For a long while, Xingye Feng carried his brother on his back, still scolding him gently, but his tone was obviously softer and not painful.

"Hui, next time if you feel wronged, you can just say it directly, you don't need to do that kind of thing, okay."

Xingye Hui buried his face in his back, his cheeks slightly red, and said:"I know."

Xingye Feng heard this, chuckled and said jokingly:"After you go back, remember to apply medicine, your butt is as red as a monkey"

"Brother~" Xingye Feng's face looked as if blood could drip out, and he said in a discontented tone.

It was you who beat me up, and beat me so hard.

""Okay, I won't say any more." Xingye Feng understood what he was thinking, but still explained:"I beat you up to shut up some people. You are the first to graffiti the Hokage Rock."

"If he is caught by the Ministry of Public Security, I, your brother, will go and rescue him, and it will also have a great impact on you."

"Therefore, you should think more about the pros and cons when doing things in the future."

Hearing this endless chatter, Hoshino Teru nodded nonchalantly, as a gesture of respect.

Seeing this, Hoshino Kaede shook his head, thinking that he would understand one day.

Hoshino Kaede walked very fast and arrived above the Hokage Rock a moment later. The three members of the new generation of Ino, Shika, and Chou were quite loyal and did not leave. They sat together waiting.

Hoshino Kaede walked over with his younger brother and said,"You haven't left yet."

Seeing Hoshino Kaede, the three of them immediately stood up and saluted, saying,"Lord Hokage."

Then Shikaku scratched his head and said,"Aren't we waiting for Teru?"

He turned his eyes and fell behind Hoshino Kaede. He was startled for a moment and said,"What happened to Teru?"

Hearing this, Hoshino Teru grabbed Hoshino Kaede's collar tightly, with pleading eyes, praying silently.

Feeling the movement behind him, Hoshino Kaede curled the corners of his mouth and said,"He got lost in the forest and accidentally sprained his ankle."

As he said this, he shook his head and sighed,"You're so old, and you still need people to worry about you."

Shikaku looked at it suspiciously, as if something was wrong, but it was right, and then he gave up and said,"Since the Hokage is here, we'll leave first."

Hoshino Kaede smiled and said,"Go ahead, let's forget about skipping classes this time, and don't do it again."

Nara Shikaku laughed twice, scratched his head and said,"You know everything? I can't hide it after all."

Hoshino Kaede laughed and said,"To be honest, I'm the first person to skip classes in Konoha."

The best in Konoha?" Nara Shikaku seemed to be thinking about it, but he didn't think about it deeply, and then he left with the three people.

Hoshino Feng recalled the things in the academy with amusement. At that time, he thought it was a very novel thing, but after entering, he found out that what was taught was just very basic things.

Even ninjutsu was rare, and it was all theory, so he skipped classes at that time and made Ikumi's father angry and complained directly to the teacher.

When he thought of this, Hoshino Feng couldn't help laughing. After sighing for a while, he asked the surrounding Anbu to deal with the matter of Hokage Rock.

Back in the village, Hoshino Feng took his younger brother home, and then told his mother the whole story.

After listening to it, Sakura Kinomoto immediately grabbed her second son's ear and said viciously:"Okay, you are so bold, you dare to do such a thing, do you want to go to heaven?!!"

Hoshino Teru grimaced in pain and begged for mercy, but unfortunately Kinomoto Sakura would not listen. She picked him up and walked upstairs.

Hoshino Feng mourned for his brother for a few seconds, then immediately left.

He was free and strolled in the village, and came to the Uchiha clan.

He had been here before, but he had a very bad impression at that time.

Everyone was so arrogant and thought they were superior to others.

But now it is different. Uchiha Kitajima has good means, and with the full support of the village.

He suppressed some of the diehards and divided some of them, and strengthened the education of the younger generation in the clan.

As a result, the Uchiha's temperament has been restrained in recent years, and their reputation has been getting better day by day.

He could hear all this in the office. It can be said that the Uchiha has really changed.

Looking at the renewed Uchiha, Hoshino Feng said with emotion:"The Uchiha has changed a lot in recent years, at least his temper has improved a lot"

"At this rate, the position of Hokage is not a dream, the chances are great."

After touching his chin, a gentle voice came from behind him, saying

"It is an honor for Uchiha to be praised by the Hokage."

Xingye Feng turned around and saw Uchiha Jing wearing home clothes, with a young man beside him.

"Mirror." Hoshino Kaede teased."It seems that life is quite comfortable after retirement."

Since the internal troubles were resolved, Uchiha Kagami resigned from him, retreated to the second line, and enjoyed life at ease.

Uchiha Kagami smiled gently:"Thanks to the policies of Hokage, the lives of people like us are guaranteed." Hoshino Kaede waved his hand:"Hey, why are you telling me this? I don't want to talk about these things now. It disturbs my good mood."

As he said, his eyes fell on the young man next to him, puzzled

"He is?"

Uchiha Jing smiled dumbly and shook his head:"This is my son, you won't forget him so quickly."

Hoshino Feng looked at him curiously and exclaimed:"When I first met him, he was still a little kid. Time flies so fast."

Uchiha Shimizu stepped forward and saluted politely,"Hello, Lord Hokage."

The corner of Hoshino Feng's eye twitched. Seeing this action and this expression, he couldn't help but look at Jing and signaled with his eyes. Uchiha

Jing said helplessly:"I was very busy before and couldn't take care of him. The child has been with the clan leader since he was a child, so......"

So that's how it is. With Kitajima's personality, it's not surprising that he can develop into this kind of person.

Hoshino Feng nodded, suddenly realizing.

After chatting for a few words, Hoshino Feng suddenly said,"Who do you think can be the fourth generation Hokage?"

Uchiha Jing's smile suddenly froze, and he couldn't breathe in his chest. He coughed wildly, and after calming down for a while, he smiled bitterly and said

"Lord Hokage, I dare not say anything about this matter. Too much talk will lead to mistakes."

Xingye Feng looked at him speechlessly:"I'm just asking, I didn't ask you to decide."

"It's no use asking." Uchiha Jing's heartbeat quickened, and he said in a hurry.

Seeing that Xingye Feng wanted to ask again, he immediately took his son and ran away without giving him any chance.

Now it was Xingye Feng's turn to be depressed, and he sighed and said:"It seems that it is impossible to resign in a short time."

But then he curled his lips and said:"Since resignation is impossible, then arrest a strong man, or a few"

"Danzo is radical and eager for power, but desire can sometimes be a driving force."

"Hiruzen is gentle, skillful, and politically astute."

"Luyi...Forget it. Since I promised him to retire, I won't look for him again."

"Two people are enough, and there won't be any big commotion in Konoha anyway."

Thinking of this, Xingye Feng's heart was burning, and he found a legitimate reason to slack off.

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