It may be a moment, Xingye Feng slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his sight was a rich and peaceful land.

Surrounded by mountains, forming a natural barrier, the mist filled the sky, boundless.

Toads can be seen everywhere, as well as various animals living in symbiosis.

Green forests are everywhere, and there is a hint of sweetness in the air.

Xingye Feng took a slow breath, and suddenly his mind was clear and his spirit was refreshed.

"This is Myoboku Mountain, how is it?" Fukasaku introduced it to him proudly.

"It is a pure land, peaceful and quiet."Hokino Feng sighed and thought to himself.

Myoboku Mountain should be located in the independent spiritual world of the ninja world like the other two holy places.

It is far away from war and humans, so that it can maintain its original appearance and be passed down to this day.

And there is a strange energy in the air, which should be natural energy. It is under some kind of control and interferes with people's perception.

"Follow me." The Immortal Fukasaku waved to Feng Hoshino, motioning him to follow him."Without the guidance of the toad in the Labyrinth Mountain, you will get lost here."

Hearing this, Feng Hoshino took a step and followed the Immortal Fukasaku closely, for fear of getting lost. He was unfamiliar with this place, and it would be troublesome if he got lost.

Looking around, there were not only toads in Myoboku Mountain, but also other animals. Feng Hoshino looked at this place curiously, his eyes fixed.

Every place here aroused his curiosity, but it was a pity that it was not the time yet, and the matter of the Great Toad Immortal was more important.

After a while, the Immortal Fukasaku brought him to the front of the Great Toad Immortal.

Next to it, there was another toad, the same size as the Immortal Fukasaku, and the momentum was similar.

"This should be Shima Sage." Hoshino Kaede thought silently.

Fukasaku Sage jumped down, hopped in front of the big toad Sage, and shouted loudly

"Great Immortal! Great Immortal!"

The small body burst out with an astonishing volume!

It even formed a gust of wind, blowing Xingye Feng's clothes.

The big toad immortal sat on a huge futon, wearing a hat and a necklace around his neck.

The huge body was rising and falling regularly. Hearing the huge sound, the old eyes slowly opened.

"Well....What's up...Fukasaku, huh?...Who is this child?"

"How did you bring him here?"

Fukasaku held his forehead helplessly and explained to Hoshino Kaede:"The Great Sage is always like this, his memory is not good."

Then, he raised his voice again and shouted:"Great Sage, it was you who asked me to go to the Ninja Realm to wait for someone, I have brought him back"

"Well...Oh, I remember now."The Great Toad Immortal was confused for a long time, and then he suddenly understood.

The Immortal Fukasaku breathed a sigh of relief, and finally explained it clearly.

The Great Immortal was good in every way, but he was a little confused, but he could still accept it.

After the Great Toad Immortal figured out the current situation, his eyes fell on Xingye Feng and he slowly said

"You are here.....Recently, I always fall into a short sleep, and I dream that the ninja world will undergo a huge change in the future."

"Everything in the ninja world will be torn down and started over again, but when I wanted to go deeper, I was blocked by a huge force."

"Suddenly, I just saw a figure......."

The words of the Great Toad Immortal shocked everyone present.

The amount of information was too huge to absorb for a while.

Xingye Feng was even more shocked. This prophecy was too unreasonable, but it was still a little far from being outrageous.

The Great Toad Immortal paused and continued, his eyes revealing solemnity and deep fear.

No one knew how powerful that power was that could frighten him so much.

"Afterwards, the dream was shattered, and when I tried to recall it, I couldn't remember any details."

"I can only see vaguely the general appearance."

After listening to the Great Immortal's story, the Immortal Fukasaku seemed to have a hidden meaning, and could not help but look at Xingye Feng quietly.

Xingye Feng raised his eyebrows. He saw that the Great Toad Immortal's eyes were extremely cautious from beginning to end, and even his words were carefully considered.

"Great Immortal, could that person be......"Zhima carefully observed Xingye Feng, and seeing that he looked normal, he guessed

"Is this the child?"

A trace of fear flashed in the big toad's cloudy pupils. Before, it was still very blurry, with only some fragmented images.

But until Xingye Feng arrived, he could be sure that the terrifying and strange power was emanating from him.

Xingye Feng tilted his head. From the words of the big toad immortal, he could hear that the figure was himself.

In the future, he actually crossed time and forcibly interrupted the prediction of the big toad immortal. He didn't even make a move, just a look, which made the big immortal feel terrified.

This strength...It was so desirable, I wonder when he can reach that level.

Hoshino Kaede, who was immersed in the powerful strength in the future, did not notice that Fukasaku Sage was quietly moving away from him.

After all, the predictions of the Great Toad Sage had never been wrong, and now it was obvious that Hoshino Kaede was that person!

"Big Toad Immortal, did you bring me here just to tell me these words?"

Xingye Feng calmed down and quickly brought the topic back.

He spoke to the Big Toad Immortal in a relaxed tone, not thinking that the Big Toad Immortal would attack him.

After hearing this, the Big Toad Immortal was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and said

"You are very calm. It is his honor to be your teacher."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was rejected by Xingye Feng. He said with a serious face

"No, it is my honor to be your disciple!"

He spoke decisively, and the respect in his eyes seemed to be overflowing.

He admired Hashirama Senju from the bottom of his heart, even though he had never taught him anything.

But he cared and loved him just as much, and even often protected him.

A teacher is not just about teaching ninjutsu, and Hashirama did a good job in this regard. The

Great Toad Sage was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Suddenly, he laughed out loud, and the sound waves were visible to the naked eye, shaking the surrounding rubble.

""Okay, okay, I was overthinking. You will definitely bring changes to the ninja world."

His attitude changed, and the fear in his eyes completely disappeared, as if he knew something.

Fukasaku and Shima were both confused, not knowing what happened.

The big toad stopped laughing, looked at Fukasaku and Shima, and said,

"In the future, if he needs help, Myoboku Mountain will definitely help him with all its strength!"

Fukasaku and Shima were both shocked. They didn't expect the Great Immortal to say such a thing.

This simply put the fate of the entire Myoboku Mountain in his hands.

In all these years, this has never happened before.

Although they were full of doubts, the Great Immortal had already spoken, so they had to obey.

"Yes! Great Immortal!"×2

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