Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 720 Kakashi VS Orochimaru (for subscription)

Anbu headquarters building.

In the violent roar, thick smoke billowed, fires shot into the sky, and countless shattered glass slag fell from the sky like snowflakes. The surrounding villagers fled for their lives like fertilized rabbits. .

Several Anbu ninjas jumped out of the building and evacuated the panicked crowd.

Orochimaru, Hinata Taki, and Terumi Mei went against the crowd to the outside of the Anbu headquarters building. When they looked up, they saw that the building was covered with thick smoke and firelight, and they could vaguely see blurred figures running back and forth in the black smoke. Suspected emergency rescue.

Orochimaru frowned, subconsciously feeling that there was a trap ahead.

This is the Anbu headquarters building. Even if it was attacked by Danzo and exploded, the ninjas in it were not ready to eat. Even if the explosion couldn't be stopped, couldn't it be possible to let a wind escape to blow away the thick smoke, and a water escape to extinguish the flames?

It's just... If there is a trap in the Anbu building, does it mean that Danzo's plan has already been known to Minato Namifeng, and everything today is a plan?

Although Orochimaru and Danzang were in trouble, in his impression, Danzang was a very stable, cautious, and a conspirator who knew how to forbear. He dared to launch a 'rebellion' today, and he must have the belief of winning, but Now……

When Orochimaru was thinking, Terumi Mei also clearly noticed this, and said coldly: "The situation is not right, Konoha Anbu's reaction is too strange."

When there is time to send people to evacuate the crowd, but no one puts out the fire, how about you acting?

Terumi Mei originally just wanted to go through the motions, and now there is even more reason to retreat quickly.

Next to him, Hyuga Taki pushed the big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and suggested, "Orochimaru, anyway, everyone is not afraid of death, why don't you just go for it, what if there is an unexpected harvest?"

Not afraid of death?

Terumi Mei's eyes flashed: Shadow clone?

These bastards!

Good thing I'm not stupid.

Terumi Mei smiled charmingly.

"If that's the case, then come with me..."

Orochimaru was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"How about together?"

On the third floor of the Anbu headquarters building with thick smoke, a vague figure suddenly jumped down from the broken window, silver-white hair rippling in the wind, it was Kakashi, the captain of the sixth division.

"Orochimaru, you have finally come forward!" Kakashi slowly lifted the ninja's forehead, revealing the tightly closed writing wheel.


Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils and was about to speak, when more and more figures jumped out of the Anbu headquarters building and surrounded Orochimaru, Hyuga Taki and Terumi Mei!

Orochimaru looked around, and roughly counted at least five or six dark teams here!

Sure enough, it's a trap!

Danzo, without me, you are getting worse and worse!

The smile on Orochimaru's mouth became colder and colder, and the center of his mind recited: When things have developed to this point, we can only force a breakthrough!

Anyway, he is a clone, it doesn't matter if he dies, besides...

He glanced at Hinata Taki and Terumi Mei, and smiled coldly.

The Kirigakura mission is making Terumi Mei to conflict with Konoha Anbu at this time, which will inevitably affect the relationship between Konoha and Kirigakura.

And Hyuga Taki, if the abyss is in Konoha, then from his fight with Konoha Anbu, it may be inferred that he...


With a crisp sound, Hyuga Taki turned into a light smoke and disappeared.

Orochimaru's noodle skin is drawn.


Terumi Mei also turned into smoke and disappeared.

"..." Orochimaru's expression sank at that time.

"Orochimaru, aren't you just a shadow avatar?" Kakashi, who was standing opposite, smiled, the dead fish's eyes were a bit playful, and his tone was even more frivolous.

Orochimaru felt that his reputation as a master of Konoha Sannin had been trampled on by the copy ninja opposite.

"It's enough to deal with you guys." Orochimaru flickered, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Kakashi.


Facing Orochimaru, one of the Konoha Sannin, even if the opponent might be a shadow clone, Kakashi did not dare to be careless, and immediately used the seal to display his own upgraded version of Chidori.


The dazzling thunder light converged and exploded in Kakashi's right hand, like thousands of birdsong.


Raikage flashed, and Kakashi turned into an afterimage hard bar towards the galloping Orochimaru.

The scarlet three-hooked jade writing wheel eye firmly locked Orochimaru's every move. At the moment when the two were close at hand, Kakashi's Rachel precisely cut to Orochimaru's heart!

But the next moment.

Orochimaru's delicate body is like a snake, and a playful snakeskin walk avoids Kakashi's Rachel with an incredible arc, and then Orochimaru slaps her genitals, then locks her throat, and then hits her elbows. With a snap, Kakashi flew out.

The thunder stopped abruptly!

And Orochimaru kept walking, galloping straight towards the Anbu headquarters building!

"Captain Kakashi!"

Tianzang, who was standing on the side, changed his face slightly, and was about to form a seal to cast a wooden escape, when he heard a bang in mid-air, and Kakashi had turned into smoke and dissipated.

Shadow clone?

Orochimaru sneered and sneered.


At this moment, on the top floor of the Anbu headquarters building, a dazzling thunder light suddenly pierced the black smoke, like a thunderbolt rushing down!


Orochimaru snorted coldly, tiptoe a little while galloping, and his flexible body suddenly rose into the sky, colliding violently with the thunder that fell from the sky.

clap clap clap...

In a series of physical collisions, Kakashi was knocked out again, and fell hard in the direction of Tianzang.

This time it is also a shadow clone.

Tianzang thought so, when he saw Kakashi fall on the steps with a bang, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and spread rapidly along the black mask.

Kakashi looked up at Tianzang, Tianzang also looked at Kakashi, and the two looked at each other half-paid.

Tianzang said in surprise: "Isn't it a shadow clone?"

Kakashi looked at him emotionally with dead fish eyes: "Don't you need to help the shadow clone?"

Tianzang hurried over to help him up.

At this time, Orochimaru had rushed to the entrance of the Anbu headquarters building, and the surrounding Anbu ninjas also swarmed around, fighting with Orochimaru there!

The thick smoke and flames danced above the Anbu headquarters building, and the sound of crackling was heard below. The battle was extremely fierce!

After Kakashi got up, he rushed over again without saying a word: "Rachel!"

Tianzang was unwilling to be left behind, his hands formed a seal, and his right hand suddenly turned into a thick vine winding winding towards Orochimaru.

"Mu Dun? You are the kid back then."

Orochimaru glanced disdainfully, how could this attack hit him?

As soon as he thought about it, he felt a shock, and his delicate body was unable to move for a while.


Orochimaru looked at it intently, and saw a pair of scarlet three-gou jade like a blood-colored full moon, rapidly filling his vision.

In the next moment, Tianzang's vine entangled Orochimaru, and Kakashi's Rachel also broke into Orochimaru's throat at the same time.

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