Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 103 Opportunity

At the same time.

In the cave space.

Qingming took his hand away from Qianye's head, fed him three ration pills as usual, and after ensuring that he had enough nutrition to refine chakra, he returned to the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the direction of the base camp in the distance, Qingming whispered: "Calculating the time, it seems that the shadow clone should also set off."

Yes, Qingming who followed the main force was just one of his shadow clones.

Originally, Qingming planned to go there in person, but considering that there was no danger on the road from the base camp to here, he simply didn't waste that time.

After staying outside for a while and absorbing some fresh air, Qingming tiptoed back to the cave.

He found a place at random, sat cross-legged, and then began to practice the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" with the 3,000 chakras he had just obtained.

Originally, according to his plan, these 3,000 chakras were to be divided into two, used to practice the "Reflection of the Heart Technique" and the "Fire Style·Phoenix Fairy Fire Technique" respectively.

But he is now an illegal resident, and practicing the ‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique’ here is likely to cause trouble, so he can only give up temporarily.

In fact, it is not just now, but also the past two days.

This has led to the number of times he practiced the ‘Reflection Heart Technique’ far exceeding the plan, while the ‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique’ has stagnated.

However, this is not important.

Qingming is not a rigid person. When the shadow clone comes, he can appear openly and squarely, and he can completely make up for the ‘Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique’.

Anyway, as long as the general progress is carried out according to the plan, there is no need to worry about the distribution of chakra every day.

Other skills follow the same principle.


In a flash, several hours passed.

It was approaching dusk.

A figure appeared silently at the entrance of the cave, looked around, and then pushed aside the weeds and jumped in.

Below, Qingming opened his eyes suddenly.

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

It was none other than his shadow clone.

The two of them didn't say anything, just looked at each other, and then the shadow clone released the ninjutsu.


A cloud of chakra smoke dissipated, and the shadow clone disappeared.

Along with it, there was a small amount of chakra and the other party's memories of the past two days.

Qingming closed his eyes for a moment, and after browsing the other party's memories, he performed the "Shadow Clone Technique" again, split a shadow clone, and quietly left the cave.

The shadow clone replaced him and became the new guard.

At this point, the two completed the exchange of identities, and Qingming could finally appear outside openly.

There was nothing much to say about the days that followed. In addition to eating, sleeping and patrolling, Qingming was practicing, while maintaining a frequency of once a day, squeezing Qianye's chakra.

As for the enemy

The area he was responsible for did not appear, but there were several battles in other teams, and he also supported once.

Unfortunately, there were more people that time, and he couldn't kidnap the other party without anyone noticing, so he could only bear the pain and kill the other party.

That is why, this mission is almost over, and his "chakra battery" is still only Qianye.

Just when he was considering whether to take advantage of the rest time tomorrow to go to the front battlefield and capture a few Sand Ninjas, the opportunity suddenly came.


This afternoon.

In the forest.

Qingming was on his last patrol.

Suddenly, a ninja dog came running from a distance, and after approaching, it braked suddenly and stopped in front of him.

Qingming recognized the other party. This was the summoning beast of the squad leader Tashiro Ukyo - Qiya.

The other party came in a hurry, and there must be an order to convey.

Sure enough, before Qingming asked, it said very quickly: "Team 312, Lord Ukyo ordered you to rush to Area E12 immediately. Team 108 was attacked and needs your support."

Team 312 is the internal number of the team led by Qingming, and Area E12 is the patrol area of ​​Team 108, which is adjacent to Area E11 they defend.

It was normal for the other party to ask for reinforcements when they were attacked. Qingming didn't waste any words and replied directly: "Okay, I got it, Qiya, you can go back and report."


Hearing this, Qiya shouted and said: "Hurry up, there seem to be a lot of enemies over there."

After that, it ran back in a flash.

Looking at the other party's disappearing back, Qingming murmured: "It's good to have a lot of enemies!"

Without any hesitation, Qingming immediately took out the whistle and blew it.

In less than a minute, his three subordinates rushed over.

One of them asked directly: "Captain, what happened?"

Qingming didn't waste any words and immediately told them that the 108th team was attacked and the team leader asked them for reinforcements.

Then, he directly ordered: "Pack up your equipment immediately, let's go!"

In fact, there was nothing to pack. Everyone was fully armed when they came out to perform the mission, so they set off quickly.

However, before they arrived at Area E12, they were attacked by the Sand Ninja.

"Wind Style: Kamaitachi Technique!"

In the forest, Qingming and others were running fast when a low shout suddenly came from the front.

The next moment, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, blowing towards them from far away. The trees along the way seemed to be attacked by a sharp blade, with broken branches and fallen leaves, which was very miserable.

Seeing this, Qingming and others hurriedly retreated.

Finally, after everything returned to calm, Qingming saw the person who attacked.

This person was about twenty years old, thin, with a pair of triangular eyes, a bit cold temperament, and a giant fan in his hand.

If Qingming was not mistaken, it should be the unique ninja tool of the Sand Village - the three-star fan.

Using this to perform wind escape ninjutsu can effectively enhance the power of ninjutsu.

‘It’s just that I don’t know how many stars the other party opened when performing the ‘Wind Escape·Kamaitachi Technique’ just now. ’

Qingming thought in his heart, and at the same time glanced at the other three people.

That’s right, in addition to this thin man, there are three Sand Village Chunin in the field.

One of them had colorful paint on his face and a huge cylindrical object on his back, which was a bit similar to the dress of Kanjiro in later generations.

But Qingming saw the same family emblem on Qianye's clothes.

Obviously, these two people are from the same family.

This made Qingming's eyes light up. He was worried about how to get Qianye to hand over the puppet secret technique. With this person, maybe he could find a breakthrough.

However, these are all later stories. Qingming paid a little attention to the other party and then shifted his attention to the remaining two people.

Compared with the thin man and the puppeteer, these two people are much more ordinary.

One is seventeen or eighteen years old, with a strong body, and he can be well trained in physical skills. The other is in his early twenties. She is a rare female ninja in the ninja world, and it is unknown what she is good at.

There will be another update in the evening.

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