Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 83 The First Mission

After everyone was introduced, Tianzang also told Xia Li how their team could contact each other.

They thought that with a new member, it would take a few days before there would be a mission, but they didn't expect that the first mission after the new member came was issued directly the next day.

Xia Li at home also saw the information about their team's gathering soon. After silently leaving a letter to his mother, he put on a mask, carried the knife on his back, and rushed to the gathering location.

Tianzang looked at Xia Li, who arrived first, and his eyes lit up. It seems that the speed of the quick attack that Xia Li mentioned was not just a casual talk. At least the speed of rushing over was really fast.

After a while, the hyena and the fox also arrived late.

"Everyone is here, so take a look at this mission. It's not the mission I received, but the mission assigned to me. Take a look." Tianzang said, opening a scroll and placing it on the ground for everyone to see.

"Hey, isn't this a mission for novices? Why was it assigned to an elite team like us?" The hyena's dissatisfied voice sounded. The mission for novices means that the reward for the mission is not very high.

"Hyena, there is a newbie in our team." Fox said in a muffled voice. He didn't have any objection, but was relieved. He was not very interested in that kind of dangerous mission, but rather this kind of non-dangerous mission was better...

It seems that Xia Li's joining is not a bad thing, Fox thought, at least in this case, the higher-ups probably won't assign some particularly dangerous missions.

"Well, it seems so..." Hyena looked at Xia Li and nodded, without saying anything more.

Xia Li looked at the mission, his eyes flashed, and then he looked at Tian Zang and asked, "Captain, do we need to act together for such a mission?"

"Yes, as a team, we should act together no matter what the mission is." Tian Zang also gave an accurate answer.

"Okay." Xia Li nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. In his opinion, he could even do this kind of mission alone, because the mission showed that the opponent had no ninja!

Then a jonin and three chūnin were sent for such a mission? Although Hyena and Fox didn't say their own strength, Xia Li could guess that Konoha didn't have so many jonin arranged in one team.

Isn't this a waste?

"Since you think it's too simple, then we should act quickly this time and arrive at the scene within two days to complete the mission." Tianzang said so.

Neither the hyena nor the fox said anything. Xia Li calculated the distance and found that two days was more than enough.

However, the others didn't know that the hyena still said with the usual thinking, "Fox, let Huiya carry you."

"No, let Moying take it." The fox said in a muffled voice. In his opinion, Xia Li was the one who needed to be taken care of the most compared to him.

"I don't need it. I can keep up with the speed." Xia Li said directly after hearing it.

"Fox, you ride Huiya." Tianzang settled down directly. He just saw the speed at which Xia Li rushed over. It was indeed not slow, but he didn't know how strong his physical strength was.

"Yes." The fox didn't object this time. Since the captain said so, he should have his reasons.

"In that case, start to act." Tianzang said, and his figure disappeared on the spot. The hyena and the fox riding Huiya also followed silently.

For the first time, they all deliberately slowed down, and then saw Xia Li behind them acting as if nothing had happened, and slowly sped up.

Even at the back, the hyena had the idea of ​​competing, and rushed forward at a speed faster than usual. Tianzang and the fox followed reluctantly. Did they want to show off their power to the newcomers?

Unfortunately, the hyena's speed was just so-so in Xia Li's eyes. He could now be classified as a ninja with speed and physical strength, so Xia Li quickly followed.

"Maybe the hyena will be embarrassed..." Tianzang watched this scene silently and couldn't help thinking.

As expected, the hyena couldn't support it for a long time at such a speed, and soon became a little out of breath, but the gray fangs holding the fox didn't move. Sure enough, the physical strength of animals is still higher than that of humans.

"Hyena, slow down a bit, I'm a little tired." Xia Li naturally noticed the hyena's panting, and quickly guessed that this was a show of power, and said with some amusement.

"... Slow down, and don't save face for me. I underestimated you. You are very fast and have good physical strength." The hyena could also feel that the other party was giving him a way out, but was he the kind of person who couldn't let go of his face?

However, the other party gave him a way out, and the hyena's attitude towards Xia Li couldn't help but improve.

Xia Li was also a little speechless after hearing this, and then silently evaluated this team higher in his heart. It was indeed a good team, whether it was the captain or the team members.

As for being slightly targeted, should he pretend to be cool and slap his face?

Xia Li was not interested. What he had to do now was to quickly integrate into this team, and then improve his survival index and mission efficiency. What's the point of pretending to be cool and slapping his face...

Tianzang and Fox also smiled when they saw this scene. Although they couldn't see each other's expressions because of the masks, they could feel that the atmosphere between the teams was slightly more harmonious than when Xia Li first came.


Unless it was a particularly urgent task, you still had to rest at night. After all, you also had to ensure the combat effectiveness of the team, and it was not the sooner you arrived, the better.

Tian Zang was also arranging the night shifts, probably the same as usual, Fox was the first in the first half of the night, then Tian Zang was the second in the middle, and finally Hyena was the third on duty until dawn.

Xia Li was not included in this arrangement, probably because it was Xia Li's first time, so no arrangement was made.

"Captain, I am also a perception ninja, and Fox is a medical ninja, so let Fox go to rest, I will be on duty in the first half of the night." Xia Li took the initiative to say.

Fox did not speak, Tian Zang looked at Xia Li and said, "It's not that I don't want to arrange it for you, you can see it, this mission is prepared for you, so you will be the only one to take action later, so I arranged it this way, you just need to rest and wait for the mission to be carried out."

"Captain, I don't think I need special treatment, just follow the most reasonable arrangement." Xia Li and Tian Zang looked at each other.

That's right, the most reasonable ones are Xia Li, Tian Zang and Hyena. Xia Li and Hyena are one for perception and one for reconnaissance, and the last time after the first half of the night is relatively easier to endure. The most difficult and sleepy time is the responsibility of the strongest Tian Zang.

Seeing Xia Li's resolute gaze, Tian Zang's wooden face hidden under the mask could not help but soften a little. Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, Fox, from now on, your duty position will be handed over to Mo Ying."

"Okay." Fox didn't waste any words and handed a piece of wood to Xia Li.

"What is this?" Xia Li was a little confused. He looked carefully and found a button on the wood.

"This is made by the captain. If you press it, an alarm will sound immediately to remind everyone." Fox replied.

"Well, I understand." Xia Li nodded and put away the "alarm".

Then, Tian Zang, Fox and Hyena also went into their sleeping bags to rest, leaving Xia Li alone to guard the fire.

Xia Li looked at the fire in front of him and smiled. This team... is not bad!

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