The Kingdom of Wind is the largest of the five great nations, but deserts occupy most of its area.

Citizens build villages in the few oases.

Xingye Feng walked very fast and crossed the border of the Kingdom of Fire in a few days. The endless desert in front of him made him sigh.

In such a harsh environment, there are still people who have survived here for generations.

The tenacity of life is evident, and it is no wonder that they covet the land of the Kingdom of Fire.

Xingye Feng looked for a moment, looking into the distance, looking at a certain place

"It seems that we need to speed up the process." Xingye Feng narrowed his eyes.

The chaotic and disordered power has been spreading and venting wantonly. Facing this wild power, Xingye Feng smiled calmly.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"I wonder if someone from the future will come back to the present?"

Xingye Feng was looking forward to it, his mouth curled up, and his pace quickened.

Loulan is located in the Kingdom of Wind, and it can be said to be a country within a country, but the Sand Village has never thought of replacing it.

Instead, when asked for help, they sent people as soon as possible. I'm afraid they also know the consequences of the dragon vein getting out of control.

No one wants to keep such a time bomb in their hands.

"Well, we're here. It's different from what I imagined."Xingye Feng stopped and looked up at the gate of Loulan.

There were guards on both sides like in Konoha, but their strength was....Haha

""Stop, who are you?" Xingye Feng had been standing still, and the guards noticed that his movements were suspicious, so they immediately stepped forward and asked.

After being asked this question, Xingye Feng came back to his senses and took out the mission certificate.

"I am a Konoha ninja, and I am here to support you on the orders of the Second Hokage."

The man looked at Xingye Feng, then looked at the mission certificate, and then recalled Lou Lan's previous restlessness, and immediately said

"Sorry, please enter the city first. I will report to the Queen."

After saying that, the guard walked away quickly.

Seeing this, Xingye Feng shrugged helplessly and entered the city first.

"I underestimated this queen."After entering the city, Xingye Feng was shocked by the scene in front of him.

From the outside, Loulan Kingdom was very dilapidated, standing in the yellow sand, and had no resources.

But the outside of the city was completely different from the inside. Not to mention the bright lights and feasting, at least the order was in place, and the vendors and people performed their duties.

In such a geographical location with scarce resources, the country can be governed like this, which shows the current queen's ability to govern the country. After buying some specialties from the vendors, Xingye Feng put them in the sealed scroll and took them back as a gift.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and greetings continued. Xingye Feng looked indifferently at the not far away.

"Hello, Konoha ninja who has come from afar." Queen Loulan pushed through the crowd, her voice was light and quiet, like a clear spring.

As expected of a queen, her manners were neither flattering nor uncomfortable.

"She is a qualified and capable queen." Xingye Feng smiled back, thinking secretly in his heart

"Queen, you are so polite. Lord Hokage knows Loulan's plight, so he asked me to come and help."

"Konoha has always treated its neighbors with the greatest sincerity."Hiroshino Feng looked at him calmly, without a trace of impurity.

The Queen of Loulan was stunned for a moment, then recovered, and the smile on her face became more sincere.

"Thank you for the help from Konoha. Loulan will remember this and will repay you in the future."

Xingye Feng smiled and nodded, then got down to business:"I don't know when the seal was started."

""Your Excellency, don't you plan to visit Loulan?" the Queen asked in surprise.

"No, business is more important." Xingye Feng shook his head and refused.

Seeing this, the queen's eyes flashed with surprise, but it quickly disappeared, and then nodded and said:"Okay, please follow me."

After that, she turned and walked towards the palace, and Xingye Feng followed closely with a smile.

""Can you tell me your name?" The queen asked softly on the way.

This was the first time she had seen a ninja with such a different style.

Although Loulan was a country, its strength was weak, not as good as some small countries.

Those who came from big ninja villages were arrogant and looked down on the people of small countries.

The Sand Ninja a few days ago was like this, but this Konoha ninja was the opposite.

Getting along with him was like a breeze blowing on your face, giving people a sense of transcendence.

""Hokino Feng."

The queen paused for a moment, turned around and said in surprise,"You are Hokino Feng? The one who defeated the Raikage?""

"Exactly, it's genuine. I don't think anyone dares to pretend to be me."

Xingye Feng said with a smile.

The queen looked him up and down and said,"I'm really surprised. I didn't expect that the person who came would be you."

What a woman who knows how to read people's expressions.

Xingye Feng smacked her lips, but in an instant, her tone changed.

This is a change of identity, not only respect, but also awe.

"I am just an ordinary person, I am here to carry out a mission, that's all."Xingye Feng said meaningfully.

Upon hearing this, the queen's face froze, and she smiled to hide her embarrassment.

Xingye Feng smiled but said nothing, his eyes shifted. Some things don't need to be pointed out, just know them in your heart.

""Mom!" A tender child's voice sounded in front, and a small figure rushed over.

The queen rubbed the little head of the person in her arms and said lovingly:"Sarah, why are you here? It should be study time now."

Little Sarah stared with her big black eyes, pouted her little mouth, and said coquettishly:"Mom, I want to be with you"

"" Alas, you child." The queen shook her head helplessly, but she didn't say anything else, her eyes were almost overflowing with doting.

Sarah was a little kid with big brains. Her little eyes fell on Xingye Feng and she said in a baby voice,"Hello, brother!"

This made Xingye Feng's heart melt. Who can resist a baby's cute voice?

The dull look from beginning to end finally changed. He looked at Sarah softly,"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Sarah shook her head, her little head like a rattle,"No, everyone who can be with my mother is a good person."

The little person was very serious, as if it was really like that.

Xingye Feng was defeated by her innocent words. He looked at the queen and said,"She is very cute and very innocent."

The queen coughed lightly and waved her hand. The people behind her coaxed Sarah away.

Before leaving, Sarah also waved her little hand to Xingye Feng, as if saying goodbye to him.

"You are embarrassed, Sarah has been spoiled by me."

Xingye Feng thought of that pure and innocent face, shook his head and laughed,"How could it be, such a child is very lovable."

During the conversation, the two finally came to the palace, and then went deep underground.

The queens of Loulan for generations have been responsible for protecting the dragon veins, and only they have the power to calm the dragon veins.

Xingye Feng followed the queen to the depths of the underground palace, and seeing is better than hearing.

"This is the dragon vein."Even though Xingye Feng was prepared, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw it.

The dragon vein in front of him felt like a deep ocean, with almost endless power.

If this amount of power erupted, I'm afraid the Wind Country would be devastated.

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