Chapter 31 True Red’s Good Feelings

“Teacher, I filled it out.”

Soon Dai filled in the identity information of the night, and then directly handed it to the Naka Shinobi sensei.

“Oh? Filled in? Then it’s no problem, you can go back and wait until two days later that school officially starts and you can come to class. ”

Seeing that Dai handed over the form that had been filled out, Mr. Naka Ninja still looked at the information Dai filled in very seriously, after all, this is his responsibility, if there is no mistake, he will also be unlucky.

After carefully checking the information Dai filled in, he found that sure enough, after filling it out, the Naka Shinobi teacher carefully put it away, and then said to Dai that it was okay, as long as they waited two days later to come directly to class.

Don’t look at them so easy to sign up successfully, in fact, it is not so easy to enter a ninja school, ordinary children’s children want to enter a ninja school to study, must pass a specific assessment.

Just like in the original book, Kai first signed up to enter the ninja school, but did not enter the ninja school because he failed the assessment, and then got a backup place to enter the ninja school because Dai found three generations.

After all, ninja school is a place to train ninjas, and it is not a shelter for children, and if there is no talent to become a ninja, the school will certainly not be admitted.

And there is only one reason why Ye can enter the ninja school so easily, without even the most basic assessment, and that is the problem of identity.

The Matt family is now a big family, naturally there is no need to participate in the assessment like ordinary families, like these large families only need to do a registration to go directly to the ninja school, and even the assigned class is the best class, whether it is the content taught or the teacher in the class is not comparable to the children of ordinary families.

Children from ordinary families need to be tested if they want to enter ninja schools, but children in families do not, because their birth point is higher than that of children from ordinary families, although it is very unfair, but how can there be absolute fairness in the world?

Fairness will only exist in the same class, unless you have the same strength as others, don’t think about talking about fairness, this is a law common to every world.

“Night, you’re already here? I thought I would arrive first! ”

After Dai and Ye went out, she met Hong who had just come to sign up, she was led by Zhenhong’s little hand, and a pair of small cute eyes were still looking around, until she saw that the cute eyes after the night suddenly lit up, and then immediately broke free from the real red hand and ran to Ye’s side and said happily.

“Hello Uncle Zhenhong, Hong, I have already signed up, you should go quickly, otherwise there will be more people waiting for the next one.”

Seeing Hong, Ye’s eyes suddenly became gentle, and he first politely said hello to Zhen Hong, and then said to Hong gently.

“Hehe, the night really knows how to be polite, and I have time to come to our house to play.”

Seeing Ye’s polite appearance, a look of satisfaction flashed in his red eyes, and then said to Ye approvingly, and at the same time invited Yeduo to his house as a guest.

If a year ago Zhenhong had some affection for the night because of her daughter, now after a year of contact and understanding, Zhenhong has already treated the night as if it were her own child.

Whether it is the maturity shown by the night or his efforts, it is easy to make people feel good about him, because of the red reason Zhenhong already knew the news that the night began to cultivate, and then he had time to watch the overnight cultivation, and every time he went to see the night was soaked in sweat but still working hard to cultivate.

These are nothing, when once Zhenhong saw the cultivation of the night from beginning to end, his eyes were a little shocked, that day happened to be the day of ordinary exercise at night, that is, the exercise method of Kai and Xiao Li in the original work, after all, although he used the forging method of the previous life most of the time, but occasionally he had to use the world’s forging method, the combination of the two can exert greater effects, and it can also cover people’s eyes and ears well….

And when Zhenhong came, it happened to be when he used this world to exercise at night, obviously the crazy energy of night exercise shocked Zhenhong, you must know that the madness of night cultivation is not worse than Kai and Xiao Li in the original work, it will only be more crazy, after all, how to do it without a crazy energy if you want to become the strongest in this world!

Seeing the efforts of the night cultivation, Zhenhong was full of appreciation, and paid more attention to the night, and then after a long period of contact to understand Zhenhong, he found that all aspects of the night were far beyond children of the same age, seeing that the night was so good, Zhenhong naturally increased his good feelings, and gradually treated him as his own child, and every time he chatted with Dai, he did not hide his envy for him.

Dai is proud of this, every time he sees Zhenhong’s envious and jealous look, Dai feels a sense of accomplishment, and every time he thinks about how correct his decision was on the first adoption night.

Even the two directly set up a doll kiss for Ye and Hong without knowing it, and Ye and Hong didn’t know about it until much later…

“Okay Uncle Zhenhong, I will definitely do it.”

In the face of Zhen Hong’s invitation, of course, he would not refuse, and he respectfully agreed.

“Oh, father, don’t say anything, let’s go in and sign up, I’ll go to play with the night later?” You’re going to wait for me at night! ”

Seeing that Ye and her father still had plans to continue talking, but Hong didn’t do it, she quickly interrupted the two to urge Zhenhong, and then turned her head to look at Ye expectantly and said.

“Hehe, it seems that our red can’t wait, then we will go first, see you later!”

Seeing her daughter’s anxious look, Zhenhong smiled gently, and then said to Hong in a joking tone, and then Zhenhong signaled to Dai and Ye again, and was ready to lead Hong in.

“Haha, I’ll see you later…” Dai responded to Zhenhong.

“Hong, don’t worry, I’ll wait for you to come out here.”

Yoruto looked at Hong, who had been staring at her, so he said to her in a gentle tone.

“I knew the night was the best!”

Hearing Ye’s words, Hong immediately jumped up happily in place, and then found that the attention of others was also attracted by his actions, and immediately lowered his head a little shyly/shyly.

Brothers, today the fourth is more, please collect!

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