Chapter 47 says yes to come and do something?

The night is not the kind of dick that can’t walk when he sees a beautiful woman, he has not experienced anything in his last life for so many years, although he has not had a girlfriend, but there are many women who have had relationships with him, and each of them is absolutely beautiful, after all, his identity in the previous life is there.

Although Ye is a little interested in the girl who Obito loves deeply in the original book, it is just curiosity, not that he likes Rin, after all, the two do not even have a little emotional foundation.

So the night is really doing this for Red, so that Hong can have a few friends worth dating, after the night carefully observed, the night found that the entire classroom is just a few people worthy of being friends, except for Rin and the girl from the Hyuga family, the rest are a few boys, how to choose the night will still need to ask?

What’s more, after reading the original night, knowing Lin’s person, it should be a good thing for Red to have such a friend, right? With these considerations, Ye naturally chose this location.

“Forget it, let’s just sit here!”

Hearing Ye’s explanation, Hong subconsciously looked elsewhere and found that the girls’ eyes suddenly shivered when they looked at Ye, and then immediately shook her head at Ye and said with a palpitation.


Ye smiled and touched Hong’s head, not caring at all that his actions hurt the heart of a ticket child.

However, seeing the actions of the two of Ye and Red, although everyone was sad, they did not do anything excessive, and because of this, everyone’s interest in Ye and Red was not so crazy.

Then Ye and Hong began to chat about the sky, ignoring the various gazes of others, although at first Red was still a little shy/shy, but under Ye’s deliberate guidance, Hong gradually did not care about other people’s eyes.

Rin, who had already sat down on the side, had been looking at Hong with envious eyes, she also wanted to chat with Ye so happily, even Rin, let alone others, it was simply an expression that wanted to separate the two and replace them.

As for the girl from the Hyuga clan, she is even more subtle / subtle than Rin, it looks like everyone is a show, although there are also secretly paying attention to the chat of night and red, but it is very secretive, if it is not for the amazing perception of night, I am afraid that she will not find her attention.

Because there was no class yet, the classroom was still chaotic, and everyone gathered together to chat, and the most talked about was about night and red.

And Ye also noticed that even Obito and Asma were paying attention to themselves, and Ye could deeply feel their envious and jealous eyes, but the personalities of the two were okay, and they didn’t mean to trouble themselves.

This makes the night still a little strange, the character of Obito is very clear about the night, the young Obito should be very impulsive, just like Naruto when he was a child, but let the night be unexpected he actually did not come to himself to duel, you must know that in the original book, in order to behave in front of Rin, Obito directly found Kakashi to duel.

Where does the night know, although Obito is impulsive, but not stupid, Ye’s body is obviously taller than his peers, making people feel very uncomfortable at first glance, and now Obito and Rin have just met not long ago, and they don’t have much affection for Rin, how can they find a night duel for no reason?

And Asma is not to mention, as the son of Hokage, although he sees that the night is more popular than himself, Asma himself is not the kind of shadow second generation who bullies people with his identity, at most, he feels envious and jealous of the night, and he will definitely not do such a thing as a duel.

So it was very surprising that the first day that Ye came to the class did not encounter the bloody plot in the novel, not only did no one come up to mock, but no one came up to punch him in the face, which made Ye Xin couldn’t help but sigh, sure enough, the novel is all deceptive.

However, what Ye didn’t know was that at the moment in the class next to him, Uchiha Yunhuo was using the method taught by his father to take in the class.

Looking at the person who came up to him after learning that he was a member of the Uchiha family and said that he wanted to mix with him, Uchiha Yunhuo expressed great satisfaction, first choosing two boys who looked a little smarter to be his right arm, and then selected three boys who looked taller and stronger to be his thugs, and the others were directly used as a backup or discharged.

These people who voluntarily followed Uchiha Yunhuo are the children of some small families, they either listen to the words of the adults in the family, or they follow him because of their envy of Uchiha Yunhuo’s identity, but the children of those big families are disdainful of this, and even have little good impression of Uchiha Yunhuo.

Don’t say join in, it’s good that they didn’t stop others from joining, for some reason, they generally don’t have much conflict with Uchiha’s people, after all, they each have their own opponents, and Uchiha will not take the initiative to provoke other big families, after all, their main opponent is the Hyuga clan, even if they are arrogant, they will not needlessly set up more enemies for themselves, right?

“Humph, Matt’s? I’ll let you know that coming to ninja school is the biggest mistake of your life! ”

Looking at his subordinates, Uchiha Yunhuo said in a gloomy tone, but just when he was thinking about going to find trouble at night, he didn’t know what the reason was, and suddenly he shivered, as if something bad was about to happen.

Ye didn’t know that he didn’t encounter the bloody bridge in the novel, but the calm before the storm, but quickly put the matter down and continued to concentrate on chatting with Red.

There will be no classes on the first day of school, because when their homeroom teacher arrives, they will take them to participate in the speech of the three generations of Hokage, this is a routine, and it is also the brainwashing of these children by the three generations, when all the students of the ninja school will go, of course, it will also be in batches, and their princely classes should wait until the end.

The people in the class also know about this, so they are still chatting unscrupulously, and some people are still chasing and playing in the classroom.

Ask for flowers, collect!

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