The Anbu is directly under the Hokage and is a special force that only obeys the Hokage's orders.

The entire village is under the surveillance of the Anbu, and all the movements cannot be hidden from them.

It is impossible for Hashirama not to know what he is doing here.

Kazumi is his friend, and if something happens, the Anbu will pass the news to Hashirama as soon as possible. Hashirama is pretending to be confused, so Hoshino Kaede has to explain his purpose.

"Teacher, the caged bird on Kazumi's forehead has been triggered and she is still unconscious. Can you think of a solution?"

Hoshino Kaede blinked, as if she had been wronged. Hashirama coughed twice and said seriously.

"That little girl is in a coma?...Is there such a thing?"

"Come! Go ask the Hyuga clan leader to come over."

This pretentious tone, Xingye Feng rolled his eyes helplessly.

Not long after, footsteps sounded from outside the door. When Hyuga Liufeng walked in, he saw Xingye Feng, his body paused slightly, and then saluted as if nothing had happened.

"Greetings, Hokage-sama!"

Hashirama waved his hand kindly and said,"You are too polite, Hyuga clan leader."

"I wonder why the Hokage asked me to come here?" Hinata Ryufu looked at Hoshino Kaede while speaking. Hashirama said with a smile:"It's nothing serious, it's just that this brat said his friend is unconscious, so he asked me to help see if there is any way."

"But the child is from the Hyuga family, so we asked the clan leader to come and solve the problem together."

Hyuga Ryufeng heard this, looked at Hashirama, then looked at Hoshino Kaede, sighed slightly in his heart, and said

"Kazumi is a member of the Hyuga branch family. It is a blessing for Kazumi to be cared for by the Hokage."

Sure enough, this matter cannot end like this.

The main family dealt with the branch family indiscriminately, which could have minimized the impact.

But Kazumi is not an ordinary member of the branch family.

The elders of the main family thought that Kazumi was a soft persimmon and could be manipulated at will.

But they forgot the factor of Hoshino Kaede.

This is a tricky thing. On one side is the majesty of the main family, and on the other side is the Hokage. It is really difficult to make a decision.

Hashirama waved his hand and said meaningfully.

"As the Hokage, it is understandable that he cares about the people in the village."

"Hyuga clan leader, is that right?"

Hyuga Liuguang sighed inwardly, and after a moment of silence, he smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Lord Hokage is not wrong, but the elders......"

He made it clear, and the meaning was self-evident.

If the main family wants to make trouble, I hope the Hokage can solve this matter.

""Haha, of course, please rest assured, Hyuga clan leader."

Hashirama chuckled.

Hyuga clan leader breathed a sigh of relief. Since there was someone in front of him, it would be easy to deal with.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes.

The elders made the decision directly without consulting him, which put him in a difficult position.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me.......

After a friendly conversation, the Hyuga clan leader left the Hokage's office.

Hoshino Kaede remained silent and looked at the two people quietly.

After everyone left, Hoshino Kaede said dissatisfiedly

"Is that all?"

Hashirama supported his chin with his fingers and smiled,"What else do you want?"

Hoshino Kaede pouted,"I thought I could vent my anger for Kazumi, otherwise I would be unhappy."

"Don't worry, there are many ways to vent your anger." Hashirama's mouth curled up slightly."Kazumi's matter has nothing to do with the Hyuga clan leader."

"The elders of the main family made the decision privately. They will not feel good when they return."

Hearing this, Xingye Feng frowned and said,"But can the Hyuga clan leader suppress the elders?"

"It was impossible before." Hashirama chuckled."But it will be fine as long as I secretly add fuel to the flames."

Hoshino Kaede looked Hashirama up and down suspiciously, which made him feel uneasy.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

"Is this a sinister idea that my beloved teacher came up with?" Xingye Feng was a little skeptical.

"Haha." Hashirama smiled foolishly, looking unintelligent.

Hoshino Kaede couldn't do anything to him. This was not the first or second time he had been so careless. He was used to it.

"What will happen to Kazumi next?"

Xingye Feng asked the question that he was most concerned about.

"Don't worry, the Hyuga clan leader will take care of this matter."Hashirama gave a reply.

Hoshino Kaede didn't say anything else, but he still felt very aggrieved.

Hashirama saw that he was unhappy and touched his head.

"Life is not always smooth sailing, and there will always be things that are not satisfactory."

Xingye Feng raised his head, his eyes were stubborn, and he seemed to disagree.

Hashirama sighed and his tone changed.

"However, if you still feel unhappy, you can do whatever you want, as long as no one dies."

Hashirama's eyes flickered, and he squinted slightly, ready to make a move.

Seeing this, Hashirama shook his head helplessly, and silently lit a stick of incense for the Hyuga clan.

Just as the two looked at each other in silence, Tobirama walked in and said expressionlessly

"Brother, I have checked everything."

"Those people had serious problems. They thought they were doing it carefully, but I still found out."

"The evidence has been collected."

Hashirama's eyes lit up and he said

"That's good. Send these evidences to the Hyuga clan leader. He knows what to do."

Tobirama nodded expressionlessly. He has always been merciless to these village parasites. A flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. If it weren't for his status, he couldn't kill them all at once. Otherwise, he would have started a massacre long ago.

His emotions surged, and Tobirama left with a cold face.

Hoshino Kaede mourned for Hyuga. It was bad luck to be targeted by this person.

But on second thought, if there was no ghost, Tobirama would not have found the opportunity. It was his own fault.

"Teacher, I'll go do my thing first." Hoshino Kaede found a chance to slip away, ready to avenge Kazumi. Hashirama waved his hands with a look of disgust, as if he was shooing away a fly.

Hoshino Kaede walked out of the office with a dark face, and decided not to come again unless it was an emergency.

As soon as he came out, he was surrounded by three people.

Izawa Ikumi raised her fist with a hot temper and said angrily

"What do you think? What did Lord Hokage say? Those guys must be made to pay the price."

Todo Takatora also nodded in agreement. Uchiha

Wang had a blank face, but one could still feel the coldness around him.

He was like a sword, ready to be unsheathed at any time.

Hoshino Kaede was deeply moved and said,"Well, the result is not satisfactory, not good or bad, but it doesn't meet my expectations anyway."

"I'm afraid we have to do it ourselves for Kazumi's matter."

His words stunned everyone.

Uchiha Wang touched his chin and analyzed:"It seems that the Hokage cannot intervene openly, which is expected."

"What do you mean by expected? I think it's partiality!" Izawa Ikumi didn't care about Hoshino Kaede in front of her at all, and said whatever she thought.

Fujido Takatora said slowly:"Maybe...Is there something...unspeakable?"

He is not like Izawa Ikumi who speaks without restraint, so he still has to be careful.

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