Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 75 Return

After talking about Xia Li's prophecy, the big toad sage seemed to be even more sleepy. He closed his eyes and rested before several people left.

Xia Li and the two sages also withdrew from the hall.

At this time, Shenzuo could not help but say, "Xia Li, don't take the words of the great grandfather too seriously, and perhaps those are also inevitable things for becoming a ninja..."

"Don't worry, grandpa." Xia Li smiled at Shenzuo, indicating that he didn't care.

"That's good." Shenzuo nodded, but his heart was also a little heavy. Although he said that, he also understood that the bloody storm in the mouth of the great grandfather would definitely not be that simple.

"Little Xia Li, don't listen to the old confused words, maybe he just said it casually." Shenzuo Zhijian also said, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Well, thank you grandma."

Xia Li looked at Shenzuo Zhijian. In order not to eat insects over the years, he has tried his best to say those flattering words.

The effect of these is also very good. He now has a very good relationship with Shijianxianren.

Moreover, in fact, Xia Li's praise later was not a lie, because Shijianxianren really valued his craftsmanship. All fruits were carefully selected, and the mixing methods were getting better and better. Even the pickiest people would not find faults in it.

However, this treatment seemed to be only for Xia Li, because Jiraiya had learned about it when he was teaching Xia Li the Rasengan, and he also begged Shijianxianren, but he still did not get Shijianxianren's consent.

Probably because Shijianxianren knew that Jiraiya could eat insects, and even if Xia Li was in front, Shijianxianren still valued his insect dishes more, so he firmly disagreed.

This also made Jiraiya look at Xia Li with envy in his eyes. This is unfair. It was obviously me who came first!

"Hey, three years have passed. Little Xia Li will not come here often after that, right?" Shijianxianren suddenly asked a little disappointedly.

"Grandma, I will come to see you and grandpa often when I have time." Xia Li said.

"Then it's settled. If little Xia Li doesn't come, I will definitely be angry." When the immortal Shima heard this, his eyes lit up, and the immortal Fukasaku beside him also smiled, throwing the prophecy of the great toad immortal aside. In any case, compared with the uncertain prophecy, the little Xia Li who had been with him for three years was more important.

"Well, I will remember it." Xia Li nodded. Anyway, there is a fixed teleportation array here. After the sealing technique is improved, he will also build one in Konoha's home, so that he can go back and forth at any time.

However, at present, Xia Li dare not rush to Konoha with Flying Thunder God. After all, if he does so, Xia Li can't go back. It takes a long time to rush back to Konoha from Myoboku Mountain, even with Xia Li's speed.

"By the way, if you need it, you can use the summoning technique without worry. All the toads here usually have time." Immortal Fukasaku added at this time.

"Yes, that's right, including Bunta. Don't worry, if Bunta doesn't listen, come back and tell me, I'll teach him a lesson!" Shima Sage nodded and said.

"Well, I will." Xia Li smiled. This is the importance of connections, no, clam connections. Although he is not as good as Jiraiya with most toads, he has a good relationship with the two top toads~

"Then, grandpa and grandma, I'm going home." Xia Li said and untied the reverse summoning technique and left Myoboku Mountain.

After seeing Xia Li leave, Fukasaku and Shima Sage looked at each other, both of them were a little emotional. Although they just said that, they would not come every day like before.

In the past three years, in fact, not only the two of them have become accustomed to Xia Li's existence, all the toads on Myoboku Mountain know that there is a hard-working human on Myoboku Mountain. It can be said that because of Xia Li, the atmosphere on Myoboku Mountain has worked hard.

Konoha, Xia Li's home.

Xia Li pushed open the door, stretched his body, and smiled as he felt the explosive power coming from his body. Finally, the three-year basic training was over. During the period of rapid development, although he could not stop training completely, he did not need to work as hard as he did in the previous three years.

And what kind of height would he reach after three years of hard work? Xia Li was a little curious, but he had to meet the third generation first.

At this time, Xia Li suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The Anbu who was hiding in the tree and staring at this place was shocked. He finally waited for Xia Li to come back, but he lost him directly?


The next moment, a voice came from behind, and the Anbu's face hidden under the mask was completely frozen. After all, he was a Chunin, right? How could he be approached without any reaction?

In other words, if the other party wanted to kill him, he would be dead...

At this time, cold sweat broke out on the Anbu's head.

"You can't be so relaxed when guarding. You have been guarding for three years, so do you think nothing will happen?" Xia Li said as he looked at the Anbu who turned around.

The Anbu didn't answer anything, and was also reflecting on whether he was really too careless.

The answer is that he was indeed careless, but even if he was careless, he couldn't deny that the ten-year-old boy in front of him was powerful, perhaps even more powerful than a Chunin?


Did Xia Li's words show that the other party had actually discovered him three years ago? Anbu really didn't know what to say. Fortunately, he was sent by the master of the other party of the third generation. Even if he was discovered, there was no danger. At this time, facing Xia Li's words, he could only nod his head.

"I know."

"Well, please tell the third generation that I'm back and I want to go to see him." Xia Li said at this time. He originally pulled out the Anbu for this.

"Okay." Anbu nodded. In fact, he wanted to say that you can just go there by yourself, no need to notify, but he didn't dare to say so.

Moreover, Anbu didn't dare to treat the boy in front of him as an ordinary little guy. After all, the strong are respected. The other party has the ability to kill him easily, so he must be able to get his respect. Xia Li's reasonable request will naturally not be rejected.

Anbu also left quickly, and Xia Li returned to the ground, walking leisurely in the village, looking at the familiar streets and familiar faces, a bit like yesterday's time.

Soon, Anbu also rushed over with the answer of the third generation.

"Master Xia Li, the Third Hokage asked you to go directly." The Anbu had already used a respectful title for Xia Li, which was the right of the strong.

"Okay." Xia Li walked towards the Hokage's office building, which was not far away.

Soon, Xia Li walked into the Hokage's office without any obstacles and saw the Third Hokage who was still working.

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