Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 8 Three Body Techniques

Chapter 8 Three Body Technique

After arriving home, Xia Li looked at the scroll of the Three Body Technique on the table and a piece of chakra paper he bought on the way.

Xia Li took the chakra paper first and input his own chakra into it. Soon, the paper broke in the middle, and the part Xia Li was holding became wrinkled.

"Wind and thunder?" Xia Li nodded when he saw this scene. He was not particularly surprised. His father, whom he had never seen, seemed to have the wind attribute, and Sinai had said before that his attribute was thunder.

So Xia Li successfully inherited the dual attributes of his parents, which was pretty good. He just couldn't remember what bloodstains could be formed by wind and thunder. It seemed that there were none, but even if there were, he didn't plan to try.

After all, no matter how you think about it, trying to fuse bloodstains is tantamount to courting death. After all, if it was so easy to fuse, then bloodstains in this world would not be so rare.

According to Xia Li, the existing bloodstains are all caused by committing suicide or mutation. As for himself, unless he is given a bloodline like Naruto, a medical ninja like Tsunade is always watching him, and he has a physical strength like Might Guy, he will not commit suicide.

However, if these conditions can be gathered, what bloodstains are needed? Just rush in!

As for wind and thunder, it is not bad. Both Rasengan Shuriken and Raikiri are qualified to learn, but Rasengan Shuriken must have enough chakra and Sage Mode, and Raikiri needs enough dynamic vision.

Otherwise, one will hurt the enemy 1,000 and hurt himself 800, and the other will go straight and miss.

Although Sage Mode is in the plan, there is definitely no chance to learn it at present, so pass it first. Dynamic vision basically depends on natural and bloodstains, such as Sharingan and Byakugan.

However, not to mention that Xia Li does not intend to transplant someone else's eyes, transplanting the Sharingan will probably drain Xia Li's chakra directly, and it is unacceptable to go further. The Byakugan is almost the same, but not to mention whether it can be obtained, Xia Li himself is unwilling to get it.

Xia Li thought about it, if the Sage Mode is combined with Raikiri, can this shortcoming be avoided? The Sage Mode should be a comprehensive enhancement, and perhaps there will be dynamic vision. I can try it if I have the opportunity in the future.

The next step is to learn the Three Body Techniques. Xia Li read the scroll of the Three Body Techniques.

The Three Body Techniques are not complicated. Xia Li quickly read them all together with Iruka's annotations.

The Three Body Techniques are divided into the Clone Technique, the Transformation Technique and the Substitute Technique, which are all simple and practical basic ninjutsu.

Among them, the Transformation Technique only requires one seal, the Clone Technique requires three seals, and the Substitute Technique requires five seals, and the difficulty is also divided according to the number of seals.

The learning process is as Xia Li expected. The seal is just a guide, which can better guide the changes in chakra. The most important thing for releasing ninjutsu is the change of chakra.

Each ninjutsu has its own unique chakra changes, so simply knowing the seals is basically not enough to use the corresponding ninjutsu.

So, on the other hand, if you are familiar with the changes in chakra, then you can launch ninjutsu without making seals? Just like those ninjutsu that can be released directly by closing your hands in the later period...

As for the three body techniques, Xia Li plans to learn them all, but the priority of mastering them later is different. It is enough to be able to use the transformation technique proficiently. If there is time, you can practice the clone technique more. Xia Li plans to focus on learning the substitute technique.

After all, this is a simple and very practical ninjutsu, but with five seals, it takes nearly two seconds at Xia Li's current level. If you encounter a speed-type ninja, you may not have time to use it, so you must compress the use time of the substitute technique into one second.

Next, it is time to try it. Xia Li controlled the flow of chakra as described in the scroll and made a seal. At the same time, a figure appeared in his mind.

"Transformation Technique!"

A white smoke rose, and when it fell, a small but graceful woman appeared. Then Xia Li looked at the figure of 'Tifa' in the mirror, and suddenly his face turned red and he cancelled the transformation technique.

Xia Li did not expect that he would succeed at the first time, and Xia Li suddenly felt that maybe he could practice the transformation technique more, ahem.

Xia Li looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. The transformation technique was just like this. He just needed to use it a few more times to get familiar with it. After all, it was just one seal, and it was impossible to simplify it.

Then, different figures appeared in Xia Li's room again and again. Although they were all small, they became more and more exquisite.

Asuna, Misaka Mikoto, Akame...

Time passed quickly. When Sinai came back, Xia Li was already able to use the clone technique and the substitute technique. How should I put it? It seemed much simpler than Xia Li imagined.

Unlike the one seal of the transformation technique, Xia Li was not very proficient in the use of the clone technique and the substitute technique. The change of chakra could not keep up with his original seal-making speed.

But this is not a problem, just practice more and it will be fine.

Xia Li realized at this moment that his talent might be much stronger than he had imagined before. Even if the three-body technique is simple, being able to learn it and successfully use it for the first time is enough to prove his talent.

"So, I am still a genius?"

"Mom, welcome back." After hearing the door open and Sinai's voice, Xia Li also came out of the room and came to the living room to greet.

"Ding ding ding ding!" After seeing Xia Li, Xinai took out a scroll like a show-off, "Little Xia Li, look at what this is!"

"Shadow Clone Technique." Xia Li said calmly.

"Well, it's Shadow Clone Technique, but shouldn't little Xia Li be happier?" Xinai looked at Xia Li's reaction a little boring.

"Well, I'm very happy." Xia Li smiled.

"Hey, here you go, my little adult." Xinai handed the scroll to Xia Li, and then said, "I went to find the teacher, and the teacher also said that Shadow Clone is not suitable for you."

"Well, but I think it's very suitable." Xia Li took the scroll a little excitedly.

"I knew you wouldn't listen to advice, so I still exchanged it, but fortunately it's Shadow Clone. If it were other B-level ninjutsu, it might not be exchanged." Xinai said.

"Why?" Xia Li also became interested after hearing this.

"Teacher said that although the Shadow Clone Technique was developed by Konoha, it was actually learned secretly a long time ago. Other villages also have similar ninjutsu, so there is basically no need to keep it secret. Other ninjutsu are still very precious and are generally not exchanged for people like us who may be exposed." Sinai replied.

Xia Li nodded. This was understandable, but after all, he got the Shadow Clone Technique, and the next learning goal was set.

"By the way, Mom, I won't be home for dinner tonight." Xia Li remembered that he had invited Iruka to dinner, and that he would wander around the village after dinner and should be back later.

"Huh? Why, did little Xia Li dislike mom's cooking so quickly?" Sinai pretended to be depressed and wiped away two non-existent tears.

"Of course not." Xia Li told Sinai what he and teacher Iruka had said.

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