Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 73 Ability

The cheating that Xia Li felt was not that a system suddenly appeared to increase his reaction ability to the maximum, but that his current perception ability was equivalent to cheating. During the battle, as long as you still have chakra in your body, you will be sensed by Xia Li.

And this feeling is like opening a global vision. Originally, after Flying Thunder God teleported to the position of Kunai, he needed to judge his position and the opponent's position in a very short time to facilitate the attack.

But with a global vision, Xia Li did not need to judge the opponent's position at all, because even after Flying Thunder God teleported, the opponent's position was always determined in Xia Li's perception. Even if the positions of both parties changed, as long as it did not exceed his perception range, he could accurately know the position between him and the enemy at the first time.

Therefore, Xia Li's Flying Thunder God only needed to consider how to attack after the transfer, skipping the judgment process.

And this was equivalent to cheating.

In such an occasion, this simple perception is even more useful than the Byakugan of the Hyuga family! After all, the Byakugan still has to go through the process of "seeing", and the instantaneous change of vision is not so easy to adapt to.

In the past three years, Xia Li's change is mainly in the basic aspect. He has already laid this foundation very solid. But if we talk about the aspect where Xia Li has made the greatest progress...

That must be perception. It should be said that Xia Li's perception has been progressing rapidly, as if there is no end.

Thanks to perception, Xia Li was able to learn Flying Thunder God so quickly, and it is also because of perception that Xia Li can now even sense natural energy without entering the state of emptiness.

After entering the state of emptiness, natural energy is even more clearly visible to Xia Li.

For a while, Xia Li couldn't help wanting to let the Immortal Fukasaku watch him, and he tried to absorb natural energy.

As a result, of course, he was severely rejected by the Immortal Fukasaku, and he almost summoned Jiraiya to teach Xia Li a lesson. After all, can natural energy be tried casually? What if the natural energy is swallowed up because it cannot be suppressed?

Will he die if he tries?

Under the firm opposition of the Immortal Shen Zuo, Xia Li extinguished this idea again. In fact, it was not the first time that he had such an idea, because in his perception, natural energy might not be as uncontrollable as the Immortal Shen Zuo said?

But Xia Li had never learned to absorb natural energy, and those stone statues showed that absorbing natural energy was full of risks, so for the sake of safety, it was better to be a little bit wretched and wait until the safety line was reached before trying.

And Xia Li's current state of emptiness and meditation can move a little, at least normal walking and communication are no problem.

Xia Li still remembers the incredulous look of the Immortal Shen Zuo when he was walking in the state of emptiness and meditation. If the Immortal Da Toad had not woken up, Xia Li suspected that the Immortal Shen Zuo would have dragged him directly to see the Immortal Da Toad.

And the progress of the state of emptiness and meditation also accelerated the progress of other aspects. For example, the shadow clone kept the state of emptiness and meditation when reading, which not only exercised the state of emptiness and meditation, but also absorbed knowledge efficiently enough.

It can be said that Xia Li is now a very comprehensive ninja, although theoretically, he has not graduated from the ninja school...

As for ninjutsu.

Xia Li now has permission to use the Rasengan, because when his chakra reached the level of Chunin, Jiraiya came to Myoboku Mountain and taught Xia Li the Rasengan.

Then, Xia Li only took half a day to "learn" the Rasengan, which made Jiraiya look a little dazed.

So, is this the difference in talent? No wonder Minato was so perfunctory when he showed off to Minato after learning the Rasengan. It turned out that in Minato's opinion, his talent was not enough?

Although Xia Li had already learned the Rasengan, in fact, Xia Li did not spend much time learning the Rasengan. He never took the initiative to learn it. Instead, after reaching the level of chakra control and knowing the principle of the Rasengan, he naturally wanted to use it.

Jiraiya left with a look of disappointment after teaching Xia Li the Rasengan, as if it was difficult for him to accept that his talent was "very poor".

As for other ninjutsu, Xia Li only needs one seal for the Substitution Technique now, and can even use it without seals when concentrating, which is very useful. Although it can only be used before being hit, as an E-level ninjutsu, it is already useful and practical enough.

In terms of wind escape, Xia Li also took the time to learn the wind escape - vacuum wave and some of its variations, such as vacuum jade. Yes, in Xia Li's opinion, vacuum wave is the most capable of reflecting the power of wind cutting. Vacuum jade pursues the overall power, but Xia Li thinks it is unnecessary.

The lethality of vacuum wave plus the cutting nature of wind is terrifying enough. It can be said that it has become Xia Li's strongest means of attack. Even Rasengan is inferior to it, but Rasengan has its advantage of no seals, and can condense instantly to attack, so each has its own advantages.

In terms of lightning escape, Xia Li finally figured out Raikiri, but the use of Raikiri was not so smooth.

Although there is a cheating method called perception that can know the opponent's position, it is not like Flying Thunder God after all, which basically does not give the opponent time to react. Even if Raikiri is very fast, the opponent can still react and dodge.

Xia Li has also tried it. If the opponent adjusts, although Xia Li perceives the opponent's position very clearly, the speed is too fast and Xia Li sometimes has no time to adjust. In other words, even if he adjusts slightly, he may overdo it. After all, the speed is there.

Of course, even so, Xia Li who cheated can still use Raikiri. Although it is difficult to adjust, it will not be used by the enemy in turn. It can be said that although Raikiri's shortcomings have not been completely overcome, the most deadly The shortcomings are gone.

However, Xia Li certainly would not be satisfied with this. He also had some ideas in his mind, but he had not yet had time to experiment.

After all, he also learned Raikiri secretly. It is best not to use it without permission. Now other methods are sufficient and there is no shortage of Raikiri.

The rest is Fire Release.

Yes, Xia Li also learned some basic fire escape. Although he does not have fire attributes, the use of ninjutsu does not require these, but the power of fire escape used by Xia Li without fire attributes is much lower.

But it doesn't matter. He only learned these to cooperate with the toad oil of the toad psychic beast later. He only needs to be responsible for igniting it and that's almost enough.

Of course, it would be better if his body slowly precipitated fire attributes with the use of Fire Release.

"Old man, old man, that old guy woke up!"

At this time, Immortal Shijian rushed towards this side and shouted.

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