The originally withered branches and leaves also glowed with vitality, as if they were injected with new life.

As the saying goes, if you have money, you will not be in a hurry. No matter how strong the wind blows, I will remain unmoved.

After the joy, Xingye Feng said:"Keep 20% of these income as reserves, another 20% as working capital, and invest the rest in various departments to maintain operation."

"Ask the Ministry of Public Security to pay attention to the commercial area, otherwise it will go wrong right after it is established. If something goes wrong, it will be our fault."

Xingye Feng pointed out that Konoha's finances still need to be maintained by commercial taxes.

But this can only be temporary, and we can't rely on this alone. Other aspects must also develop in scale to share some of the pressure.

Although a single one is good, the risk is too great, and it is not as good as all-round development.

Konoha's focus will gradually shift in the future, and we will try to make the development balanced.

""Yes." Nara nods. He had expected this and had already informed the Ministry of Public Security.

"Now that we have the money, Konoha can plan for the future development." Hoshino Kaede said with a deep look on his face. Nara Shikaichi immediately understood and said seriously:"I have been investigating down there for the past few months, and I have roughly grasped the basic information."

"The Anbu also visited every household, asking about the general situation, and basically figured out Konoha's current economic scale and proportion."

Hoshino Kaede nodded slightly, with more appreciation for Nara Shikaichi in his eyes.

Which leader would not like such a subordinate. He can not only help him share government affairs, but also help him make plans. He is simply a top tool.

Nara Shikaichi continued:"Due to the policies issued by you, Hokage, the commercial economy currently occupies more than half of Konoha, and Konoha's commissions account for about 15%"

"Agriculture accounts for 30%, and the rest is some scattered economy, accounting for 5%."

Accurate and detailed information came from Nara Shikakou. Xingye Feng narrowed his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table, and showed a thoughtful expression.

"According to the intelligence gathered, the average economic level of the villagers is not high, limited to food and clothing or above, and most of them are engaged in occupations other than ninja."

Ninjas have a high status, and the reward for a task can be equal to the annual income of ordinary people.

This is why so many families hope that their children can become ninjas, and they really give too much.

After hearing this, Xingye Feng shook his head slightly and sighed:"The gap is too big. Ninjas are high-income and high-risk professions. I am not surprised that the economy is high. This is what they have earned with years of training and their lives."

"But the income of the lower-class villagers is too low, and it is not right to just be satisfied with food and clothing."

Nara Shikaichi hesitated for a moment, and said:"Hokage, these are actually good. In the years when the village was built, even maintaining a day's food was a problem."

"Nowadays, it is already very good for every family in Konoha to have enough food."

This is what he thought in his heart. He had experienced the era of scarcity of supplies in Konoha. Even the ninjas had to live on a tight budget. In comparison, life is much more comfortable now.

At least, as long as you can work, you will not starve to death.

Hearing this, Xingye Feng did not agree with his words. He said earnestly:

"Lu Yi, I understand your idea, but now is not the same as before. We built the village for the benefit of future generations."

"If it is just to satisfy the appetite, then what is the point of development?"

"From nothing to something, and then from something to richness, this is what Konoha has been striving for, and cannot be satisfied with the status quo."

"For example, nowadays, although we can eat enough, can we have meat every meal? Can we have extra money for entertainment?"

"No, they are just struggling to make ends meet, so we have to work towards this goal."

The heartfelt words were like thunder from the sky, exploding over Nara Shikaichi's head.

For a moment, he felt mixed emotions and looked at Hoshino Kaede with a complex and admiring look.

"I didn't think it through."

Xingye Feng waved his hand:"I don't blame you, you are also seeking truth from facts, I am talking about ideals."

As he said this, he suddenly felt that there was still a long way to go and he still had a long time to go.

""Go on." After sighing for a while, Xingye Feng said.

Nara Shikaichi took a deep breath, suppressed all the complicated thoughts, and continued to report.

"As of now, apart from business, all other aspects need to be strengthened and supported."

"Especially the farmers, they basically help others to farm, they don't have their own fields."

Xingye Feng frowned, interrupted him and said:"Why is that? There are a lot of lands in Konoha, and basically no one uses them."

Nara Shika paused, then shook his head and said:"Hokage, although that is the case, there are often wild beasts around, and ordinary people have no way to"

"Only the Ninja clan would send people to patrol, so there were very few villagers who owned land."

""I see." Xingye Feng touched his chin. He seemed to have discovered a blind spot, a spot that could rapidly develop agriculture.

"In addition, there is the forging aspect, which I think is a very urgent matter."

Nara Shikaichi said worriedly.

"Emergency? Oh, I see."Feng Xingye was puzzled at first, then suddenly realized.

Now more than ten years have passed since the first Ninja World War, and the development of each village has reached saturation and the war preparedness has been perfected.

The situation in the Ninja World has become strange again, and Nara Shikaichi is keenly aware of this.

Perhaps, the next war will be in the near future.

War requires a lot of war resources, and the consumption of shuriken and kunai will increase day by day.

At present, Konoha's forging is slightly backward, mainly because the mineral veins are very scarce and the transportation cost is high.

"......I remember that the Hatake clan can forge swords." Hoshino Kaede suddenly thought of something. Nara Shika was stunned for a moment, then nodded:"Yes, the Hatake clan originally forged ninja swords, and their industry and technology are very good."

"Is that so? I have to go find Shumao." Xingye Feng said.

This matter is still under discussion. Xingye Feng thought about it, put it aside for the time being, and asked again

"Anything else?"

Nara Luyi shook his head:"These are all we have for now, but these few points are probably enough for us to consume."

"It's just time, I have plenty of it." Xingye Feng raised his lips, not worried.

As long as he found the problem, he would not worry about the time needed to solve it.

"That's it for now, I'll think of a solution."After talking so much, the amount of information was a bit overwhelming, and Xingye Feng rubbed his brows tiredly.

After a while, seeing that Nara Shikaichi had not left, he asked curiously

"What else?"

"Hokage, I'm worried....The war is not far away."

"War..."Xingye Feng stood up and looked out the window at the smoke rising from the kitchen. It was a peaceful scene. He paused and said in a strong tone:

"Don't worry, Konoha is never afraid of challenges!"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at him firmly.

"If anyone dares to invade Konoha, they will never return!"

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