Soon, the big barrel wooden house and the misty shinobi rushed to a mansion.

"The Great Lady, this is it. Kirishin said respectfully to the people of the big barrel wooden house, although it was strange to call it that way.

However, he had witnessed the big barrel wooden house man seal the three tails with one move, but he didn't dare to have any disrespect for this child who was less than half his height.

Strength is fundamental!

"Yes, you can wait for me here. The man nodded, looked up at the closed door slightly, and slowly disappeared after leaving a word.

"Although it is not the right thing for the strong to kill the weak, there is really no way to do this situation. The man appeared in the mansion, condensed a slender black rod in his hand, and walked towards the courtyard with light steps.

Bullying the weak, if it is not necessary, he is still really too lazy to do it, after all, it is boring and boring.

But now he doesn't have many forces under his command, so he has to do this kind of thing himself.


An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the people of the big barrel returned to the Terumi Mansion alone.

The work of eradicating the remnants of the Elders was not difficult, it was mainly in a hurry.

It didn't take him much time to complete the family he was in charge of, and then he walked around Wuyin Village for a while.

And when he returned to the mansion, the three daughters of Terumi had already returned.

"Just waiting for you to eat, do you need to take a shower first?" Terumi smiled when she saw the big barrel wooden houseman, revealing a beautiful faint and charming smile.

Her mood at the moment is still very clear, after Wuyin Village, it will be her word.

"No, let's eat first. The big wooden houseman shook his head, hugged the other brigade who threw himself into his arms and rubbed it, and then smiled gently.

He has his own Yin and Yang Retreat Technique, which can keep his body clean and clean at any time, and he doesn't need to take a bath.

However, he still maintains this habit every day, which is a psychological problem.

"Fog Hidden Village can now be on the right track, has Lord Mizukage-sama considered the future development issues?" asked the man at the dinner table with a chuckle at Mei Ming.

According to Meiming, he needs to make her dependent on himself and inseparable from himself, so that he can gradually subdue her.

Zhaomei is a foggy and hidden shadow, and judging from her ruthless and resolute methods today, this woman is indeed worth cultivating.

The people of the big barrel cottage are quite satisfied with her!

"The internal friction before Wuyin Village was too serious, and I estimate that in recent years, it has been necessary to recuperate and cultivate talents as the main progress. Zhaomei was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then said helplessly.

She also wanted to make Wuyin Village bigger and stronger in a short period of time, but this was obviously impossible.

In today's Fog Hidden Village, the number of ninjas is too small, and the main problem is because of the graduation assessment of the previous ninja school.


With the existence of such a system, the number of ninjas in the Fog Hidden Village has greatly decreased.

"Why don't you consider annexing one or two countries?" the people of the big barrel wooden house aroused a touch of cruelty when they heard this, and it was indeed a helpless move to recuperate.

But why does it have to be so? It's too slow to respond.

If you choose to annex one or two countries to replenish your population and territory, in this case, the ninja training efficiency will be greatly increased.

"It's not that easy, and the strength of the Fog Hidden Village now..."Terumi was slightly moved when she heard this, but then shook her head.

The war is not so easy, not to mention the biggest problem is that the Fog Hidden Village is too weak now.

If aggression is launched, it is likely to trigger an inappropriate chain reaction.

"You don't need the whole village of Fog Hidden Village, if you have a few small ninja villages, you can send elite ninja troops to conduct a surprise battle, I think, the country of the sea is a good target. "

The big barrel wooden houseman smiled, and then said slowly, the reincarnated eyes flickering with a slight glow.

The Land of the Sea, a country of continental ports, is extremely close to Wuyin Village, and it is a small country that is not very strong.

If the Fog Hidden Village can conquer this country, it is equivalent to leaving a gateway on the mainland.

It is very convenient to attack and retreat and defend!

Terumi pondered slightly, what the people of the big barrel wooden house said was indeed very reasonable, although the Fog Hidden Village was a little weak compared to the other four Great Ninja Villages.

But compared with other small countries and villages, it still has a very big advantage.

Moreover, although the country of the sea is small, it also has a large population, which is indeed very attractive to Wuyin Village.

"It's a very good suggestion, but I'm thankful for the sacrifice. Terumi pondered for a long time before she raised her head and smiled at the big barrel wooden house.

If it can really succeed, the time for the Fog Hidden Village to recover can be shortened a lot.

"Lord Mizukage is polite, the prosperity of Wuyin Village is also what the people want to see. The big barrel wood shook his head and smiled gently, he was not wrong.

Wuyin Village is his base, and when Wuyin Village becomes stronger, it will be extremely useful in the future!

He can count on using the Fog Hidden Village to accompany those four villages to have a good time!

But the territory of the water country is too small, and it will not work if it is not expanded.

"You don't have to call me Mizukage-sama, it's too raw, if you can afford me, how about calling me sister?"

Terumi covered her small mouth and smiled, her eyes shining slightly as she looked at the big wooden houser.

For the big barrel wooden house, she likes it more and more, no matter how you look at it, it is so delicate and good-looking.

People can't help but want to be ravaged in their arms, and the strength is so strong, and the mind is deep.

The perfect younger brother template!

The people in the big barrel wooden house were stunned when they heard this, and they didn't know how to answer when they looked at Terumi with a beautiful face, sister?

Zhaomei is one of his goals in the future, is there going to be a vigorous sister-brother love?

Imagine the scene where you will be in the future and shout at your sister while hitting Terumi ...

The people of the big barrel wooden house hurriedly threw this idea out of their minds, it was too evil, too evil.

What's more, although he is only seven years old on the outside, his actual mental age is also the age of an adult.

He couldn't shout.


(Please, all ducks...) )

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