Raikiri is a lightning ninjutsu developed by Hatake Kakashi in Naruto, which is an improved version of Chidori.

When Hatake Kakashi was a child, he used this ninjutsu to cut off the lightning in the sky, so this ninjutsu was renamed Raikiri.

This ninjutsu is to concentrate a large amount of chakra in the hand to form a high-intensity electric current, then rush forward and pierce the enemy. This ninjutsu has a powerful power.

Raikiri has a similar effect to the Raikage using lightning chakra to activate cells to increase the speed of movement. The specific speed is determined by the transformation of Raikiri.

"Damn, this Raikiri is an S-level ninjutsu! This is Kakashi's move! But this is a ninjutsu of thunder attribute, can I use it?" Liuli said after seeing the Raikiri ninjutsu.

"Yes, now you have the thunder attribute in your body, and this ninjutsu is also carefully selected for you in the ninjutsu encyclopedia!"

After watching the virtual, Liuli immediately activated the chakra in his body and felt the newly added thunder attribute in his body.

Sure enough, when Liuli activated the chakra, she felt a little numbness in her body, and after a closer look, she felt the chakra of lightning attribute.

"Crazy, crazy, I'm really cheating now. I now have three different attributes of chakra in my body, and I know some ninjutsu for these three chakras! If I can't reach the peak of the human world after this incident, it will be really unforgivable!" Liuli said with a smile.

"Raikiri is an S-level ninjutsu. I remember that this ninjutsu is to concentrate the chakra in the center of the palm when it is activated, and at the same time, the chakra changes in form and nature, thereby forming a lightning escape. There is lightning around the hand, so the hand is like a sharp blade, so as to achieve the effect of killing the enemy with one blow. The power is strong enough to penetrate the human body! The biggest feature of Raikiri is the concentrated attack on a single point of stab." Liuli looked at her hand and said softly.

There is also a big difference between Raikiri and Chidori. Chidori is blue and white lightning escape chakra, and has the sound of Chidori buzzing, while Raikiri is dark blue chakra, with a violent electric current sound, and there is no sound effect of Chidori.

"This Raikiri is also very powerful, but it is still a close-range ninjutsu. By the way, I seem to remember that I can inject lightning chakra into the kunai. The kunai replaces the stabbing form of the palm. Everything in this form has the highest penetration power and is much sharper than the ordinary Raikiri stab."

"Since the kunai can be thrown out for long-range attacks, the Raikiri can be used to attack distant enemies!" After saying this, Liuli took out a Ruowu from his waist.

Looking at the kunai in his hand, Liuli urged the lightning chakra in his body and injected it into the kunai.

Lili completely injected a small part of the lightning chakra into the kunai. At this time, there was already a thin layer of chakra fluctuations around the Ruowu injected with lightning chakra, and lightning flashed from time to time around it.

Lili glanced at the lightning kunai in his hand, then raised his head and looked at the peach tree in the distance, then threw it with his hand, and the kunai rushed towards the peach tree at a rapid speed.

The kunai injected with lightning chakra not only became more powerful, but also very fast. In less than half a second, the kunai had already rushed to the front of the locust tree.


When the kunai injected with lightning attribute smashed the first peach tree, it did not reduce its speed and power at all, and continued to rush to the back.

When the kunai penetrated the fourth tree, the speed slowly decreased, and the power also weakened. Finally, the kunai pierced the fifth tree.

"Damn, this power is really strong! If this is used in actual combat, my combat power will increase a lot! It seems that this morning is still a great harvest!"

After saying this, Liuli found that the sky was beginning to brighten, and then he withdrew from the ring.

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