The young man was very happy.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Sakura who had just arrived.

Sakura's long gloves and stockings were gone, replaced by a layer of tightly wrapped bandages.

Xiao Li's eyes lit up:

"Sakura, do you also think that being wrapped in bandages is a symbol of hard work!

You are worthy of being the woman that Rock Lee likes!

You have a good aesthetic sense!"

After saying that, Xiao Li gave Sakura a flashing smile with his signature thick eyebrows.

"Is there a possibility that I am just injured?"

Sakura's mouth twitched at Xiao Li's magical imagination.

As expected, your brother Li will always be your brother Li. This unique brain circuit is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

When Hinata heard that Sakura was injured, she immediately opened her Byakugan anxiously and observed Sakura's condition.

"Many muscle tissues have obvious signs of being strained, and it is obvious that she has just experienced medical ninjutsu.

Especially the leg muscles, which are the most seriously injured. Even after treatment, there are still some small cracks left...

You'd better perform medical ninjutsu on your legs again."

Ningci also opened his Byakugan, explained Sakura's condition to everyone present, and gave Sakura advice.

However, at this moment, two fingers with the gesture of "Yeah" came straight towards his eyes, and the speed was as fast as lightning, catching people off guard!

Seeing that the fingers were about to be inserted into his eyes, Ningci immediately stretched out his right hand, raised his palm knife, and blocked between the two fingers.

Although the sneak attack was blocked, the force from Neji's palm showed the powerful force contained in this move.

"Brother Neji, it is very rude for you to pry into other people's privacy like this!"

Hinata retracted her right hand that was blocked by Neji, and angrily scolded Neji who was observing Sakura's injury.

At this time, Hinata's momentum was very different from the usual gentle and dignified lady. She stood between Sakura and Neji with a red face, and her angry look was like a hen protecting her children.

"Damn it!"

Ningji gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

Judging from the force, Hinata's move just now was obviously aimed at destroying Neji's eyes. Neji was also scared by Hinata's sudden move and broke into a cold sweat:

What is wrong with Miss Hinata?

I also want to tell Sakura about her specific injuries...

Also, Miss, do you want to see the blue veins around your eyes?

Can people not be so double-standard!

But the situation was stronger than the person. This was the first time he had seen Hinata like this. If he angered Hinata, she would become a caged bird, and he would be the only one who would suffer and be embarrassed. Neji could only close his Byakugan in humiliation and stubbornly turned his head to the side.

As Neji closed his Byakugan, Hinata calmed down. Not only Neji, but she was also scared by her performance just now and broke out in a cold sweat:

I was really scared just now. I almost used the secret spell to destroy Neji's Byakugan!

Fortunately, I didn't lose my mind. I just threatened him for a while, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It's all Neji's fault for looking around...

"Uh, it's okay, Hinata-chan. Neji's doing this actually helped me a lot. If it weren't for his Byakugan, I wouldn't have noticed that my injury was not completely healed."

Sakura was sweating to smooth things over. She didn't want the battle between brother and sister to be staged in front of her in advance.

Hinata, who had calmed down, became angrier and angrier:

"Sakura-chan is just too kind. She obviously rolls her eyes too. There's no need to..."

Seeing this, Sakura quickly patted Hinata's puffy chest and comforted her to try to calm her down.


Seeing this, Tenten quickly stood between Hinata and Sakura.

"Sakura, this is not the place to talk. You are hiding in that big tree, right? Let's go inside and talk about it."

Tenten glared at Sakura while talking:

How can you be so shameless? You must be going to attack Hinata!

"Okay, Naruto and Sasuke are also in there."

Sakura answered while glaring at Tenten:

How can you be so jealous? Can't you see that Hinata is so angry!

They both snorted and turned their heads away at the same time.

"Come on, everyone. Pay attention to where I step, or the trap might be triggered."

Sakura instructed the nine people behind her, then jumped left and right toward the tree, sometimes closer and sometimes farther.

The third, eighth and tenth teams also followed Sakura's jumping pace.

Soon they arrived in front of the tree.

"Shino, do you think there is a trap?"

Kiba asked Shino curiously.

"Although I haven't found it either, but judging from the current situation, what Hinata said is true. Sakura may have mastered the ninjutsu to eliminate the breath.

I'm afraid we can't find the trap set by Sakura."

Shino analyzed calmly.

Inuzuka Kiba nodded silently after hearing what Shino said, but he still took out half a coconut shell from his arms out of curiosity and threw it at the seemingly calm open space in front of him.

The coconut shell was picked up by Ya in the Forest of Death. Konoha itself does not produce coconuts, and it is unknown which ninja village's examinee brought it. After Shino picked it up and confirmed again and again that it was just an ordinary coconut shell, Ya decided to give the coconut shell to Akamaru as a toy. However, Akamaru was still in the growth stage, and Akamaru could not hold the whole coconut shell. Ya could only split the coconut shell in half and let Akamaru play with half of the coconut shell as a frisbee.

As half of the coconut shell fell to the ground, two huge square stone slabs suddenly stood up on the originally flat ground, like a closed book, directly crushing the coconut shell.

At the same time, a 1-meter-thick log flew out from the depths of the forest, whizzing past the top of the stone slab...

This log was obviously used to attack with the stone slab. Even if you could dodge the attack of the stone slab by chance, you would be hit by the log and unable to take care of yourself.

But the trap was not over yet. As soon as the whistling logs left the top of the stone slab, several Senbon shot out from the woods on the other side, stabbing directly at the ground that could avoid the logs' attack...

Looking at the sticky purple liquid of the Senbon, Inuzuka Kiba's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat:

If we hadn't met Neji and the others, we would have just run towards the tree stupidly...

The huge movement also attracted everyone's attention. Others saw this shocking chain of traps and were glad that they didn't act impulsively and approached rashly.

"Ah! Kiba, what are you doing?

I have set these traps for a long time!"

Seeing Kiba actively trigger the trap, Sakura protested in dissatisfaction.

"Ah? Ah!

Sakura, I'm sorry, we will be responsible for the vigilance work, and put away the traps.

Otherwise, we will be in danger when we leave."

Kiba immediately apologized and suggested.

Now is not the time to be tough, otherwise it would be interesting if Sakura pushed him directly.

So when it's time to admit defeat, you should do it decisively.

Sakura didn't refuse when she saw that Kiba was willing to take charge of the alert. After all, maintaining the trap would consume Sakura's chakra, and it would be better if someone was on guard.

Sakura casually hooked her fingers, and the pink, flexible love was recovered by her, bringing back countless shurikens, kunai and senbon; the frivolous illusion that originally covered the ground was also lifted.

"How many traps did you set up?!"

Everyone looked at the long list of ninja tools that Sakura recovered and the nail boards, thorn pits, wooden shackles, and rattan nets that were finally exposed... All of them complained in their hearts.

"Come in!"

Sakura lifted the frivolous illusion that simulated the bark on the tree trunk like lifting a door curtain, and called everyone to enter her shelter.


"Oh my God!"



Everyone who entered the shelter was surprised by the scene in front of them, and made different exclamations according to their different qualities.

It's not that they have poor psychological endurance, but the scene in front of them is too shocking:

There are two long and narrow wooden boxes in the depths of the shelter, and the boxes are all covered with a white cloth. Judging from the protruding facial features on the white cloth, there should be people underneath, probably Naruto and Sasuke...

In front of the wooden box is a pile of earth piled in a triangle, and three long burning incense sticks are stuck on the top of the earth pile...

To the left of the three incense sticks is a large bunch of flowers, and to the right is a pile of cans neatly stacked in a triangle...

To the sides are two white candles...

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone has only one thought in their mind:

What happened to Naruto and Sasuke?


Ino, who likes Sasuke, screamed.


Choji, who is very close to Naruto, is also angry.

"Sakura-chan... Could it be that Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun..."

Hinata, who has been following Sakura, asked cautiously.

"They will probably recover soon."

Sakura answered nonchalantly.


Huh? ! "×9

"Sakura...can I ask why you put them in the box?"

Shikamaru asked, rubbing his temple.

"Ah? There are some herbal solutions in the box, which can make their external injuries recover faster."

"What about the white cloth covering them?"

Shino, whose face was covered tightly, asked.

"There is my ninjutsu "Flirtatious Illusion" on it, which can hide their breath."

"What's the matter with these three incense sticks?"

Ino, who was kicked out of sadness by Sakura, knew that she was fooled and questioned Sakura angrily.

"Ah, I can't fall asleep these days to take care of them. That's a refreshing and soothing incense.

All natural! The raw materials are all herbs in the forest and flowers over there.

There are a few left, Ino, you can take them if you like. "

Listening to Sakura's explanation of the scene in front of them, everyone fell silent...

Why do so many reasonable things seem so unreasonable when put together?

There was silence all around, and only the voice of Inuzuka Kiba muttering to himself could be heard:

"The body, coffin, shroud, incense, candles, offerings and flower baskets are all ready;

But why do I feel like something is missing..."

After thinking for a moment, Kiba suddenly knocked his left palm with his right fist:

"So that's it! I know what's missing."

Inuzuka Kiba took two steps forward, took out the remaining half of the coconut shell from his arms, turned it upside down in front of the three incense sticks, and picked up a branch from the ground and placed it next to the coconut shell.

"Okay, it's done! "

After arranging the branches, Ya clapped his hands, as if he had accomplished a great task.

Everyone looked and saw that the hemispherical coconut shell and the branches next to it looked like a wooden fish and a hammer in a funeral hall in such a gloomy scene.

Unlike the others who were speechless, Xiaoying, who deliberately arranged the shelter like this, saw this scene and her eyes began to sparkle:

Why didn't I think of it at the beginning?

Is he really a genius?

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