"Heh~ You're right, but... Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. "

Tsunade frowned, her instincts telling her that the overly mature boy in front of her was not simple and dangerous.

But then I thought about it, what does that have to do with me?

She didn't want to bother with the ninja world anymore, as for the Konoha created by her grandfather...

Three generations will lead a good one~ The clan is also dead, the lover is also dead, and the younger brother is also dead~

She had long been disillusioned with the war-ridden ninja world.

"This doesn't look like what you said, Senju Tsunade-sama, do you want to say that even Konoha Village has nothing to do with you?"

The Otsuki Kisha man looked at Tsunade with a slightly gloomy expression and asked with a curious smile.

Although she knew that Tsunade was still depressed because of many things at the moment, this kind of words came out of her mouth as the last descendant of the Thousand Hands clan.

It really made the people of the big barrel wooden house a little smacked.

You know, Senju of the forest is one of the founders of Konoha!

"Konoha? It's none of me, you won't understand. Tsunade glanced at the unknown boy, shook his head, and said expressionlessly.

Then she was ready to open the door and leave, not wanting to remember too much about the past.

There were no memories of them other than the pain and hatred they had brought her, and she didn't want to remember them.

"Tsk~ Then if I destroy Konoha, will Tsunade-hime-sama be indifferent?".

And when Tsunade's hand was just placed on the door, a whisper from behind her made her body stiffen suddenly.

Tsunade instantly turned his head to look at the boy who spoke up, but saw that he still had a gentle smile, but Tsunade had experienced more human feelings.

But it clearly captured the malice and anger that was not hidden in the boy's smile.

This little imp....

"Ruined Konoha? It's up to you, little ghost, if you want to say big things, you're not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?".

After a moment of silence, Tsunade smiled mockingly, though the feeling the imp brought to her was a little uneasy.

But after all, it's just a little ghost under the age of ten, ruining Konoha?

If Konoha was so easy to destroy, it would have been finished a long time ago.

"It's hard to ruin Konoha today, but it seems that Tsunade-sama doesn't care about Konoha as much as you say?huh?".

Hearing this, the Otsuki Cottage man smiled disdainfully, and then asked Tsunade with interest.

Sure enough, the moment she just mentioned ruining Konoha that she had ruined it, Tsunade's subconscious reaction was not fake.

Although she keeps claiming that everything about Konoha has nothing to do with her, Konoha is, after all, the village that her grandfather and her clan have guarded for generations.

How could she not care?

"Anyone can say big things, wait until you can do it. Tsunade coldly dropped the sentence, then opened the door to leave.

Her emotions were a little turbulent at the moment, and she needed to calm down.

"Heh~ Tsunade-hime-sama, my name is Otsunoki-kisha, if you need to recapture Konoha for Mori no Senju, you can come to me at any time. "

"Why the Senju clan of the forest withered so far, you should know a thing or two, right?"

The Otsuki Kisha chuckled twice, and a voice like a demon's whisper slowly reached the ears of Tsunade, who was about to walk out the door.

Tsunade looked cold for a moment when he heard this, and turned around and stared at the big barrel wooden house with flickering cold eyes.

"Don't look at the Sato like that, the Sheren is just telling the truth, or rather, Tsunade-sama, are you already able to ignore the hatred of the dead souls of the Senju clan?"

The big barrel wooden house noticed Tsunade's eyes, smiled indifferently, and said lightly.

"Hmph!" Tsunade had a cloudy look in his eyes, and finally snorted coldly and slammed the door and left.

The words of the big barrel wooden house man hooked the deepest scar in her heart, the thousand hands of the forest...

"Useless woman. The big barrel wooden housekeeper evoked a sneer, and with a wave of his hand, the door closed automatically.

Tsunade's reaction was a little disappointing, but it was reasonable.

Senju of Mori, as the heyday of co-founding Konoha with the Uchiha clan.

Why did they die out in just two ninja wars? The third ninja war has basically disappeared from the Thousand Hands clan.

Even the Uchiha clan, which has been targeted by Konoha Shadow, has been able to survive three more ninja wars, and even maintains the status of the number one clan in Konoha .

The Senju clan, which gave birth to two Konoha shadows in a row, has completely disappeared, and even at least ten years ago, there was only one descendant of Senju Tsunade.

Is this normal?

You must know that the Senju clan was on par with or even stronger than the Uchiha during the Warring States period.

The number of clans is innumerable.

Then Konoha was established, and Senju Tsuruma served as the first Hokage, and Senju Kakuma served as the second Hokage, and the prestige and prestige of the Senju clan reached its peak in Konoha!

The Uchiha was completely crushed into a quail by a thousand hands at that time, and the thousand hands even blatantly arranged the Uchiha to the Konoha garrison.

in this thankless position.

Such a strong thousand hands, after the three generations of ape flying as the Hokage, quickly fell from the peak to the bottom, and then slowly died out.

Who would dare to say that there is no greasy situation in such a situation?


(The fifth is added, the withering of the Thousand Hands Clan, to be honest, has always been a doubt of time, this is too weird...) After the death of the second generation, it disappeared silently?)


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