"Then... Naruto will be in your care from now on, Kurama~"


Kurama didn't respond to Kushina, and turned his head away proudly without looking at her.

But Kushina knew that the big fox had already acquiesced.

So Kushina smiled with relief, and then looked at Naruto with a gentle look.

"Naruto, remember not to be picky about food, eat more and grow up quickly;

Remember to take a bath on time every day, warm up your body, and don't stay up late to get enough sleep;

Also remember to make friends, you don't need to have many friends, a few truly trustworthy friends are enough.

Also, although I am not very good at it...

But you must study your lessons and ninjutsu well, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, so don't be too disappointed even if you encounter difficulties in learning.

Ah, there is another important thing...

Regarding the three prohibitions of ninjas, especially borrowing money, you must be cautious, and the income from the mission must be saved well;

Wait until you are 20 years old before drinking, excessive drinking is harmful to your health, remember to be careful.

There are also key issues in the three prohibitions It's a woman...

I don't quite understand that my mother is a woman. Anyway, there are only men and women in this world. Although you may be interested in women, remember not to be seduced by strange women. Go find a woman like my mother...

There is one more thing about the three taboos. Be careful of Teacher Jiraiya!

Naruto, you will encounter a lot of pain and bitterness in the future, but you must firmly maintain yourself, have dreams, and have the confidence to realize your dreams.

And... and... and... and... In fact, there are more things I want to teach you, and I want to be with you all the time...

I love you. "

Kushina's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only his various exhortations to Naruto lingering in the space.

"Really, these words were clearly said when I was born, why do you have to say them again?

Isn't this making me cry~

But... I promised you, mother. "

No one noticed that Naruto, who had been lowering his head, had slightly red eyes.

Although he was a time traveler, he heard a mother's affectionate advice to her son, and felt the deep reluctance revealed in Kushina's words...

No one can bear it, okay? !

Minato Namikaze saw Kushina's figure dissipate first, and felt his chakra gradually weakening.

Minato Namikaze knew that he didn't have much time, so he looked at Naruto and wanted to tell him a few words before leaving.


"Goodbye, I won't see you off!"

Naruto waved goodbye to his father.

"...Then goodbye, son."

Minato was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

The next moment, his figure also disappeared.


"Stinky brat, are you okay?"

Kurouma really couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and quietly walked behind Naruto and asked with concern.

"It's okay, what can happen to me?...Suck~"

Naruto looked up, his eyes were red from crying, and his originally delicate little face was now a mess of snot and tears.

"But you look...

Now you really look like a little white rabbit that was caught by a raccoon cat and used to wipe its butt~"

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

"Get out!"

Naruto kicked Kurama's claws, but the big fox didn't move at all, but his instep began to hurt.

"Hmph~ I don't want to care about you!

It's almost dawn, I'm leaving first~"

Naruto said something like a rage and exited the consciousness space.


Kuroma, who was left alone here, sighed, slowly lay on the ground, closed his eyes and fell into a doze,

but the corners of his mouth that couldn't stop curling up kept telling the outside world how wonderful his mood was at the moment.

"Stinky brat, damn kid~"


"You're the last one, are you okay?"

"No, what can happen to me?"

"But you look like...

like a little white rabbit that was caught by a big black bear and used to wipe its butt~


What are you doing?!"

Naruto pinned Uchiha to the ground and beat him.

"You are the little white rabbit!

Your whole family are little white rabbits!

Your whole family are little white rabbits that were used to wipe their butts by a big black bear!"

Since the night of the genocide, Uchiha has regarded the glory of Uchiha as more important than his own life.

But now he hears Naruto say that his whole family are little white rabbits that were used to wipe their butts by a big black bear...

Uchiha Itachi fights back!

A beautiful day starts with the two little ones fighting each other...

Pah! ! !

Uchiha Itachi slapped him lightly on the face.On the back of the head of the second pillar.

"Sass, apologize."

The second pillar, with two dark circles under his eyes and a swollen right cheek, had a face full of reluctance,

but due to the tyranny of his brother, he could only mutter reluctantly.


"Oh (hum) ~ no need to pee (no need)!"

Naruto waved his hand and said that he did not accept the apology of the second pillar.

"Apologize with a free posture (only the winner and the loser have always apologized),

Do you think I lost?


That's right, Naruto will never admit that he lost the battle this morning!

Even if his face is now swollen like a pig's head, wrapped in layers of gauze with only two eyes left outside;

Even if his teeth are leaking and he has difficulty speaking...

Naruto refuses to admit that he lost!

In his mind, the current situation of the second pillar is not much better than his.

The only difference is that one of them has internal injuries, and the other has external injuries;

One is wrapped up like a dumpling, and the other is not wrapped up...

This morning's battle can be regarded as a draw at most,

That's right, a draw!


Thinking back to the battle this morning, Naruto was furious.

Originally, the two were evenly matched at the beginning;

Even with the unlimited chakra energy plug-in of Kurama, he had a slight advantage during the fight.

But I didn't expect that the second pillar, this dog thing without martial ethics, would open the Sharingan without martial ethics when he saw that he couldn't beat him!

For a while, the speed of the second pillar's attack was several times faster, and he caught Naruto and punched him.

Can Naruto endure this?

Of course not!

[Since you don't follow martial ethics, don't blame me for using a surprise move...]

Naruto made up his mind and immediately used his signature skill, which is also the only ninjutsu he has learned so far-

"Seductive Technique!"

Naruto shouted, and a cloud of smoke suddenly burst out around his body, wrapping him up.


When the smoke dissipated, Naruto, who had turned into a pure girl with yellow hair and twin ponytails, was about to throw a glare at the second pillar to break his heart.

As a result, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a basin-sized fireball coming towards him.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

Who would attack first and then call out the name of the move in a fight? Hey!

The referee is breaking the rules! ! !

And he actually had the heart to spit a fireball on such a beautiful girl's face... Second pillar, are you still a human being? !

According to the doctor who bandaged Naruto, if he hadn't used his face to catch the fireball, the wound on his face would probably not need a bandage...


Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young!

Second Pillar, we'll see! ]

Naruto was angry, but he also discovered his serious lack of hard power through this incident.

He was eager to improve his own strength.

However, if he wanted to improve his own strength in a short period of time,

he could only rely on the seemingly unreliable "ultimate lottery system" in his mind.

But before the system issued another task...

"System, use the summoning ticket of the alien character!"

[Use successfully, the alien character is coming. ]

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