Uchiha Madara began to charge.

The body trembled, and the fist trembled back and forth!

I have lived for 100 years, and what I have learned from it is complete despair!

"Human beings... are hopeless! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!"


Madara Uchiha punched through the air.

At this moment, his effort surpassed Xi Xiang.

The terrifying wind pierced through the sky and directly blasted Mingren into the air.

After all, Mingren's own "weight" is limited, and if he doesn't use another force to resist, he will naturally be sent flying.

Then, Uchiha Madara rushed up again.

The two walked between the sky and the earth.

Every punch can create an offensive beyond Xixiang.

The terrifying confrontation caused countless violent storms, raging on the spot.

"These two guys..."

Naruto was standing inside Susano.

He gritted his teeth and had to admit.

The physical skills of the two are not comparable to him.

So... still rubbing balls, rubbing balls, rubbing balls.

On the side of the Ninja World Allied Forces, the four Senshouzhujian had to re-raise the Four Scarlet Sun Formation.

At the same time, Qianshou Feijian also received the information from the shadow clone released outside.

Senshou Kai understood in a second that the survival of the world could only depend on four people, Akito Tianhe, Madara Uchiha, and Naruto!

The only thing they can do is to wait for the final winner!


It was another round of fighting, the two passed each other, and reappeared in the public's field of vision.

The two turned their backs to each other.


One of Uchiha Madara's arms fell to the ground, and thick blood burst out instantly.

565. God of the Earth!

This scene shocked everyone.

The emperor... unexpectedly broke an arm of Madara Uchiha, who had merged with ten tails and the sacred tree... obtained the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, opened his eyes on his forehead, and obtained the net of Xueji? !

In a frontal confrontation of power, will he beat Uchiha Madara? !

After the shock, there was complete despair.

The despair of Uchiha Madara's power.

It is also the despair of the emperor himself.

In this world, is there anything that can stop him? !

"Hoo... hoo..."

The emperor is invincible~~! !

Ying stood on the pillar, her expression excited, her body trembling slightly.

Her heavy breathing, fanatical gaze, and two blushes on her cheeks all proved her fanatical worship of the emperor.

Hanzo and the others also looked in awe.

Emperor, emperor, emperor! !

In heaven and earth, one person is a god!

The strongest ninja, the existence beyond the six realms, is their emperor!

"Can actually turn me into the ancestor of Chakra... to break an arm..."

Uchiha Madara turned around.

He didn't care about the broken arm at all.

Because the next moment, that arm flew up.

The blood flowed backwards.

Bonded arm wound started to heal quickly.

In less than a second, it was as good as ever.

The strength of Ten Tails Jinchuriki is undoubtedly reflected at this moment.

Facing Uchiha Madara's instructions, Akito just maintained his fisted posture: "I will defeat you, undo the infinite Tsukiyomi, and use absolute...dominant power...to overthrow everything Squeeze out the darkness and let the world usher in light."

What Uchiha Madara recognizes is fists.

Only with strength can one be qualified to talk about things.

This was the case between him and Senshou Zhujian in the Warring States Period.

Later, nothing changed.

Of course, power is just a tool.

Just like money is waste paper in front of a gentleman.


Money is indeed waste paper, but if there is no waste paper...wouldn't it be just sour sarcastic remarks?

"Get power, use power, and realize ambition"... This is the path recognized by Uchiha Madara.

And obviously.

Mingren is also very powerful.

And it can also make good use of power to realize ambitions.

That means one thing.

Uchiha Madara can use power to achieve infinite monthly readings and achieve ultimate despair.

It is possible for Tianhe Mingren to use even more terrifying power to achieve the ultimate hope.

after all.

Kill anyone who refuses to obey.

Kill until there are no blockers in front, and the wish will come true.

The real strong can communicate with each other through fists.

Obviously, Uchiha Madara understood Mingren's "heart".


This is not just a pure power struggle, but also a collision of two contradictory beliefs!

Uchiha Madara approves of this set.

Ming people also agree with this set.

It's just that the two are mirror images of each other, one bright and the other dark.

Madara Uchiha looks bright, but is actually dark and desperate!

The Ming people seem to be dark, but they actually tend to light and hope!

Whoever is right must use the tool of strength to speak!

Because both of them understand.

Each other's power is invincible! No one can stop it!

If one party succeeds, the ambition will inevitably be achieved.


I can't lose!

Losing is tantamount to denying the 100-year existence and efforts spanning several eras!

Absolutely...will not let you deny my despair!

"Let's dance again!"

Uchiha Madara shouted loudly.

The figure is like electricity.

The air was blasted, forming a transparent white air film.

No! not only that!


Flame detonation.


Lightning breeds.

Madara Uchiha moved at nine times the speed of sound, causing air ionization.

With the squeezed air, the fire, and the lightning, he moves forward indomitably!

Mingren made the same move.

The two left gorgeous trails in the air that looked like a burst of art.

Every collision is like a meteor explosion.

Two meteors interweave and twine in the air.

Countless light spots bloomed in the sky and the earth.

And for the 5,000 Ninja Alliance...

This is Chi Guoguo's death threat!

Once it is really affected by the aftermath, it will die instantly.

It's like an ant that was randomly trampled to death by the side of the road, there is no possibility of resisting it!

"Battles of this level... are no longer within the reach of humans."

Qianshou Zhujian commented.

This is a realm beyond human beings called "Sages of the Six Paths" and "Gods"!

"Oh oh oh!!"

Uchiha Madara shouted loudly, and used even more explosive power.

A punch hit Ming Ren's fist.

Mingren flew backwards and hit a rock.

Before the rock disintegrated, it exploded directly due to the huge kinetic energy converted to heat energy!

The high temperature of more than 1000 degrees melted the stone, turning its surface contact surface and surroundings into magma.

The current in the air surged wildly and shot in all directions.

And this scene.

It was something that could not be understood by Uzumaki Naruto.

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