunned when he heard this, thinking to himself, is he so famous that he was recognized at a glance.

"Is it because of the big scuffle last time?"

Qing Ming was confused.

The last time Sunagakure conducted a surprise attack, he killed nine opponents in a row. In the end, he withstood the attack of a Sunagakure jounin for half an hour.

In this way, it is normal to be focused on by Sunagakure Village.

In fact, it doesn't stop there, Qing Ming seems to have forgotten that there are eleven sand ninjas imprisoned in his underground cave!

You know, in Konoha, these people fled back, but only Sunagakure Village knew that all these people were missing.

What these people had in common before they disappeared was that they had been to Area E11.

In this way, coupled with those Sand Ninjas that Qing Ming could not capture secretly and could only kill, there were even more Sand Ninjas who were 'missing' here.

Although there is more than just Qingming's team patrolling the E11 area, he is undoubtedly one of the most worthy of attention due to his ability to compete with Jonin.

These sand ninjas who perform lurking and infiltration missions are very concerned about this information.

Therefore, his identity was recognized at a glance.

Although Qing Ming has not thought of this for the time being, this does not prevent him from taking action.

Secretly making a gesture to several teammates, Qing Ming suddenly raised his hands, about to form a seal.

At the same time, the Sharingan in the pupils was activated with all its strength, and the three magatama were spinning rapidly, as if they were preparing to cast some illusion.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Sand Ninja hurriedly shouted: "Don't look into his eyes!"

Hearing this, the other three Sand Ninja immediately looked away.

However, Qing Ming only feinted a shot and did not cast any illusions. His raised hands only formed a 'we' seal.

The next moment, the 'Instant Body Technique' was activated, and his speed suddenly surged.

Looking at Qing Ming who came to him in an instant, Huang Sha knew that he had been deceived. He immediately pulled out the long sword from behind and was about to slash at Qing Ming.

However, as soon as the opponent's long sword was swung, Qing Ming had already predicted his next move.

Therefore, before the long sword fell, Qing Ming had already avoided it in advance.

Just at this moment, a Sand Ninja looked over and seemed ready to help.

However, it was this glance that allowed Qingming to seize the opportunity, and the hypnotic ability of the Sharingan was instantly maximized.

The sand ninja was immediately hit and froze on the spot.

At this time, Qing Ming flipped his palm, and a shuriken appeared in his palm, and then he threw it out.


The sound of a sharp knife penetrating flesh was heard.

The shuriken accurately penetrated the sand ninja's throat, killing him.

In just an instant, the Suna Ninja's number was reduced by one.

There will be another update in the evening.

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