
Seeing the big barrel wooden house and the big barrel wood qu immortal fly away without hindrance, the ape Feiri was stunned.

Soul light!

But now is not the time to worry about that, the lava giant and the canine monster must be dealt with.

"The lack of chakras will disappear, so they must be dragged out of the downtown area!"

Ape Fei Ri Slash kept thinking in his heart, avoiding a punch from Ape Rock, such a terrifying power.

If they are allowed to attack unscrupulously in downtown areas, the damage is simply immeasurable!

And at this moment, the huge ape rock has already attracted the attention of the village, after all, this big guy is too big.


After the other side flew away from Konoha for a certain distance, the big barrel wooden house and the big barrel wooden song fairy fell to the ground.

The ability to fly is one of the basic abilities of the big barrel wood clan, or rather, it can be regarded as an application of yin and yang.

However, flying requires the use of chakra, although the consumption is not much, but the people of the big barrel wooden house are more accustomed to the feeling of being down-to-earth.

"Young Master, where are we heading now?".

The big barrel wood quxian asked the big barrel wooden house people, leaving Konoha, then the big barrel wooden house people should have the next goal.

After all, his young master, but his mind is extremely delicate and meticulous, he should have thought about it.

"Go to Yunyin Village!".

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and he set the next goal without hesitation.

Yunyin Village!

The Barrel Lodger now needs to collect the Tailed Beast Chakra, so his target is also the Tailed Beast.

There is only one crane guarding the crane and one weak chicken in Shayin Village, so there is no need to rush for the time being.

Tuyin Village has four tails and five tails, Fog Hidden Village has three tails and six tails, and Yunyin Village has two tails and eight tails!

There is also a Nanao in the village of Takishinobi.

There is also a reason why the people of the big barrel wooden house set their target in Yunyin Village, waiting for him to rush to Yunyin Village.

His reincarnated eye must have been conceived, and the Cloud Hidden Village, which has four generations of Lei Yin, and the eight-tailed human pillar Liqi Rabi.

It will be a test subject with good eyes!

After all, these two people are very strong!

The three generations of Tuyin Village, although his strength is not weak, but he is really not interested in learning this thing.

After all, he has the eye of reincarnation, and the attraction of Tokuin Ohnoki, who fights purely by ninjutsu, is naturally not as attractive as the four generations of Raiin and Kirabi.

These two brothers should be able to bring him a lot of pleasure, right?

Thinking of this, the people of the big barrel can't help but smile.

"Yunyin Village, young master, if we want to go to Yunyin Village, I'm afraid we still need to travel for a while. "

Hearing this, the big barrel wood quxian took out the map and checked the route, and then furrowed his delicate eyebrows.

The Thunder Fruit is in the upper right corner of the Fire Country, and if you want to get to Yunyin Village, you will indeed need to catch up for several days.

"It's okay, let's go, my eyes, it takes time to conceive!".

The big barrel wooden house man smiled, then shook his head and said, his reincarnation eye will also take about a day or two to complete.

He is not short of such a time, after all, he is still a few years away from the real world.

Then the two of them rushed towards Yunyin Village, and the speed of the two of them did not use much speed.

It wasn't until the evening that the two of them were ready to rest in a small town, just as the two of them were about to open a room in an inn to rest.

A delicate black-haired woman rushed in from the door.

And then....

"Tsunade-sama, those guys, rush over, hurry up and hide!".

The black-haired woman rushed to the second floor of the hotel non-stop, and kept shouting at the second floor on the way, her tone was very anxious.

Obviously, this girl is very nervous at the moment...

Hearing this, the people of the big barrel cottage turned their heads upstairs, Tsunade-sama, Senju Tsunade?

It's a bit of a coincidence...

In this way, the one who spoke up just now should be mute, the woman who has been following Tsunade's side.

After opening the room, the big barrel wooden house and the big barrel wood went up to the second floor, and the first to the second floor.

Through the eyes of reincarnation, the people of the Otsuki saw the blonde royal sister Senju Tsunade in a green robe standing in the corridor and looking around.

At this moment, downstairs, there were also several civilian men, who were looking around, and after seeing that there was no one around, they rushed up to the second floor.

"Oh shit, how did you come so fast, you don't have time to run!".

Tsunade also saw the man, and suddenly whispered to himself in a little anxious, those are her creditors...

Yes, it was her creditor, she liked to gamble, but her gambling luck was never good.

It's not a matter of saying that you will lose every gamble, so you owe a lot of debts, and it can be said that it is a common thing to be collected for debts.

But this time it came so fast that she hadn't even started to run away.

The Otsuki Kiro listened amusefully to Tsunade's muttering, then shook his head and prepared to enter his room.

Although Tsunade is one of the legendary three ninjas, his strength is naturally not afraid of those ordinary civilian men, but it is natural to repay debts.

Therefore, Tsunade will never be rude to these ordinary civilians, and the gambling money she owes will only be delayed for a while, and it will definitely be repaid.

After all, she likes to gamble, but she never wins, which is really embarrassing...


(Duck for support!).

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