The more you go, the more you will be able to do it.

Hearing Kakashi asking her to explain the principle of the flexible love, Sakura didn't think of refusing.

After all, Kakashi is amiable most of the time in the anime, and she will most likely be in Team 7 in the future. Showing her talents and value in advance will give her more say in the team in the future.

"It's not a powerful ninjutsu."

As she said that, the translucent pink chakra in Sakura's hand suddenly darkened a little, turned into a flash of light and shot towards an egg-sized stone on the ground, sticking to it.

Afterwards, Sakura increased the elasticity of the flexible love, and the stone flew to Sakura's right hand under the traction of the chakra. With a "snap", it was caught in Sakura's hand.

"The principle is to give the chakra outside the body the stickiness of gum and the elasticity of rubber."

Sakura said as she waved her index finger lightly, using the chakra line to pull the stone to rotate quickly beside her, leaving a whirring afterimage.

Kakashi couldn't help but marvel at the scene in his heart.

The little girl in front of him said it simply, but he would not underestimate this ninjutsu.

As an elite jonin who has copied thousands of ninjutsu, in the entire Konoha theory, it is estimated that only the ninjutsu professor Sarutobi Hiruzen can be compared with Kakashi in his understanding of ninjutsu.

Without the chakra control skills of the jonin level, it is impossible to use the chakra outside the body like using the arm and finger, not to mention...

"In other words, you just used your original ninjutsu to pull yourself to move at high speed in the forest, right?"

Sakura nodded, released the stickiness of the chakra, and the stone lost its restraint and turned into a black shadow and sank into the forest she had just walked out of.

Glancing at the flying stone, Kakashi subconsciously replaced the stone with a shuriken. If he could maintain his hit rate, it would be difficult for him to dodge such a sneak attack without the Sharingan.

Thinking of this, Kakashi also gathered his chakra in his palm on a whim, bent down and picked up a stone from the ground. But just as he was about to change the shape of the chakra in his hand, he was not careful, and the viscosity of the chakra in his hand decreased, and the stone fell from his hand to the ground, making a muffled "dong" sound.

"This ninjutsu requires the simultaneous control of chakra viscosity and elasticity at all times. It seems that Sakura's chakra control seems to be even better than mine."

After a little try, Kakashi immediately understood the core of this ninjutsu.

"Yes, Senior Kakashi is really worthy of being a jonin. You can understand the key at a glance."

Based on the principle of "flattery never wears out", Sakura immediately complimented Kakashi and thought about how to make Kakashi explode something.

"By the way, the name of this ninjutsu is [Stretchable Love]."

"What a strange name."

For some reason, Sakura's naming taste reminded Kakashi of his mentor...

"You don't have to be modest. If we only consider chakra control, even the jonin is not as good as you. Your ninjutsu is very powerful and well developed. If you use it flexibly, you can deal with all kinds of troubles."

Kakashi immediately waved away the blond figure in his mind, gave a fair evaluation, and then asked the doubts in his heart:

"But why did you think of developing such a ninjutsu? When you graduate, you can learn more powerful ninjutsu from the guiding ninja?"

"Of course, it's because I know what kind of person you are. You didn't teach me anything in the anime. Leading students is like a father leading his son - the emphasis is on keeping alive."

Although Sakura complained in her heart, she made a serious thinking expression on her face.

In fact, she was indeed thinking seriously, thinking about how to lure Kakashi to teach her something.

"Maybe it's because my chakra amount is not outstanding."

Sakura gave her answer after careful consideration and looked at Kakashi.

Sure enough, although most of her face was covered, Sakura still noticed that Kakashi's left eye pupil was slightly shaken.

Sakura's expression was calm, still looking serious, but she was ecstatic in her heart:


Although there are many different opinions, the most perfect approach is undoubtedly the amount of chakra.

In the anime, Kakashi's biggest weakness is the lack of blue, which is even ridiculed as a unit of chakra counting.

Although the statement that "12-year-old Naruto's chakra is 100 times that of Kakashi" is a completely fictitious translation error, it is written

Under the drag of the Wheel Eye, Kakashi's chakra is definitely not excellent among the jonin.

This is very similar to Sakura's situation.

Emphasizing the saving of chakra by the flexible love can be better marketed and exchanged for good things.

So Sakura continued:

"The viscosity and elasticity of the flexible love completely depend on the user's chakra control, and have nothing to do with the amount of chakra. As long as the chakra control skills are good, a small amount of chakra can cause good damage."

Sakura casually took out a kunai from the ninja tool bag on her waist, and shot it out with the flexible love. The kunai flew to a big tree in the distant forest at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, and pierced deeply into the tree with a "puff".

"Can the power of C-level ninjutsu be exerted by just the kunai?"

Looking at the kunai with half of the ring at the end submerged, Kakashi was surprised.

"Moreover, the Retractable Love is not like the Five Elements Ninjutsu that disappears after release. As long as a part of the released chakra is still in contact with my body, it can exist for a long time.

Since there is no change in properties, I can retract the Retractable Love into my body at any time and convert the chakra into physical and mental energy again."

In order to promote the ninjutsu, Sakura also demonstrated to Kakashi how to recycle the Retractable Love.

"It seems that you are really a genius in controlling chakra!"

Kakashi couldn't help but sigh after listening to Sakura's explanation.

He completely understood Sakura's original intention:

Efficiently convert your chakra control into combat power.

Although I invented Chidori at the same age as Sakura, Chidori is still a traditional lightning ninjutsu.

But Retractable Love is a completely different dimension of innovation. This ninjutsu, whose effect has little to do with the amount of chakra, can completely form a new ninjutsu system, and this ninjutsu is very suitable for myself who lacks chakra.

Even Kakashi, who always claimed to be a genius, had a little respect for Sakura's wild ideas and unique talent.

But as a genius, he would not give up easily. He believed that he could develop similar ninjutsu according to Sakura's development ideas.

"No, no, Mr. Kakashi is too kind."

Sakura's words interrupted Kakashi's thoughts, and Kakashi turned his attention back to Sakura.

Sakura lowered her head at this time, pretending to be shy, and continued to throw bait:

"This notebook is the experimental record of my development of the flexible love. If Mr. Kakashi is interested, you can take it."

Sakura took out a 32-page notebook from the ninja bag while speaking, and handed it to Kakashi.

As the saying goes, "If you want to get something, you must first give it." Sakura may get more by giving her ninjutsu to Kakashi first.


Looking at the notebook that Sakura handed over, Kakashi was at a loss for a moment.

"It seems that in this peaceful era, a ninja with Sakura's talent will also lack vigilance.

But it's true that no matter how talented Sakura is, she is just a 12-year-old girl."

Admiring the innocence of the girl in front of him, Kakashi kindly reminded her:

"Sakura, as a ninja, you must always be vigilant and can't trust strangers at will."

"But isn't Kakashi a fellow ninja of Konoha? Companions can trust each other, right?"

Sakura tilted her head slightly and made a silly expression.

Kakashi was slightly stunned when he heard this. In his eyes, the image of the innocent girl in front of him actually overlapped with a hedgehog-headed boy with goggles for a moment.

Obviously, the two are different in talent, personality, and even gender, so why does he think they are similar?

Perhaps this trust in his partner evoked his memories.

Kakashi, who had come out of his memories, placed his right hand on top of Sakura's head, and stroked her soft pink hair with a smile.

Sakura did not dodge, and let Kakashi do what he wanted.

After all, Kakashi was not Tim Duncan, and she had nothing to lose by patting his head.

And she knew her plan was about to succeed:

Because of Obito's influence, Kakashi cherished his companions very much in the anime, and often said Obito's famous saying "People who don't cherish their companions are worse than trash."

If she showed her trust in her companions, Kakashi's favorability would definitely increase.

Sure enough, looking at Kakashi's satisfied expression, Sakura seemed to see the "favorability +1+1+1+1..." icon popping up above his head.

Humph, you can criticize the ninja for being resourceful;

Aren't you easily controlled?

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