Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 95 Xia Li's Ninja Sword

"Fuck, where did these guys hide the meteorite? Could it have been picked up by those who wanted to die? No, they can't move it either..." The Mist Ninja cursed while searching.

Suddenly, Mist Ninja seemed to feel something. He looked back, but found nothing. He couldn't help but frowned. Was it an illusion?

The Mist Ninja looked at it carefully and then turned back to continue searching. Little did he know that the real crisis had already arrived.

Xia Li stared at the mist ninja who was searching, and recalled what the other party had just said. Sure enough, he was not coming to Master Craftsman. It seemed that the information was a bit wrong, but it didn't matter.

Holding the handle of the knife, Xia Li also started to form seals. Although the formation of seals slowed down due to the presence of the knife, it was still not too slow.

"Instant Technique."

Xia Li felt the Chakra pouring into the soles of his feet. It was actually the same principle as how he had controlled the Chakra pouring into the soles of his feet before. However, after forming the seal, more chakra was gathered, so the explosion speed was faster.

Following this familiar trend, the instant body technique may soon be able to be used directly without the need for seals.

The next moment, a footprint was left on the ground where Xia Li had stood, and Xia Li had already rushed towards the Mist Ninja at an extremely fast speed.

"Just waiting for you!"

However, the Mist Ninja seemed to have been prepared, and turned around to throw out the kunai in his hand...


Why so fast?

The mist ninja's pupils shrank sharply. Even the teleportation technique shouldn't be so fast, right? Speed ​​system?

Before he had time to throw the kunai, he found that the opponent was already approaching him. At this time, he could only raise the kunai in a panic and block it in front of him. He looked at the opponent's knife that was already slashing towards him, his forehead. My face was already covered with cold sweat, but luckily I caught up.

Xia Li was not surprised when he saw the other party reacting. After all, he was not an ordinary person, especially a mist ninja who had experienced the blood mist...

However, Xia Li still raised his hand and slashed down with his knife.


The moment the long sword and kunai collided, Xia Li realized that his strength was not superior. After all, the age gap was still there. Even a surprise attack could only shorten the gap, but the corners of his mouth were still exposed. A smile appeared.

Because the lightning on the long sword was radiating, the jumping arc was already flowing towards the opponent's body along the Mist Ninja's kunai.

At that moment, the Mist Ninja opened his eyes wide and tried to avoid it, but the lightning spread so fast that it poured into his body in an instant.

The pain and paralysis made it difficult for the Mist Ninja to move. He could only look at the petite masked figure in front of him. He waved the sword again and wanted to beg for mercy, but found that he could not even open his mouth... …

The sword light fell, and a head with a strong color of despair fell to the ground.

After finishing the killing, Xia Li looked at his sword. The effect was better than he imagined, but since it was his first time, he used a little too much chakra. In fact, it seemed that he didn't need to use that much. Chakra.

He still needs to try more, but there are still a few opportunities to try. Xia Li quietly walked towards the next target with the knife in hand.

On the way, he occasionally saw the remaining ordinary people being chased, so he didn't mind helping them, but after helping them deal with the desperadoes, Xia Li didn't care whether they survived or not.

Soon, Xia Li found the second ninja, who still used the teleportation technique plus the acceleration of thunder escape.

However, this time, Xia Li still failed in the experiment, because he directly cut off his head without using the thunder-type Ninja Sword...

After all, Xia Li's teleportation technique plus the acceleration of thunder and lightning are fast enough in themselves. Coupled with the advantage of surprise attack, it is normal for the opponent not to react.

Although he wanted to try his Ninja Sword, Xia Li would not give up the raid just because of this. The main goal now was still to kill the enemy, so he could not relax too much.

After killing the second mist ninja, Xia Li walked towards the location of the third ninja that he sensed together without even stopping.

This time, the opponent finally reacted. Although not as fast as the first one, he still managed to block Xia Li's sword at the last moment.

However, Xia Li used a little less chakra this time, allowing the opponent to use the teleportation technique within a few seconds. The instantaneous burst of speed of the teleportation technique meant that even Xia Li was a speed ninja, and there was no way he could do it in the first place. It took a while to keep up.

However, fortunately, the opponent was not too strong, and Xia Li was still chasing after him with a knife and chopped off his body.

Then, Xia Li couldn't help but frowned. It seemed that grasping this amount was really not a simple matter. It seemed that it required sufficient combat experience...

Xia Li thought about the current shortcomings of his Ninja Sword while rushing towards the next target.


Xia Li stared at the figure of the last ninja. This ninja seemed to have noticed something. It was not because he was very strong, but because he had not met other companions for so long, and he had already noticed something was wrong.

Therefore, at this moment, his spirit was already tense, and he already had the idea of ​​​​escape.

As for Xia Li, after killing nearly ten Mist Ninjas one after another, his mastery of the Thunder Ninja Sword... was still not good enough. Most of these Mist Ninjas were genin, and he couldn't even use the Ninja Sword as a genin, and there were a few others. An ordinary chuunin.

But even for ordinary chuunin, there are not many that Xia Li can solve with his Ninja Sword, so this amount is completely insufficient.

The last ninja in front of him was probably a Chunin, and it seemed that he had already noticed his presence. Under such conditions, hiding in the dark and slowly consuming the opponent's energy was the most energy-saving solution.

Unfortunately, Xia Li had to rush to Tianzang, so this solution was passed by him.

The lightning ninja sword had been used, so let's change it. This time...

Xia Li finally did not choose to sneak attack, but appeared on the top of the tree, looking down at the last Mist Ninja.

The moment the opponent noticed him, Xia Li's figure shook, and then he rushed towards the Mist Ninja at a very fast speed.


The Mist Ninja opened his eyes wide, so fast...

However, the Mist Ninja's heart was also relaxed a little, because ah, the enemy in the dark is always the most terrible, and the enemy who appears in the open means that he has the possibility of dealing with it.

While thinking about the countermeasures to deal with the speed ninja, the Mist Ninja also swung his sword.

However, his thinking was doomed to be useless.

Because, Xia Li's knife fell down, bringing with it invisible and colorless wind. It was the first time that Xia Li used the wind-type ninja sword, and he did not hold back at all. He attached the cutting nature of the wind to the sword body at this moment and exerted it to the maximum.

The power of the wind-type ninja sword also made Xia Li completely unexpected, because he only felt a little resistance, and then his knife continued to fall forward, and the blood splashed everywhere made Xia Li unable to react.

The Mist Ninja looked at his sword that was directly cut off, his eyes widened...

He fell to the ground in disbelief, split in half.

As the culprit, Xia Li was stained with a lot of blood at this time. He himself was also frightened by the power of this sword. He even did not control his body shape when he fell to the end.

It was as if you were going to cut the wooden board in front of you, and when you used all your strength, the wooden board suddenly disappeared, and the resistance was completely gone, and the power you used was too late to come back... It was inevitable that your body would lose control, and there was even a risk of injury.

But Xia Li was definitely not injured. His reaction was not bad, and he still retracted some of his strength in the end.

At this time, Xia Li stared at the body on the ground that he had cut into two pieces, and then felt his current state. He took a breath of cold air at this time. It seems... his path of ninja sword is right!

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