The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Zabuza realized that he had revealed his flaws, and looked at Sakura with more curiosity, waiting for Sakura's explanation.

"You calmed down too quickly after I trapped you. That situation was definitely a desperate situation with no chance of survival; coupled with my previous ridicule and humiliation, you definitely shouldn't have remained silent.

According to your personality, you would probably say something like 'Demons will eventually return to hell'.

So I was thinking at that time that you must have a way to get out of the predicament.

If it was a ninjutsu or something like that, you would have used it a long time ago, so the biggest possibility is that you have to rely on others to escape, so you probably have a companion hiding in the dark to help you."

Sakura continued to speak calmly.

"Just based on this, you can actually think of all these, you are really amazing!

However, why do I feel that your personality has changed a lot?"

Sakura's wisdom even made Zabuza admire him a little. Every time he experienced life and death, he would think in his heart that he, a ghost, should go to hell; she even guessed his last words correctly.

However, Zabuza was puzzled by Sakura's change in attitude:

In his heart, this little girl should be the kind of arrogant and scheming ninja that he hated the most. It didn't make sense that she had already defeated him but became respectful instead.

"All those were just acting to irritate you.

After I tortured the ghost brothers to get some information about you, I knew that if I wanted to defeat you by myself, I could only rely on traps to prevent you from using ninjutsu and swordsmanship.

But whether it is using the flexible love or the frivolous illusion, only at close range can a trap that can trap the jonin be set in a short time.

So I have to do everything I can to make you lose your composure and choose close combat.

When you appeared in front of us, I had already begun to describe your character in my mind and find ways to irritate you.

At the beginning, Mr. Zabuza deliberately threw the beheading sword at us to give us a warning, right?"

Sakura asked Zabuza, but there was no doubt in her tone.


Seeing Zabuza nod, Sakura continued:

"But why did you choose to use the beheading sword?

If you want to hurt us, it is better to use ninjutsu from a distance;

If you just want to prove your strength, throwing shuriken, a common ninja tool, can make us more intuitively realize the gap between us and you.

There are probably only two purposes for deliberately using the beheading sword:

One is to show your identity as one of the 'Seven Ninja Swordsmen';

The other is that the huge blade of the beheading sword will make us bend down.

Deliberately revealing your identity is to make the demons who look at us afraid of you "This means that you enjoy the fear of others and think that the fear of others is the greatest recognition of your strength. Later, you deliberately released murderous aura to shock us and proved this point.

The trajectory of the beheading sword is slightly upward. According to my calculation, if I didn't block the beheading sword, it would probably end up chopping into the big tree in the woods behind us. If I guessed correctly, your original plan should be to stand on the beheading sword stuck in the tree and look down at us lying on the ground. "

Although Sakura's voice was not loud, her words fell into the ears of everyone present. It was unusually clear.

Naruto, Sasuke, and even Dazna, who was an ordinary person, only felt that the image of Zabuza in their minds was becoming clearer and clearer.

They could even feel the temperature of Zabuza's heartbeat from Sakura's description, hear the sound of Zabuza's blood flowing, and see the color of Zabuza's soul.

They even felt that Sakura was using a scalpel to accurately and ruthlessly dissect Zabuza's chest and slice up all of Zabuza's thoughts.

However, Sakura did not stop telling the story.

In the eyes of the crowd who were somewhat horrified, Effect continued to tell the story:

"You, who enjoy the fear of others and are arrogant, can't accept the contempt of people who are not as strong as you. This contempt is a complete insult to you.

So I did my best to insult you:

I looked down on your name; I looked down on your ninja sword; I explained my tactics; I even gave you hints in a sarcastic way.

I trampled on your dignity like this, and continued to insult, insult, insult...

Until you completely lost your composure;

Until you angrily wanted to use the sword that symbolized your glorious past

The beheading sword cut me into pieces.

If the ninjutsu that restrains your body is a visible trap;

Then the behavior I use to lead you to lose your composure can also be said to be an invisible 'psychic trap'. "

After the explanation, Sakura continued to watch the battle between Kakashi and Bai in the distance.

There was silence all around, and only the sounds of people breathing and swallowing saliva could be heard.

Sakura is a demon who can design traps based on the weaknesses of people's personalities.

Zabuza felt as if his head was hit by a heavy hammer, and his skull was buzzing.

A piercing chill spread from his crown to the soles of his feet.

Although he was captured before, Zabuza felt that it was not because Sakura was strong enough, but more because he was careless.

Whether he chose to directly launch the Mist Hidden Technique, or use water escape from a distance or use the water clone to test first, it would be impossible to be captured alive in such a humiliating way.

At this moment, he realized that the little girl sitting in front of him My mother is so scary. I have been dancing like a puppet, and every move has been designed by her.

It's not that I didn't think of using ninjutsu, but this little girl led me to lose my composure and didn't think of using ninjutsu.

She was so exaggerated that she completely mastered my personality after just one encounter; even many subconscious things I didn't know until I heard her finish.

And what I thought I knew about her was all she deliberately showed me.

Is this kind of ghost wisdom really something humans can have?

Zabuza looked at Sakura with fear and admiration; that look didn't seem like he was looking at a ninja, or even a human, but at a ghost who controlled people's hearts.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not that powerful. You lost to me this time because you don't understand my ninjutsu and fighting style.

Whether it's ninjutsu, physical skills, fighting experience, or willpower, you are much stronger than me. If we fight again, I will definitely run away. "

Sakura glanced at Zabuza, as if she understood his thoughts.

However, the only answer she got was Zabuza's palpitating silence.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

After a long silence, Zabuza spoke, and his question also showed that Sakura was an opponent he recognized.

"Haruno Sakura."

Sakura replied.

"I believe this name will soon be resounding throughout the ninja world."

With Sakura's intelligence, it is impossible for her to remain unknown.

Indeed, there has always been a saying in the ninja world that 'a genius who grows up is considered a genius'.

Countless genius ninjas died under the evil hearts and conspiracies.

But what if it is a genius who is so wise that he can see through people's hearts?

Zabuza doesn't believe that anyone can calculate Haruno Sakura. In addition, Sakura's talent in ninjutsu doesn't seem to be bad, so her future rise is a foregone conclusion.

"Thank you for your good words. "

Hearing Zabuza's compliment, Sakura neither confirmed nor denied it.

"The battle over there should be almost over, you two can drop your guard. "

Seeing Kakashi's Chidori breaking the magic mirror ice crystal in the distance, Sakura knew that the winner had been decided, so she patted her butt and stood up.

Sakura has now become the backbone of Team 7. Naruto obediently released his shadow clone; Sasuke also put away his kunai and relaxed his vigilance a little.

Sure enough, as Sakura said, Kakashi came to everyone with the tied up Haku in a short while.

Looking at the tortoise shell binding method on Haku, Sakura helplessly held her forehead.

I often don't fit in with you because I'm not good enough!

But on second thought, Kakashi, who has been single since birth, usually reads pornographic books all the time, so it's understandable that he has a bit of a strange habit.

Sakura observed Kakashi's state. Although there was no big problem, it could be seen that it was not easy to win.

Sakura speculated that Zabuza's companion named Haku should have at least the strength of a special jonin, which was far beyond her expectations.

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