The village medical system is still in an awkward situation.

And the pharmaceutical department is still excluded, leaving the village medical system in an awkward situation.

Looking at the determined Third Hokage, Mitomon Yan finally had to accept the result.

"I know, I will arrange manpower as soon as possible, prepare the equipment, and send it to the Anbu."

The conditions have been negotiated, what's the use of being unhappy.

Although the F4 group is a whole, the Third Hokage is the boss of the group. Once he determines something, others can only choose to accept it even if they are not happy. After all, everything they have is given by the Third Hokage.

Although they also gave the Third Hokage a lot of help.

The F4 reached a consensus. Putting aside Shimura Danzo who was still in prison, the logistics department quickly took action after the three of them reached a consensus.

Jingyi thought that it would take a few days to gather all the equipment.

As a result, he underestimated the village's foundation. All the equipment was delivered to the Anbu at noon the next day, without missing a single piece.

After the things were delivered, Jingyi had no reason to continue to let the Anbu people surround the Shimura clan, and could only choose to retreat.

Fortunately, this wave was not in vain. The Anbu suddenly had more than 300 members, which directly led to the organization of the Anbu becoming a little crowded.

Fortunately, Jingyi's puppets were not counted in the regular Anbu organization.

With more than 300 puppets entering the Anbu, the guarding force in some places was directly taken over by the puppets.

As long as the base was replaced by puppets, the guarding force of the Anbu base also became puppets, and even the people who followed Kushina and were responsible for secretly protecting Kushina also became puppets.

People will fall apart, but puppets will not.

As for the enemy sneaking into Konoha and kidnapping Kushina, Jingyi would not allow it to happen.

The guards of the pharmaceutical base and the headquarters were replaced by puppets, and even the task of protecting Kushina became the puppets' job, so a situation that embarrassed the Anbu ninjas appeared.

That is, they seemed to have little to do.

Some tasks that needed to be performed by the Anbu in the village were also snatched by the puppets, so the Anbu people could not sit still.

Eagle and Tiger, as representatives, went directly to Jingyi.

They had to take the initiative, because if this continued, all the work of the Anbu would be completely replaced by puppets, and they might be unemployed and become idle at that time.

This was something that all Anbu ninjas could not accept.

It was not enough that only the people in the action department were replaced, but even those doing clerical work were gradually replaced.

It would be strange if they could still hold on.

Jingyi knew their purpose in finding him, so he said bluntly:

"Puppets have their advantages, but puppets can't replace people after all. Many jobs still need to rely on you, and some complex tasks also need you to perform. It's just that the adjustment of the personnel of the Anbu is more complicated, and no arrangements have been made yet. You two should inform others and tell them not to be anxious."

"You will not be replaced, nor will you be unemployed, and you will not leave the Anbu."

After many jobs are replaced by puppets, how to arrange the existing people in the Anbu, Jingyi is still considering.

But he will not give up these people.

It's just that the work arrangements need to be gradually adjusted.

"Senior, where do you think these people should be arranged?"

"How do I know!!"

Nara Shikako said unhappily:

"In the past, the Anbu has never had enough manpower, and small teams of the Anbu are needed everywhere to save the situation. Only you can toss the Anbu to a situation of overmanpower."

As he said, Nara Shikako also had a look of seeing a ghost.

The Anbu has always been short of manpower. This problem exists not only in Konoha, but also in other villages.

After all, the selection criteria are too harsh. In addition, there are many places that need the Anbu to guard and many tasks that need the Anbu to perform. As a result, there are too few people in the Anbu and not enough.

Only Jingyi directly pushed the number of Anbu members to the limit, causing many Anbu members to become idle and even afraid of losing their jobs.

If this gets out, it will definitely shock countless people.

It's like a knife cutting the buttocks, which is eye-opening.

Despite the complaints, Nara Shikako still helped to find a way to place these people.

"Do we need to send a group of people to the front line?"

"Tsunade has left at least three small teams with her, and several small teams are actively collecting intelligence on the enemy on the battlefield."


Konoha Prison?"

"There are enough people there."

"Hokage's office..."

"There is no need for ANBU there anymore. The new Hokage Guard is responsible for protecting the Hokage's safety."


Damn it, no one is needed here, no one is needed there. Don't ask me about this kind of shit. I don't know how to arrange it myself.

Nara Shikashin successfully broke the defense, lowered his head to read the documents in silence, and didn't intend to pay attention to Jingyi.

Forget it, think about it yourself.

There is nothing important in the ANBU, so I skipped work and went home to rest.

On the way home, Jingyi thought about this problem. He always felt that it was not right to put it in anywhere. It was not possible to use the ANBU people as coolies.

If they were really sent to be coolies, it would be better to let them disband on the spot and leave the ANBU.

Are there guests at home?

Looking at the shoes neatly placed at the door, Jingyi glanced into the living room.

"Jingyi, you're back! "

Hearing the sound of changing shoes at the door, Kushina ran out happily and hugged his arm tightly:

"Misaki-sister came to visit, and brought a guest with her."

"Where are Naoki and Minato?"

Raising his hand and rubbing Kushina's red hair, Jingyi changed his shoes and walked into the living room.

Kushina jumped beside him and said dissatisfiedly: "Little yellow-haired was taken out by Naoki. I don't know where he went. They didn't take me."

Kushina likes to argue with Naoki, and Naoki often can't get down on the stage, but Naoki can't say it.

I often see Naoki screaming in anger.

When he can't say it, and doesn't dare to take action, Naoki can only stay away and don't take Kushina with him when he goes out to play.

This is his only revenge on Kushina.

"If you don't want to take it, don't take it. Don't take him when you go out to play. "

Jingyi was amused by Rope Tree's behavior.

Sure enough, children are children.


Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku, who were sitting on the sofa in the living room, quickly stood up and greeted him.

At the last high-level meeting, Jingyi's casual greeting made the Third Hokage and others very unhappy, and the Uchiha side racked their brains to guess what Jingyi meant.

Is it intentional to provoke the Third Hokage and others, or is there a desire to win over the Uchiha.

If it is to provoke the Third Hokage and others, then the Uchiha should stay away. The Uchiha has enough troubles, and they don't want to be involved in the fight between the Hokage factions.

How the Hokage faction fights is the Hokage faction's own business. Once it involves the Uchiha, it will change.

Unless Tsunade's faction is willing to stand up for the Uchiha.

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