After sending away the Anbu, Xingye Feng was still in shock, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It was too scary, that look was so chilling, so this is what a fanatic fan is like, I've learned a lot

"Gu Jie, I'm going to go out for a while."After calming down, Xingye Feng turned around and shouted to the door.

After getting a response, Xingye Feng jumped onto the roof and climbed back and forth.

"Holding a high-level meeting at this time seems to be about peace talks."Xingye Feng thought as he ran.

Kirigakure and Iwagakure retreated, but they couldn't just let them go. According to Tobirama's strength, it is estimated that they will bleed heavily. It is possible that they will be blackmailed to the point of being unable to recover.

Thinking about it, Xingye Feng couldn't help laughing. Tobirama didn't die, and everything became different.

A few minutes later, Xingye Feng came into the building and heard the rustling sound of Tobirama flipping through documents.

It was estimated that it was at least more than one meter high, as countless as snowflakes.

"Tsk tsk, what a hard life!" After sitting down, Xingye Feng said gloatingly.

Without raising his head, Tobirama replied:"Haha, don't worry, you will be like this in the future too."

Xingye Feng staggered and almost fell to the ground, and said angrily:"Hehe, it's still early, it's still early"

"It's getting late, I can still hold on for a few more years, and then you have to go up even if you do n't want to." Tobirama raised his head and said seriously. Hoshino Kaede widened his eyes and pointed at him:"Aren't you going to let your disciple take over?"

"Disciple? Oh, I had this idea before, but now....."Tobirama shook his head and stopped talking.

What happened? Could it be that this butterfly destroyed Hiruzen's Third Hokage?

Not really. Although he was not involved in the later period, he was smart and capable when he first took over. Is

Tobirama really going to make a clean break?

Hoshino Kaede stared at Tobirama with puzzled eyes, expecting him to help him solve his doubts.

"Why are you looking at me? Don’t you want to be the boss?" Tobirama said with narrowed eyes.

Hoshino Kaede nodded silently:"I think Hiruzen and Danzo are very good, why do you have to hold on to me?"

"Hehe."Tobirama sneered."They are both excellent, but they are far inferior to you."

Xingye Feng became interested and asked,"I am so excellent in front of you? I didn't expect you would praise others one day." Tobirama

's forehead was bulging with veins, and his fist as big as a sandbag was ready, just one punch short of hitting him on the head.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xingye Feng immediately became serious and shook his head firmly.

"Forget it, don't put your mind on me, Hokage is just a title, it's useless to me."

Tobirama shook his head:"I know what you're thinking, but sometimes the title is very important, for example......"

After saying that, he searched through a pile of documents for a moment, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xingye Feng.

"Take a look at the latest intelligence from the Anbu."

Xingye Feng took it and glanced at it casually. As soon as the information passed through his mind, he frowned.

"This is...real?"

"How could that be false?"

"Hiss——Wow." Hoshino Feng read all the information intently.

The second generation Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village was ambushed and killed by Kinkaku and Ginkaku. Afterwards, the two were besieged by the Hidden Cloud Ninja and died of exhaustion. In just a few words, a huge amount of information was revealed. Hoshino Feng's eyes glared, as if he could see through them.

The second generation Raikage was still dead, and was also killed by Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

"What are you going to do?"Xingye Feng looked up at Tobirama

"What else can we do? Resting is the most important thing now. We can't start a war."Tobirama is smart and won't make such a low-level mistake.

"The second Raikage died in an unclear way."Hoshino Kaede shook his head and sighed."But it's a good thing for Konoha."

Just as he was sighing, footsteps were heard outside the door.

A moment later, the six disciples of Tobirama were all present, as well as Nara Shikaichi, who, as Konoha's military advisor, naturally had to be present.

In Konoha today, there are only three people who can be considered high-level.

The second Hokage, Uzumaki Mito, and finally Hoshino Kaede, the rest are just incidental.

Even Tobirama's disciples are the same.

On the one hand, their strength is not enough to intimidate everyone, and on the other hand, their status is insufficient. The disciples are just disciples and have not yet stepped into the power center of Konoha.

"Teacher."After entering the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the lead in greeting Tobirama, and the others followed closely.

Hoshino Kaede glanced at Tobirama obscurely, and seeing that he had no objection and tacitly agreed, he knew that he still liked Sarutobi Hiruzen in his heart.

After seeing that everyone was present, Tobirama nodded slightly and looked at Nara Shikaichi.

"Shikaku, have the peace treaties between Kirigakure and Iwagakure been delivered?"

As a defeated country, compensation is necessary, not to mention that it was invaded by others.

Nara Shikaku nodded, took out two treaties, handed them to Tobirama and said,"They sent someone to deliver them shortly after the defeat."

"Haha, maybe they are afraid that Konoha will attack them, so they want to conclude the peace talks as soon as possible."Tobirama saw through their plan at a glance and sneered.

"Yes, that's true. The losses of both the Kirigakure and Iwagakure are too heavy and they are no longer able to fight Konoha."

Nara Shikaichi smiled knowingly. It's rare to get such a good deal. If he doesn't kill them, he will be sorry for the ninjas fighting on the front line.

""Lu Yi, you can ask for as much compensation as you can, and it's better to make them feel hurt and afraid." Tobirama said with a stern face.

After instructing Lu Yi, Tobirama turned his gaze to his disciples.

The cold eyes swept over them, and a chill suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

He couldn't help swallowing and thought to himself:"The teacher's murderous intention is terrifying!"

After a while, Tobirama retracted his gaze and said slowly:"Konoha has experienced a great war. Now is the critical moment. Everyone must do their best. I don't want anyone to slack off." The sharp eyes appeared again and fell on the hearts of each of them.

"Yes, teacher!"×6

Everyone responded loudly, and some people who had something to hide were sweating profusely.

Tobirama waved his hand and told them to go about their business.

For a moment, only Tobirama and Hoshino Kaede were left in the room.

"Why were you so angry just now?"Xingye Feng took a sip of tea and said faintly.

Tobirama sighed deeply and said,"The disciples have grown up and it's hard to manage them."

"Hehe, you also said that we have grown up, let go of what should be let go."Xingye Feng shook his head.

Hearing this, Tobirama was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

"As long as it doesn't shake the foundation of Konoha, I can tolerate it."

Xingye Feng didn't comment, and then said:"I set up a guard team, I'm afraid you don't agree, so I told you."

Tobirama snorted coldly:"Is it useful if I don't agree? You still turn a deaf ear to it."

"Ahem, that can't be said, at least we should still show some respect on the surface." Xingye Feng said with a smile.

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