This time, he was no longer just a thug, but personally participated in all political affairs.

With the assistance of Yuyin Village led by Hanzo.

The Kingdom of Rain is rising rapidly.


This terrifying figure, like a black cloud, shrouded the entire ninja world.

to the people of other countries.

The emperor is a devil, a monster! It is a terrible devil!

But for the people of the Kingdom of Rain, he is hope, a virtuous king, and a savior!

Is a great revolutionist, thinker, strategist!

Just a few years.

The surrounding countries such as the Country of Grass, the Country of Long, and the Country of Birds were liberated by the Yuyin army led by the emperor.

The frenzy of dark chakra swept the entire ninja world.

And now the emperor's goal...

It is time to bring down the decadent Fire Nation, the stronghold of reactionism, and the evil Konoha!

When Yuyin's army came to the Land of Fire.

People in the Nation of Fire reacted differently.

Konoha Anbe ninja who mixed into the crowd, disguised as ordinary people.

He stared at the emperor with icy eyes.

When the emperor finished his speech and stepped down to the people...

He poured the sulfuric acid in his hand on the emperor.


Terrible burns destroyed the emperor's face.

"Look! Everyone! The divine water blessed by the ancestors has worked on the evil emperor! The emperor has the power of a demon! He is the incarnation of a nine-tailed demon fox! He is here to cause trouble in the world!"

But in the next moment.

call out......

Mingren's cheeks healed at a high speed, and soon returned to their original state.


Konoha Anbe, who was disguised as a citizen, gasped.

"Hashira-sama's power! This is Hashira-sama's power... The emperor stole the cells of the ninja god!"

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!"

Mingren frowned.

"Take him to labor reform! Let these ignorant Konoha spies accept our ideological and moral education! I want them to become honorable laborers within a year!"

Two Ugashi Anbe came out in response, dragging down the howling spy Konoha.

hours later...

The Yuyin Pan Alliance launched a general attack on the evil, reactionary and backward Konoha.

Snow Country airship.

Sky Country Sea Fleet, Air Flying Individual Unit, Ankbandian Fortress.

Land of Rain's ground forces.

Ghost Country Special Forces.

Endless people, drowning Konoha...

585. The Emperor's Utopia! The ultimate Datong world!

A black wave covering the sky covered the sky above Konoha.

Senju Bashima stood in the Hokage Building, looking up at the sky.

The ninja world... how did it become like this.

"Brother! Hurry up and defend against the enemy! This time... we must get rid of the evil emperor!"

Qianshou Feijian walked in and shouted.


There was silence among the thousand-hand pillars.

Soon, his face became gloomy.


He nodded and strode out of the Hokage Building.

Do you regret it?

Do you feel wrong?

None of that matters...

For the sake of the village, whether it is relatives and friends, or wife and children... can be killed!

Mingren Tianhe, you forced me to do this!


ten minutes later......


With the collapse of Zhen Qian Qianshou.

Huo Yingyan was smashed.

The Hokage Building was reduced to ruins.

Konoha Arena was blown into pieces.

The central square of Konoha has become the grave of the minions of the will of fire...

The people of Ming Dynasty didn't even look at the body of Qianshou Zhujian, and went straight to the mountain range of Broken Hokage Rock.

"I declare..."

Mingren stood on the top of the mountain, and his voice spread throughout Konoha.

"Nation of Fire... 100 million... people... have been liberated!"

"Oh oh oh oh~~~~!"

All the Yuyin pan-alliance troops boiled up.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live the people!!"

"The 10 million people in the Land of Fire... have stood up!"


time flies.

Land of Thunder, Land of Wind, Land of Earth, Land of Water...

After five years.

The entire ninja world has been incorporated into the pan-alliance system of the Rain Kingdom.

All the people were liberated and joined the Hidden Rain camp.

On top of the towers of the Land of Rain.

Mingren announced to the humans in the whole ninja world that the entire planet...has been completely liberated!

Long live the people!

Long live humanity!

A new here!


Time passed again.

High-rise buildings rise from the ground.

Reinforced concrete is everywhere in the ninja world.

Ten years passed.

Food, energy, and environmental issues have all been resolved.

The kingdom of heaven on earth was established.

People on the entire planet live and work in peace and contentment, and nothing can bother the people anymore.

"Even's nothing but an illusory Utopia..."

Heijue said lightly.

"In such an environment, human beings slowly degenerate, corrupt, and fall into a state of hedonism... No matter how ideal and brilliant a dream is, there will eventually be a moment to wake up..."


Hei Jue waved his hand, and the time flow of the dream was adjusted again.

Murder, arson, infighting...

The darkness of human nature begins to emerge with the passage of time.

The Utopia ruled by the emperor... cracks appear.

Facing this circumstances.

The emperor activated the negative emotion absorption circle.

The evil thoughts in the hearts of people on the entire planet were expelled.

The emperor alone bears the darkness in everyone's heart.

"Does that make sense?"

Hei Jue questioned.

"What you build is just your farm. What is life? What is human?"

Facing the emperor who has become almost the evil of this world, Hei Jue questioned again.

Because of the relationship between negative emotion absorption techniques.

There is no more war on earth.

No one would kill on purpose.

There will be no incidents such as theft.

Everyone had a smile on their face.

From birth to death, it was clearly arranged.

All their lives they were loyal to their emperor.

"They were all carved out of the same template. What's the difference between them and the 100,000 Baijue?"

Hei Jue pointed to the earth and said.

"Just as mother ruled Baijue, you ruled human beings. What's the difference between this and mother?"

"Of course there are differences."

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