Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 112 Perfection

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

During these ten days, the E11 area that the Qingming team is responsible for was quite quiet, or the entire western defense zone was very quiet.

As for the reason, it is very simple, everyone's attention is not here.

Now, whether it is the Sand Village, the Konoha Village, or other forces planted nearby, they all focus their attention on the two strongholds on the front line.

The battle there is quite fierce, the stronghold has changed hands several times, and the Sand Village and the Konoha Village are frantically increasing their troops.

As far as Qingming knows, Konoha has sent three waves of support.

Now this is the fourth wave.

That's right, just now, Qingming sent the fourth wave of Konoha support troops out of the defense zone.

Looking at their backs as they left, Qingming thought to himself: "I don't know how many of these people can survive?"

Obviously, the two strongholds have become a kind of symbol. Whether they can be recaptured will determine Konoha's choice when facing the attack of the Sand Village for a long time in the future.

If they can be recaptured, it means that Konoha still has the strength to fight.

After that, if he encounters similar things again, he will actively respond.

If he cannot recapture it, it means that Konoha is no longer able to maintain the current front line.

In this case, he must gradually abandon the outer strongholds and shrink the entire defense line.

During this period, the resistance will naturally not be too strong.

That is why the battle there is so fierce.

After thinking for a while, Qingming retracted his gaze, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. These things are not his turn to worry about.

What he needs to pay attention to is whether he will be transferred there, and if he is transferred there, how to ensure his survival?

These things related to his own life are what he should consider.

Fortunately, Qingming has not received a transfer order.


In a flash, another two days passed.

Time came to the beginning of October.

This afternoon.

After the patrol, Qingming began to practice the "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique" as usual, once, twice, and three times.

Finally, after performing this technique for the 27th time, Qingming suddenly stopped, then closed his eyes, stood still, and did not move for a long time.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a quarter of an hour, Qingming finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, a flash of realization flashed across his eyes.

With a swipe, the dagger was pulled out from his waist by Qingming.

After that, without any movement on his part, the dagger changed from snow-white to dark red.

Obviously, he injected the fire escape chakra into it, but unlike before, there were no wisps of flames on the blade.

This does not mean that his fire escape has become weaker.

On the contrary, it has become stronger.

The reason why those flames appeared before was because he did not have enough control over the fire escape chakra.

And now, this problem no longer exists.

As for the reason

It is very simple. He has completely mastered the changes in the form and nature of the fire attribute chakra, so there will naturally be no leakage of power.

How did he do this?

The answer is also very simple. His 'Fire escape·Phoenix Fire Technique' has been upgraded from the previous lv4 to the current lv5, reaching perfection.

With this, he successfully mastered the changes in the form and nature of fire-attribute chakra, and his understanding and mastery of fire escape chakra directly reached a new level.

At this time, Qingming had a hunch that he should be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort when practicing other fire escape ninjutsu.

With this thought, Qingming immediately raised his hands, quickly formed the six seals of ‘Si-Wei-Shen-Hai-Wu-Yin’, opened his mouth, and spit out a fireball with a diameter of about one meter.

The fireball flew straight out and hit a big tree not far away, igniting a blazing flame.

However, Qingming didn't even look at the effect of this technique. He opened the panel with a thought and directly checked the proficiency behind the ‘Fire escape·Great Fireball Technique’.

Without any surprise, his proficiency increased by five points after just one use.

This made Qingming very excited, and he secretly thought that his strategy of improving a ninjutsu first was correct.

After that, he tried several more times. Although the increase in proficiency fluctuated slightly, it basically remained between four and five points, which was a very fast speed.

In addition, he also tested the ‘Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique’, and the effect was the same as the ‘Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique’, and the proficiency also increased rapidly.

In view of this, Qingming made a direct decision - to divide the 1,300 chakra points originally allocated to the ‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique’ provided by himself, and evenly divided them between the ‘Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique’ and the ‘Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique’.

In this way, his proficiency can increase by about 40 points every day.

In this way, it only takes about ten days for his two ninjutsu to be upgraded from lv2 to lv3, and the practicality will inevitably rise to a higher level.

The only regret is that even if his ‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique’ is upgraded to lv5 (0/0), he still cannot make a single-handed seal or cast a spell without a seal.

Qingming estimated that to achieve this, he would have to upgrade his Chakra Control to the next level.

After all, the essence of hand seals is to assist ninjas in mobilizing the chakra in their bodies, and if ninjas can do this themselves, this step can be simplified or even omitted.

With this thought in mind, Qingming opened the panel and looked at Chakra Control.

After these days of practice, his proficiency has increased by more than 100 points, and now he has reached level 3 (810/1000)!

However, at this point, the blessing brought by the double magatama Sharingan is almost gone. If there is no new way next, then we can only rely on slow work.

"New way."

Qingming murmured, thinking of the two puppeteers imprisoned deep in the cave.

One of the reasons why he captured Qianye in the first place was to borrow the puppet secret technique mastered by the other party to speed up the practice of "chakra control"?

It's just that the other party has been unwilling to hand it over.

'Now that such a long time has passed, I don't know if the other party has changed his mind? '

Qingming thought in his heart, turned around and came to an empty corner, raised his hand and performed the "shadow clone technique", splitting a shadow clone.

After nodding to the other party, Qingming quietly left this place and rushed to the direction of the cave entrance.

Even if Qianye is unwilling this time, Qingming is sure to get the puppet secret technique.

There is no other reason. After these days of observation, he can be sure that Qianye is the weak point of Shafeng's puppeteer.

Using this as a breakthrough point, it should not be difficult to get the puppet secret technique.

Moreover, he does not want everything, but only the method of condensing, dividing and controlling the chakra thread.

As for the puppet making and control technology that the other party values, he does not care much.

In this way, a breakthrough should be found.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming has come to the entrance of the cave, looked around, and made sure that there was no one, and immediately went in.

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