Chapter 187 The Dai of the Pit Son

Ye didn’t feel anything when he heard this, because because of this, White Fang also said it, but Dai’s words were not finished.

Looking at the dull night, Dai smiled and continued,

“I also told them, whether they win or lose, if anyone releases water on you, I will punish him for running three hundred laps around Konoha Village, but if I defeat you with my own hands, I will eat ramen or dango or yakiniku for half a year!”

Ye was stunned when he heard this, and even Kai and Yiguang, who were watching the excitement on the side, were stunned.

“Father, you this… It’s not to pit my brother! Kai was stunned for a long time, and said dumbly,

“Yes, whether you win or lose, wouldn’t my father’s three trainees ignore the task and directly besiege the eldest brother as soon as they came up, and under the stimulation of the reward, it will definitely be very crazy!” Yiguang immediately said loudly after listening to Dai’s words, feeling that it was very unfair to Ye.

“Two rewards or punishments are not contradictory, and the rewards for defeating you can also be obtained by joining forces, and if they win the game and join forces to defeat you, then in addition to the two free optional meal tickets they deserve for eight months, I will also give them another half a year and treat them to a whole year’s meal!”

Dai said with a smile.

At this time, in addition to sighing helplessly, I don’t know what to say, how to say Dai’s practice, I can only say that it is very in line with his character!

“Father, aren’t you afraid that your trainee will frantically attack the eldest brother, and the eldest brother will be injured?!” Kai shouted with concern.

Dai glanced at the night and said, “Your eldest brother’s strength, others don’t understand, but I know best, he went all out, and it was still very easy to deal with my three students.” ”

Although Dai said this, Kai and Yiguang still looked at the night worriedly.

“You two don’t have to worry, I’m your big brother, I’ll definitely win easily!” Just cheer me on in a moment! Ye said with a smile.

Dai looked at Ye and smiled, thinking secretly in his heart, ‘Ye, let me see your true strength this time, and see where you have arrived!’ ’

While the father and son were chatting, there was a burst of smoke next to them, and White Fang walked to Ye’s side, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, turned his head to Kai and Yiguang and said,

“Are you here to cheer for your dad or your eldest brother?”

Kai and Yiguang were stunned when they heard this, the two looked at each other and saw each other’s thoughts from each other’s eyes, to be honest, because of the conversation between Fang Cai Dai and Ye, both of them were worried that the night naturally wanted to cheer for the night, but in this case, there would be no one to cheer for Dai!

For a while, Kai and Yiguang hesitated because of White Fang’s joke.

“Hahaha, Shuomao, your trick is really ruthless, and you have pulled my two younger sons into your camp!” Dai said with a smile.

Looking at the hesitant Kai and Yiguang, everyone laughed and did not take it seriously.

After a while, the other team members also arrived.

Ye met Dai’s three team members for the first time, all of them were a year or two older than Ye and Hong, and about the same as Takeda.

Among the three, one is Hinata Fire Spirit, a boy from the Hyuga clan, a girl from the Inuzuka clan, Inuzuka Kuryuki, and the last one is Akimichi Zono from the Akimichi clan.

For the three large families of Konoha’s Inuga Butterfly, except for their respective successors, who will be divided into a squad after graduating from ninja school to hone their tacit understanding, most of the ordinary members are scattered in various squads like ordinary ninjas.

After Dai’s three team members arrived together, they greeted the two teachers, and then introduced themselves to several members of the White Fang team, and their eyes looking at the night showed a sense of prey.

Because of the thick light shining through their eyes, especially the little fat man of the Akimichi family, even drooling when he looked at the night, Red and Takeda also noticed this abnormal situation.

“Teacher Dai, when we start the competition, I am a little impatient!” The boy named Hinata Fire Spirit shouted excitedly.

This Hyuga fire spirit does not have the calm mentality of other Hyuga family members at all, but is very warm, while the girl named Inuzuka Hidden Snow on the side is very calm, even a little shy/shy, holding the little black dog in her arms standing quietly on the side, her personality is similar to Hinata in the original book.

“No hurry, this battle between our two squads today is not an ordinary battle, Shuomao and I hired a notary.”

Dai said with a smile.

“Notary? Teacher Dai, is it necessary to be so formal? Hinata said helplessly.

The rest of the people listened to Dai’s words and became puzzled, the two squads were just talking, was it too serious to ask the notary?

“I don’t know why Teacher Dai and Teacher Shuomao asked a notary for?” Takeda asked suspiciously.

The rest of the two squads looked at the two suspiciously, Takeda’s question was exactly their problem, including Ye Ye couldn’t understand why Dai and Shuomao were serious enough to ask a notary.

After Dai and Shuomao saw the doubtful looks of these six members, they smiled bitterly helplessly.

After sighing, the faces of the two instantly became extremely serious,

“This is to determine the participants of the Chūnin Exam two months later!”

Dai and Shuomao looked at their team members intently, and they all spoke in unison.

The two teams, six team members, were all stunned in an instant.

“What?! Isn’t there two months left in the Chūnin exam? And I haven’t heard that there are qualifiers for this competition? And it’s not called a qualifier! What should this be called? Qualifiers for qualifiers? Hinata said with a frown.

“Yes, isn’t this competition just a simple competition? How did you suddenly get involved with qualifying for the Chūnin exam? Red asked suspiciously.

“That’s right, Dai and I told you about the Chūnin exam before, and we also said at the time that this Chūnin exam is a little more special than before, so the three generations decided that without affecting Konoha’s name, instead of sending a large group of lower ninjas who are not strong enough to increase casualties, it is better to send the strongest squad and directly win the name of Naka Ninja and become the first among all the participating ninjas!”

Seeing everyone’s puzzled looks, White Tooth raised his eyebrows, and then said lightly.

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