Chapter 227 Heading to the front

In the state of the three gates, the speed of the night moon step shaving reached the extreme, and with the attack of the finger gun and Arashi’s foot, the six ninjas who performed enchantment ninjutsu fell three in an instant.

The power of the enchantment became weaker and weaker, and Jiu Shinnai, who burst out with six tails and kakra’s coat, rushed out at once, and Night and Jiu Xinnai, plus eight dark parts, swept away the remaining ninjas in an instant.

After putting away the nine-tailed chakra coat, Jiu Xinnai revealed his original appearance, but under the repeated fighting, his face still had a deep sense of exhaustion.

“Lord Jiu Xinnai, are you all right?” Blade asked worriedly, and the rest of the dark parts also looked at Jiu Xinnai worriedly.

Although Wave Feng Shuimon and Jiu Shinna are both young ninjas under the age of twenty, one of them is a proud protégé of Jiraiya, the other is a princess of the Uzumaki clan, and more importantly, both of them are Shinobi of Konoha’s elite, and their status in Konoha is not low.

Jiu Xinnai waved his hand and said, “You came in time, I have nothing to do, thank you.” ”

After greeting the dark part, Jiu Xinnai looked at the night and said with a smile, “If I’m not mistaken, you are Dai’s eldest son Matt Ye, right?” ”

Ye was stunned, and then relieved, it should be the green flame released when he used the Eight Gate Dun Jia to make Jiu Xinnai think of Dai and recognize himself.

“Watergate told me about you, you’re an amazing ninja like your father!”

Jiu Xinnai said and touched Ye’s head, rubbing Ye’s hair while laughing, completely treating Ye as an ordinary child.

Ye smiled bitterly, and after turning his head sideways to dodge, before he could say anything, Jiu Xinnai smiled and said first, “It’s quite shy/shy, you!” ”

Subsequently, Yoru and two teams of dark troops escorted Kushina all the way to the rear of Konoha, encountering some enemies along the way, but with less and less frequency, and fewer and fewer battles in other parts of the village.

Under the cleansing of the other ninjas of Konoha led by Orochimaru Tsunade, as well as the roots/departments led by Danzo, the enemies who infiltrated the village have almost been cleaned up.

Although the war inside the village has gradually been extinguished, the battle outside the village has grown to a very fierce level, from time to time there are earth-shattering noises coming from outside the village, the fire will shine most of the sky flickering, although the two tailed beasts are now outside the village, but their roar still reaches the village.

When Yoruichi and his group were about to reach the settlement point behind Konoha, they were found by the heralds of the Dark Division.

The three generations gave the latest order, because the battle in the village is almost over, but the situation outside the village has reached a critical point, the combined army of the three major countries and a number of small countries has arrived, except for some root/clan members in the village, all ninjas of middle ninja and above must participate in defensive battles!

The moment they received the order, the two dark troops moved directly towards the front line, but when Ye was about to leave, they were stopped by Jiu Xinnai.

In the instructions of the three generations, it has been said very clearly that the two squads went to different fronts outside the village, and Jiu Shinnai, as Konoha’s last reliance, had to hide in the resettlement site like civilians!

Moreover, the task of escorting Jiu Shinai at night has been completed, and the protected object must take care of civilians in the resettlement site like other Shinobi to prevent riots.

“What’s wrong, Teacher Jiu Shinnai?” Ye asked with a frown, faintly guessing in his heart the reason why Jiu Xinnai stopped him.

“Do you know where Watergate is? The huge movement after the outbreak of the battle was made by the tailed beast, and suddenly disappeared, did the Water Gate use the Flying Thunder God and transmit the tailed beast outside the village? Jiu Xinnai asked anxiously while looking at the war outside the village that almost stained the entire sky.

Night hesitated, but nodded anyway.

“I can’t go to the resettlement site, I won’t let Watergate bear the danger alone, you go to the resettlement site yourself, the rest of the resettlement site asks, you say I went by myself.” I’m also Konoha’s elite Shinobi, it’s impossible to hide in the resettlement site with peace of mind, I want to fight on the front line like Watergate!” ”

Jiu Xinnai said as he walked in the direction where the war was most intense.

Ye heard this and smiled, although the three generations regarded him as an object to be protected, but where would he obey, what Jiu Xinnai said was also what he thought in his heart, this battle was extraordinary, he could not let Dai Dai on the front line.

Ye’s original plan was to personally send Jiu Xinnai to the resettlement point, and then quietly rushed to the front, without answering Jiu Xinnai’s words, Ye just silently turned around and walked in the direction of Jiu Xinnai.

“Night, why don’t you go to the resettlement site?! You are so young that you are an object to be protected! Seeing the night going to the direction of the war, Jiu Xinnai shouted in shock.

“Am I a protected object? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous? There are my mother and two younger brothers in the resettlement site, and my father is still fighting the enemy on the front line, how can I hide in the resettlement site with peace of mind? ”

Night’s words made Jiu Xinnai silent, Night said well, from the strength point of view he is indeed not the object of protection, after relief, Jiu Xinnai and Ye together, against the order of the three generations to march forward.

When marching to the edge of the village, the spiritual power of the night found a small group of hidden enemies on the ground of the Uchiha clan, these three major countries are really comprehensive, attack Konoha not to mention, whether it is a tailed beast or a chakra eye, they want to take it!

In the past, Uchiha was powerful, and no one dared to attack Uchiha’s people, but the current Uchiha is no longer the former Uchiha, and these people naturally will not let go of such a good opportunity.

By the time Yori and Kyusina arrived at the Uchiha Clan, the battle here had ended, and more than a dozen members of the coalition squad had fallen in a pool of blood.

It was not someone else who killed these people, it was Uchiha Genhuo, and another young woman who didn’t know Uchiha at night.


After seeing the night, Uchiha Genhuo and another Uchiha young woman quickly greeted each other.

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