Spring goes and autumn comes, and the years pass by. In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed. Xingye Feng took off his Hokage robe, put on simple clothes, changed his appearance, and wandered around the village.

Listening to the gossips of neighbors, teasing the passing children from time to time, with a comfortable and relaxed look on his face.

Starting a year ago, Xingye Feng gradually handed over government affairs to the people below. Unless it was necessary for major matters, he would handle everything else by himself.

As for whether he would be sidelined.......Haha, the Yu Wei of many years is not a vegetarian, unless he does something stupid.

Without the heavy government affairs, my shoulders suddenly feel a lot lighter, and I have plenty of private time. When I have nothing to do, I like to wander around the streets.

"The atmosphere of Konoha is much more lively than before, and the smiles on their faces are from the heart."

Hiroshino Feng wandered among the villagers, glanced at them, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that Gu Jie has done a good job and has implemented everything that should be implemented."

Since the policy of benefiting the people was established, Xingye Feng has not been in charge of it anymore, leaving it all to Gu Jie to do, under the pretext that young people should exercise more and experience more.

Thinking of this, Xingye Feng couldn't help but chuckle and said,"This guy, if you don't push him, he doesn't know how much potential he has."

Shaking his head, he walked into an izakaya and prepared to drink a few sips of wine

""Boss, give me a pot of wine and two side dishes." Xingye Feng called out.

It didn't take long for the wine and dishes to be served.

On weekdays, he likes tea the most, but it's not bad to change the taste with a sip or two of wine occasionally.

Xingye Feng took a sip and couldn't taste anything. He chuckled and sighed:"It seems that tea is still suitable for me. I'm afraid I can't enjoy this wine." As he said this, the person next to him laughed heartily and joked:"Little brother, you have to drink big gulps of wine. You can't taste anything like this."

Hearing this, Xingye Feng looked up at him. He had an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes, but his words were full of heroism. He seemed to be a very straightforward person.

"Brother, it sounds like you come here often. I see that although the wine is cheap, it will cost a lot if you come here more often. Have you made a fortune recently?"

"Hey, what kind of wealth do you want to have? I can't live like this without the Hokage."

He looked tipsy, as if drunk, and waved his hands and smiled.

The izakaya was not big, and the old man's voice was loud, so it could be heard clearly, attracting others to join in.

"That is, now, medical expenses have been greatly reduced, food prices have also dropped, and life is getting better day by day."

"Looking back more than a decade ago, who would have thought that we would be in this day and age." Someone sighed, all with admiration for the Hokage on their faces.

They have all experienced the past and know how big the difference is between the past and the present.

Hearing his sigh, a young man agreed:"Yes, I've heard from my elders at home that Konoha was not better than it is now, and there were people who were hungry everywhere."

At this time, the older brother next to Hoshino Kaede smiled and said,"So, among the three Hokage, the one I admire the most is the current Hokage."

"Only he truly cares about ordinary people like us."

This was a bit bold, but at this moment, the people around him agreed with it.

Hearing these words of praise, Xingye Feng felt inexplicably comfortable in his heart, as if he had taken some panacea.

"Not only that, I heard that some time ago, Lord Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, developed improved seeds that can produce twice as much as before."


"It's so terrifying!!"

Everyone in the pub took a deep breath, and then their expressions became joyful.

After all, food is the first necessity of the people. In today's scarce era, food is hard currency. There are too many people starving to death in the world.

Hearing them talking about Orochimaru, Hoshino Feng couldn't help but bend his eyebrows, and joy came from his eyes.

Orochimaru is indeed a technology fanatic. When it comes to research, no one in the ninja world can match him. It's simply God who feeds him.

High-quality seeds were developed in more than a year, and now they are being promoted in Konoha.

It can be said that there will be no shortage of food in the future.

Hoshino Feng saw their joy in his eyes, but he didn't say anything and listened quietly.

After drinking the last glass of wine, he got up and left.

Strolling on the street, Hoshino Feng didn't know where to go for a while. He wanted to go back directly, but he caught a glimpse of a figure with several people following behind him.

Hoshino Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then muttered,"It seems that I have to teach him a lesson. A childhood without being beaten is not a complete childhood."

After saying this, his face became more and more expectant, and then his eyes rolled, he smiled, and disappeared on the spot

"Hui, are you sure you won't be discovered?" Yamanaka Haiyi followed behind the others and asked anxiously.

"If we get caught, it will be terrible. The teacher will be furious."

Hoshino Teru waved his hands, with an expression that everything was under control:"Don't worry, the shadow clone will not be exposed."

"Besides, do you want to listen to that boring class?"

Hearing this, Yamanaka Hiichi laughed twice. He didn't want to listen.

Nara Shikaku helplessly held his forehead and said,"Hui, you don't want to make trouble, do you?"

There was suspicion in his eyes. He always felt that this guy was going to do something big and dragged them along.

That wise look seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, making Hoshino Hui touch his nose guiltily and said unnaturally

"No way, don't talk nonsense, I'm not that kind of person"

""Haha." Nara Shikaku said calmly, and he looked like he didn't believe it at all.

Seeing this, Hoshino Teru gritted his teeth and told the truth, which shocked the others.

Nara Shikaku shook his head and exclaimed:"You are going to graffiti the Hokage Rock with paint!" Akimichi Choza, who was eating snacks, froze in place for a moment, looking petrified.

Yamanaka Inoichi retreated again and again, saying in horror:"I don't want to, I won't go."

Just kidding, they didn't even dare to think about graffitiing the Hokage Rock.

It was incredible that Hoshino Teru dared to take action.

Seeing that the three people looked scared, Hoshino Teru sneered:"You are scared, it's just the Hokage Rock, what's so surprising, make a fuss."

In a sense, this can be said to be Versailles.

The three people couldn't help but look at him speechlessly.

Nara Shikaku's mouth twitched, sighed and asked:"Why are you doing this, there must be a reason."

Hearing this, Hoshino Teru looked lonely and whispered:"I want my brother to pay more attention to me."

Nara Shikaku helplessly held his forehead:"So, you want to use this method to attract his attention?"

Hoshino Teru nodded:"This is a method I came up with with great difficulty."

The other three looked at each other, this method...It seems like a bad idea.

Nara Shikaku coughed lightly and tried to persuade him:"Hui, if you really do this, it may be very troublesome. Why don't we go back and discuss it."

But Hoshino Hui shook his head and said firmly:"No, I will do it today. I won't cause any trouble to you. I just want you to help me keep an eye on it and leave after I'm done."

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